Running fast, holding the sword and walking non-stop, Cao Kong has no intention of killing Ying Changge.
But Ying Changge won’t sit idly by, he will continue to chase out so that he can kill Cao Kong.
Hunting down Cao Kong without sparing any effort, Ying Changge ran so fast that he only left an afterimage.
Continuing to leave through the back door, Cao Kong opened the door at once and came to the back alley of his mansion.
There is no one here, as long as Cao Kong runs rampant, he can escape from the net immediately.
Chapter 489 Just killing time!
Otherwise, leave Cao Kong alone, where can he escape to! He was bound to be chopped into pieces.
Seeing the horse, Cao Kong climbed up on the rope, rode on the horse and quickly ran towards the street.
Ying Changge has always been a very fierce pursuit, his steps are quick, and he immediately saw Cao Kong.
This insidious and cunning Cao Kong got on his horse and escaped like this! Really without any backbone.
Sparing no effort and running fast, Ying Changge was getting closer and closer to Cao Kong’s figure.
Although Cao Kong rode away on horseback, Ying Changge continued to approach Cao Kong with his own body skills.
A horse has four legs, so it naturally runs fast, but Ying Changge’s martial arts skills cannot be ignored.
Riding fast in the streets and alleys, Cao Kong’s figure was getting farther and farther away from his mansion.
On the contrary, it was Ying Changge, who immediately jumped over the eaves and walls, and quickly searched for Cao Kong.
Holding a sword in one hand and walking quickly with both feet, Ying Changge continued to pursue behind Cao Kong.
The pursuit is endless, the hunt is endless, Ying Changge’s figure is so fast that he can catch up to Cao Kong’s horse.
After seeing this scene, Cao Kong became even more flustered. He continued to charge and ride fast.
Holding the reins tightly with both hands, Cao Kong bravely continued to charge forward, trying to get rid of Ying Changge.
Cao Kong ran in front, and Ying Changge chased after him. Under such a fight, Cao Kong was panicked.
He was afraid that he would die like this, so Cao Kong rode on the horse, flustered and in a hurry.
Under Ying Changge’s pursuit, Cao Kong was very frightened, he didn’t know what to do.
If Ying Changge is allowed to continue to catch up, Cao Kong can be beheaded and his body left in a different place.
Otherwise, Cao Kong could not be killed, how could Ying Changge explain to Ying Zheng! How to deal with the burnt Efang Palace!
He ran away as much as he wanted, and couldn’t wait to ride his horse so that he could quickly leave the place of right and wrong.
Ying Changge came quickly, flying over the eaves and walls, and he was getting closer and closer to Cao Kong’s horse.
Even if Cao Kong fled like this, the horses under him didn’t have much chance.
Fleeing in the streets and alleys, the horse’s range of movement is limited, and it is impossible to get rid of Ying Changge.
On the contrary, Ying Changge’s figure was so fierce, he continued to chase and kill Cao Kong dexterously, without stopping.
The figure was approaching so quickly, Cao Kong felt it, and when he looked back, he found Ying Changge.
The figures of the two were getting closer, and Cao Kong, who was holding a sword, was even more fierce.
It’s over! It’s all over! Cao Kong was very flustered, he continued to slap his horse’s ass and hurried on his way.
The horses are so fast, but after encountering the crowds in the streets, they cannot pass smoothly.
The horse under the crotch has spirituality, and after seeing many people, it cannot be trampled directly.
Cao Kong continued to urge the horse to continue charging, but there were many people in front of the horse.
Among the crowds, the horses could not move forward, they could only stand still and howl.
“Naughty animal! Give it to me~‖!” Cao Kongyong patted the horse vigorously, trying to let the horse rush through the crowd.
The big deal is to trample all the people in this street to death! Cao Kong didn’t care so much.
Because there were many people in front of Cao Kong, the horses did not move forward, and they were immediately blocked here.
“Bastard! Go for me!” Cao Kong slapped his horse vigorously, but there was no result.
The horses stood still.
In desperation, Cao Kong could only abandon his horse, and then tried to leave quickly.
Turning over and dismounting, he immediately fled from the crowd. Cao Kong charged forward quickly with his sword in hand.
“‘ 〃 Make way for me! Die for me!” Cao Kong raised his sword and quickly slashed in front of him.
These people gathered in the streets and alleys, they were just shopping to pass the time!
Never expected that there would be a Cao Kong fighting with his sword in such a way that several civilians were seriously injured.
They fell to the ground in a panic, bleeding all over the ground, shouted in horror and then retreated.
The people were frightened and gave Cao Kong a way, and Cao Kong, who was holding a knife, could continue to escape.
