With such armor on his body, he is naturally stable, without any serious injuries.
Quickly standing on his feet, he kept his eyes on, and looked down at his armor. There were holes in it.
Meng Tian’s sword was very quick and full of strength, almost severely injured him, leaving him covered with scars.
Fortunately, he was protected by armor. Zhao Xingzhi only suffered from chest pains, but was not injured by bleeding. It was a blessing.
Sweating profusely, frightened into a cold sweat, then Zhao Xingzhi continued to rush up, and then attacked quickly.
The sword in his hand was fast, he struck up quickly, and intercepted Meng Tian’s second sword.
The sword blades collided with each other, so that Meng Tian’s second sword did not stab Zhao Xingzhi’s body.
With a slight smile, he walked up triumphantly, and Zhao Xingzhi shouted, “Look at me beheading you!”
The sword in Zhao Xingzhi’s hand was clenched with both hands, and it was cut on Meng Tian’s head so quickly.
Facing the fierce sword, his figure still stands here indifferently, Meng Tian doesn’t need to hide.
For him, after dodging, it will lower morale and lose momentum, absolutely not.
Standing here without moving your feet.
Then Meng Tian continued to swing a sword, blocking Zhao Xingzhi’s aggressive attack.
Chapter 636 Dazzling new sword skills!
Meng Tian didn’t change his face, he came in a hurry like a rainbow, and got entangled with Zhao Xingzhi.
The sword mark in his hand is fierce, but it will take a while to kill Zhao Xingzhi! Meng Tian continued to stab the sword.
The sword edge was rampant, and it fell on Zhao Xingzhi’s body continuously, opening and closing in a hurry.
This kind of attack is fierce, even full of unusual gestures, like a violent storm.
For a moment, Zhao Xingzhi couldn’t see Meng Tian’s sword, because there were afterimages of the sword’s edge everywhere.
In a panic, not daring to meet the enemy, Zhao Xingzhi could only protect his body with his sword edge.
Meng Tian’s attack was very powerful, even one sword was soul-stirring, and two swords were earth-shattering, it could be called a lore.
Hitting hard, approaching, Meng Tian’s sword edge is flowing, making it difficult for people to guard against.
After seeing this scene, Zhao Xingzhi had no choice but to continue to retreat and avoid the sword.
Otherwise, let such Jian Feng continue to chase and kill, I am afraid that Zhao Xingzhi will die in his hands!
Meng Tian’s ability is so strong, he can kill enemies on the battlefield, and he is invincible. Naturally, ordinary people can’t stop Meng Tian.
Therefore, when he came quickly, the surrounding soldiers also swarmed to stop Meng Tian.
The weapons in their hands struck hard, and they greeted Meng Tian’s body one after another.
This attack is so fierce, few people can hardly stop Meng Tian, ​​they are inseparable, evenly matched.
Several soldiers rose together, surrounded bySurrounding Meng Tian from all directions, Zhao Xingzhi had enough chance to breathe.
He started quickly, attacking in a hurry, Zhao Xingzhi was not to be outdone, and wanted to take the lead.
Under the cover of so many soldiers, Zhao Xingzhi believed that he would be very brave and fierce.
So, he came in big strides, and continued to fight to his heart’s content, his strength was full of earth-shattering momentum.
With a loud shout, he came quickly, and the sword in Zhao Xingzhi’s hand stabbed Meng Tian impatiently.
When fighting with Zhao Xingzhi, Meng Tian was cautious and did not dare to be careless, because he knew that Zhao Xingzhi was very vicious.
Especially since this guy came so quickly and released all his strength in one go.
hum! Zhao Xingzhi’s sword was very fast, directly stabbing Meng Tian’s chest abruptly, in a hurry.
But he was not afraid, but turned around quickly, and Meng Tian avoided Zhao Xingzhi’s sword.
As soon as the sword edge stabbed in the air, Meng Tian charged forward immediately, knocking Zhao Xingzhi away.
Not only him, but even Zhao Xingzhi’s soldiers next to him were knocked out one by one and fell to the ground in embarrassment.
Several soldiers are not as powerful as Meng Tian, ​​he is indeed the great general beside Ying Zheng!
Running with big strides and attacking quickly, Meng Tian opened his arms and pushed the guys away easily.
Zhao Xingzhi’s soldiers are simply weak and unable to get any advantage in front of Meng Tian.
With a quick attack, Meng Tian punched several Zhao Xingzhi to the ground.
So, rushing up quickly, Meng Tian stood in front of Zhao Xingzhi and grabbed his arm.
Grabbing Zhao Xingzhi, Meng Tian immediately raised his hand and suppressed him under his sword!
In the face of criminal officials, there is no need to show mercy, Meng Tian raised his knife and wanted to kill Zhao Xingzhi directly.
This daring guy, as the sheriff of Anyang County, wants to chase and kill Ying Changge, what a treason!
