He only knew a thing or two about Ke Changsheng, so the priest didn’t answer too many questions.
Ying Changge never expected that the feelings of the Longevity Sect were so weak, and he couldn’t answer anything about the leader.
The priest’s expression was very sincere, even so loyal, “I’ve said everything I know.”
“I beg you, hold your hands high and let me go! Otherwise, I will attract attention if I leave for too long.”
“What is this!” Ying Changge smiled indifferently, “Are you threatening me!”
“You are just a small priest, you are not in my eyes at all, you can go!”
Ying Changge waved his hand impatiently, just to let the priest leave as soon as possible, he didn’t want to know too much.
Especially this priest is so useless, he doesn’t know any problems, and it’s useless to keep him.
The priest thanked him very much, then nodded, and got up very humblely, ready to leave this place.
He raised the dagger in his hand, which was a very sharp weapon that had been hidden by him.
So, impatient to strike, the priest stabbed hard at Ying Changge’s chest.
What a sinister and cunning fellow, in order to kill himself, he is willing to be so humble.
Ying Changge had been on guard for a long time. He looked at this sacrificial priest with a mouse-eyed look, and he didn’t seem like a good thing.He immediately fought back, raised the back of his hand, and Ying Changge firmly grabbed the priest’s arm.
The dagger was close in front of him, and it could pierce him, but he never expected to miss it.
There was a look of sincerity and fear on the priest’s face, and then he smiled slightly, “‘ 〃 Misunderstanding!”
“Young master, I was impulsive, so don’t blame me!”
Hearing the meaning of the priest’s apology, Ying Changge shook his head indifferently, “You are very wrong.”
“Do you think I will let you go! As a priest of the Longevity Sect, you are helping the evildoers and the tigers!”
In particular, the priest dared to raise a dagger to attack him, which made Ying Changge even more murderous.
But everyone who was unfavorable to Ying Changge got the punishment they deserved for their crimes.
So, looking at the priest (Wang Dezhao) in front of him, Ying Changge raised his hand to fight back without hesitation.
boom! The fist hit him hard on the head, and the priest staggered to the ground with a bruised nose and a swollen face.
Unexpectedly, Ying Changge was so skilled that he easily blocked his own dagger.
what a pity! So he continued to attack, clutching the dagger tightly, got up again and came towards Ying Changge.
In order to kill Ying Changge, the priest spared no effort, he is a vicious guy, he will use any means.
He came non-stop, stabbing hard with the blade of the sword in his hand, just to pierce Ying Changge’s heart.
Ying Changge is so powerful that he doesn’t even need to use his sword to fight against the enemy.
Chapter 510 You chase after me, you fight against me!
Quickly fighting and continuing to attack, the sword in his hand has already stabbed the ground swiftly and bravely.
The sword almost pierced the priest’s foot, and the priest’s figure trembled in fright, and he staggered back.
When the steps were staggered, Ying Changge’s figure approached in front of the priest, clenching his fists.
This fist was so fast, it hit the priest’s nose again, blood sprayed, and the blood spattered for five steps.
He quickly covered his nose, but the blood on the priest’s nose was still flowing down.
The continuous dripping immediately dyed the priest’s clothes red, and he was very frightened.
“It’s unreasonable, do you know where this place is! This is the Taoist temple of the Longevity Sect!”
The sacrificial righteous words are even more fierce, “You will not be able to escape the capture of the Longevity Sect.”
“You guys have already violated the tenets of the Longevity Church, and you will definitely be executed 617!”
Holding up his own dagger, the priest’s eyes were so vicious, “If you surrender now, you still have a chance to survive.”
“Otherwise, I will let many believers dismember you into pieces!”
Hearing what he said, the smile on Ying Changge’s face became even more indifferent, “It’s very interesting!”
“Do you think your Longevity Cult is invincible in the world! Then let’s have a good contest!”
Clenching his fists, Ying Changge looked at the priest and scolded, “If you can kill me, it will represent your justice!”
“Otherwise, I will wipe out the Longevity Sect, and you are among them, no exception!”
After hearing such words, the sacrifice was naturally unbearable, so he immediately acted.
He came quickly, came to Ying Changge, and swung the dagger in his hand vigorously.
The dagger is light and unpredictable, and it can always stab such fighting and attacking continuously.
Knowing the opponent’s every move for a long time, Ying Changge is experienced in many battles, and his practice makes perfect.