He was so aggressive and so quick that he quickly left the street and alley, trying to leave.
Otherwise, if he was really caught by Ying Changge, Cao Kong would be (the king’s) dead end, with no chance of survival at all.
So, holding the knife in his hand, Cao Kong continued to fight the few people in front of him.
People were beheaded one by one, and they fell to the ground and died like this.
Cao Kong, who killed innocent people indiscriminately, was really vicious. He hacked and killed people one by one like this.
Without any evasion, the rampant Cao Kong had already escaped to the middle of the street.
There is still a lot of distance from the city gate, which makes it impossible for him to leave the city quickly.
As long as he leaves the city, Cao Kong will be able to escape Ying Zheng’s control, so there will be no danger.
Chapter 490: The Winner Is Sure, I Can Escape!
The panting Cao Kong alsoAs he continued to escape, he pushed and shoved many crowds, without stopping.
Such a swift figure is difficult to capture at all, Cao Kong felt that he had the chance to win and would be able to escape.
It’s just a pity that Ying Changge was never thrown off by Cao Kong, and he continued to chase and kill Cao Kong.
Cao Kong, who gave up his horse and traveled on two legs, could not escape from Ying Changge’s grasp at all.
Continuing to rampage, kicking away a few people who blocked the way, Cao Kong was getting closer and closer to the city gate.
Ying Changge, who was flying over the eaves and walls, continued to leap from the wall, and his figure was continuous.
Quickly jumped to the roof, and then Ying Changge swooped down, jumping onto Cao Kong’s body.
boom! Kicking Cao Kong to the ground with one kick, he fell to the ground in a state of embarrassment, grinning in pain.
How unreasonable! Not to be outdone, Cao Kong climbed up from the ground, and then raised his sword.
“Don’t force people too much!” With a loud shout, Cao Kong waved his sword angrily, trying to block Ying Changge.
However, Ying Changge’s figure was so fast that even Cao Kong’s sword could not catch him.
Whoosh! Ying Changge’s figure stepped aside, and Jianfeng immediately stabbed Cao Kong’s back.
A scar was drawn on Cao Kong’s back, which made him bruised and blood splattered for five steps.
Helplessly covering his wound with one hand, Cao Kong continued to hold the sword in his hand, trying to block Ying Changge.
Ying Changge’s figure was so extraordinary, he stabbed his sword quickly, and continued to kill each other.
The sword edge overflowed and hit Cao Kong’s body with ping-pong-pong pong, making Cao Kong reluctantly defend himself.
In the streets and alleys, the beatings of Ying Changge and Cao Kong already caused other common people to flee quickly.
They yelled in horror, and the people fled completely for a while.
The lively streets and alleys suddenly disappeared.
The surroundings of Ying Changge and Cao Kong were all empty, and the figures disappeared.
Therefore, Ying Changge and Cao Kong could attack unimpeded without any obstacles.
Staring at Cao Kong intently, Ying Changge asked, “Aren’t you going to catch him without a fight?”
“If you continue to fight with the machine, it will only make you die without a place to bury you!”
“Impossible! I won’t surrender!” Cao Kong snorted coldly, “I can’t die!”
“In my whole life, I haven’t fully enjoyed the glory and wealth, how can I die!”
Unwilling Cao Kong stood up, and he raised his sword to Ying Changge’s chest.
“Very good!” Ying Changge shook his head contemptuously, “It seems that you have already made up your mind!”
Facing the stubborn Cao Kong, Ying Changge showed no mercy and continued to swing the sword in his hand.
The sword edge ran rampant, and suddenly came in front of Cao Kong, and cut his chest, dripping with blood.
Backing away in pain, Cao Kong’s face was grim, and he showed an angry resentment.
He couldn’t die in the hands of Ying Changge, he had to continue to attack so that he could counter-kill Ying Changge.
Cao Kong swung his upper arm vigorously, and the blade of the sword struck Ying Changge’s body with great force.
He knew that he had made a mistake, but now Cao Kong couldn’t turn back, and he wanted to continue fighting.
Kill Ying Changge and make him disappear in front of him forever, so that Cao Kong can leave the city.
Leaving this place and being chased by Ying Changge, Cao Kong will be able to live forever.
He continued to entangle with Ying Changge, Cao Kong’s sword edge did not stop at all, and he shot endlessly.
The sword’s edge hit and hit Ying Changge’s body, but it did not cause any injuries to Ying Changge.
Ying Changge’s swordsmanship is superb, even with ease, when fighting Cao Kong, he always fights back at will.
Cao Kong was not good at learning, and he had no chance to fight Ying Changge at all.

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