Meng Tian’s sword was tightly held in his hand, aiming at his neck, he was about to chop it off with all his strength, with a menacing aura.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・・・・・・・・
Zhao Xingzhi yelled nervously, and the soldiers next to him also quickly followed up to help.
The reinforcements came, and Zhao Xingzhi’s soldiers immediately blocked Meng Tian’s sword.
The sword edge was blocked, Meng Tian’s attack was immediately resolved, and he could only raise the sword edge once to attack.
The power in his hand is so fast, with a quick blow, the sword edge is steady and stabs straight.
Zhao Xingzhi saw his own danger, and then calmly blocked Meng Tian’s sword.
………. . . . . . . .
The sword edge was rampant, and they came in an endless stream. Meng Tian obviously only stabbed with a sword, but it was like many swords.
The sword edge left afterimages one by one, making Zhao Xingzhi and his soldiers dazzled.
Quickly counterattacked and continued to attack, they continued to rush up and kill Zhao Xingzhi persistently.
It’s a pity that under such an attack, everything is useless, with indescribable bravery and stamina.
Snapped! Meng Tian’s sword is to hurt people, this is the killing technique on the battlefield, very fierce.
Anyone who is an enemy of Meng Tian will die under the sharpness of his sword and cannot survive.
Whether it is Zhao Xingzhi or his soldiers, they are just a mob, and it is difficult to stop Meng Tian.
He stands out from the crowd, Meng Tian’s every move is full of murderous intent, it is difficult for ordinary people to be hostile.
Even if such a fight came up, they would die and be injured under such a burst.
Ying Changge still stood motionless not far away, he was very relieved of Meng Tian.
With Meng Tian leading the army to attack, it will be impossible for one man to control the situation and completely control the situation here.
Chapter 637 The figure staggers back!
He continued to attack unscrupulously, and Meng Tian was in a hurry to suppress the enemy army in one go.
The confident Meng Tian also stayed not far away, his expression was calm, patiently waiting for the result.
Isn’t it very stupid for Zhao Xingzhi to want to fight Meng Tian?
As long as Meng Tian continues to attack, this group of people will be wiped out, especially Zhao Xingzhi.
This traitor, still not crying when he saw the coffin, tried his best to kill Ying Changge and Meng Tian.
The surrounding soldiers all stopped in front of Meng Tian, ​​as if they wanted to take Meng Tian down, but he was not afraid.
“Seven five seven” Because Meng Tian is not fighting alone, he is followed by loyal soldiers.
They came in groups and easily blocked Zhao Xingzhi’s soldiers, and the two fought against each other.
There was a bang, punches and kicks, unscrupulous attacks, and the fight between them was also very brave.
If it wasn’t for this violent outburst, Meng Tian would not have been able to take advantage of the chaos to win, he came quickly.
Chattering released his sword edge, the cold air approached, and came directly in front of him.
Zhao Xingzhi was slightly flustered when he saw the gloomyness of the sword’s edge, but he still reluctantly confronted the enemy.
Snapped! The sword edge was smashed into his hand, and he continued to attack in an endless stream, just to kill the opponent.
Even the sword edge in his hand trembled, but Zhao Xingzhi still grabbed it seriously.
Holding the sword in both hands, Zhao Xingzhi came in a hurry, and came behind Zhao Xingzhi with strides.
With a quick attack, the sword edge waved down and hit Meng Tian in front of him forcefully.
This sword can be seen to be very powerful, but Zhao Xingzhi’s strength cannot be compared with that of Meng Tian.
Meng Tian fought on the battlefield all the year round, and Meng Tian’s abilities were forcibly honed, which is not what it used to be.
But what about Zhao Xingzhi! The sheriff of Anyang County just knows how to eat, drink and do nothing.
After indulging in wine and sex, Zhao XingZhi has already abandoned his own martial arts, and has not led troops all year round.
Under such entanglement, Zhao Xingzhi’s sword looks majestic, but it is actually a bluff.
It is impossible for Meng Tian to be killed by a sword with a superficial appearance, and he is firmly on guard.
Hitting the sword forward with all his strength, he attacked quickly and struck swiftly, making the first strike the better.
Under such a fight, Zhao Xingzhi’s sword edge was hit back, making his figure stagger back.
Unhurriedly stabilizing his figure, Zhao Xingzhi continued to attack, intending to kill Meng Tian.
Otherwise, with Meng Tian’s obstruction, Ying Changge will be very safe, and Zhao Xingzhi will not be able to handle him at all.
Come quickly, attack with all your strength, the sword in Zhao Xingzhi’s hand does not stop, and continues to attack.
He was entangled with Meng Tian’s figure, and then he quickly struck and slapped his sword.
The sword’s edge was rampant, coming in a continuous stream, and all the swords hit Meng Tian’s body, one after another.

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