When the priest moved, Ying Changge followed closely, and he swung his fist quickly.
It is very simple for Ying Changge to win the blade with bare hands, but Ying Changge disdains it.
He just wanted to play around with the priest and let the other party know how strong he is.
Can’t wait to attack, fight aggressively, Ying Changge is like a tiger descending the mountain, so powerful.
boom! Hitting hard with the fist, avoiding the sacrificial dagger, this is a swift attack.
Even a sacrificial priest is hard to guard against. He swung the dagger quickly, trying to seriously injure Ying Changge.
However, Ying Changge’s fist was even faster, and he took a step ahead of the dagger, hitting him in the face.
The priest was repelled all at once, his face was already covered with scars and bruises everywhere.
Forcibly enduring, the priest was not to be outdone, and always continued to attack, and continued to swing the dagger.
Such a light dagger was very fast, aimed at Ying Changge’s body and continued to stab.
A sharp (afej) dagger can pierce a person’s heart, but it cannot hurt a single hair of Ying Changge.
Because Ying Changge’s ability is so strong, he can always block such attacks with endless chatter.
When the sacrificial dagger was close in front of him, Ying Changge had already taken the first step to guard against it.
His fist was flexible, hitting the priest’s wrist, causing the dagger to change direction immediately.
The dagger failed to stab Ying Changge’s body, but passed him by and fell aside.
After the blow was missed, the priest continued to charge up, not to be outdone, holding the dagger tightly and refusing to let go.
In order to kill Ying Changge, the priest spared no effort, and he continued to fight bravely.
With continuous attacks and quick shots, the dagger drew a series of afterimages, which were very bright.
It would be a funny thing for Ying Changge if he was scratched by the sacrificial dagger.
How could he be injured by a mere priest of the Longevity Sect!
With a dexterous figure and quick steps, Ying Changge circled around the priest.
Even if the priest wanted to kill Ying Changge, the sword in his hand had no chance to fight back.
The weapon in your hand is so fast, stabbing at once, It must be able to tear apart.
Can’t wait to chase after Ying Changge, the dagger in the priest’s hand is always attacking, and he won’t put it down at all.
Chasing after each other, fighting against each other, Ying Changge confidently fought against the priest and continued to deal with it.
Already approaching the priest step by step, Ying Changge, who was fighting with him, was always in the air, with a dashing figure.
Like a dancing butterfly, the dagger held by the priest would never be able to stab Ying Changge.
Unscathed, Ying Changge continued to walk, like a nimble fox, playing around with the priests.
Staring at Ying Changge intently, the priest finally stopped, holding his dagger helplessly.
Panting and sweating profusely, the priest of the Longevity Sect was just a guy who ate and drank, ignorant.
In front of martial arts masters like Ying Changge, the humble priest is like an ant, and has no chance.
Chapter 511: The Priestess Zhou Xuan, Kick Out!
After fighting with Ying Changge for such a long time, the priest has become weaker and weaker.
He raised the dagger in his hand and looked down. It was clean and there was no blood on it.
This also shows that Ying Changge was unscathed, because the priest stabbed him many times.
After more than a dozen rounds of fighting, the priest couldn’t even grab the hem of Ying Changge’s clothes. It’s really a pity.
Tired and exhausted, he stood where he was, and the priest stared at Ying Changge intently, with an angry expression on his face.
Frustrated and furious, he wished he could rush up and poke Ying Changge out of ten or eight holes right now.
However, Ying Changge, who is highly skilled in martial arts, would not be injured. He still stood in front of the priest calmly and calmly.
“It is you who should be arrested. As a priest of the Longevity Sect, you have already committed many crimes.”
Ying Changge pointed at the priest’s nose, “You die as soon as possible, or recruit your accomplices.”
“In this way, your crime can be lessened, what do you think!” Ying Changge smiled.
Hearing what Ying Changge said, the priest was naturally not to be outdone, he was very angry, “Impossible!”
“I am loyal to the Longevity Cult, how could I admit my crime! I must kill you!”
Persevering in his obsession, he continued to rush up chattering, just to kill Ying Changge and his party.
Only in this way can the priest know that he can protect the Longevity Cult instead of being destroyed by Ying Changge.
Although he didn’t know who Ying Changge was, he could tell that the priest couldn’t be hostile to him.
In particular, Ying Changge’s appearance is indeed very similar to the statue enshrined by the Longevity Sect, and there is something strange about it.

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