It would not be cut off directly, but the high priest still trembled from the shaking arm.
His own hands were shaking, his five fingers were slightly sore, and he almost couldn’t hold the long stick.
Raising his hands vigorously, his arms immediately regained control of his weapon.
Holding the long stick in his hand, the high priest stared at Ying Changge with his eyes wide open, “How!”
“Do you really think you can kill me! The weapon in my hand is made through thousands of tempers, and you can’t stop chopping it.”
“You really misunderstood, am I going to cut off your long stick! This is useless work at all!”
Ying Changge shook his head indifferently, he was very indifferent, without any panic.
Because from the beginning to the end, Ying Changge’s target was not the weapon in the hands of the high priest, but the opponent himself.
Even if Ying Changge kept beating the long stick in his hand, it was just a trick to beat the other side.
With the continuous attack and fierce fighting, both Ying Changge and the high priest were caught in the trap.There was a fierce struggle.
As long as they continue to attack and fight, none of them will be the opponent of the High Priest.
After all, he is a martial arts master on the grassland, and the explosive power of the high priest is very powerful and fierce.
Any kill is nothing more than a empty basket for the high priest, because the high priest will kill back.
Any opponent standing in front of the high priest will not be able to survive, it will only be torn apart.
Holding the long stick in his hand, staring at the opponent intently, he waved his hands and continued to be domineering.
The long stick dazzled the eyes, flashing afterimages one by one, and just like that, they came to the high priest.
Staring helplessly at Ying Changge’s figure, the high priest approached aggressively, and he continued to frighten him.
Ying Changge is not an ordinary person, he is different from ordinary soldiers and generals.
He stared at the High Priest’s movements unblinkingly, and then counterattacked calmly.
The edge of the sword in his hand flashed a very fierce attack, and a little cold light came first, and fell on the high priest.
The high priest’s long stick attacked midair, but his attack was stopped by Ying Changge’s sword.
Ying Changge’s sword was in front of him, firmly blocking the high priest’s long stick, and he was intact.
Continue to attack, continue to fight, the sword in Ying Changsinger holds the key to breaking the situation.
The surrounding armies were still fighting, and they started their offensive chattering endlessly.
The army charged and the soldiers confronted each other. Under such a severe offensive, everything was very dangerous.
But the high priest continued to attack unhurriedly, and the long stick in his hand would continue to swing down.
The long stick fell immediately, and the high priest still smashed Ying Changge’s Tianling cover, trying to smash his head to pieces.
Ying Changge is a warrior, and even more so, a difficult opponent. He is so good at fighting.
With such continuous fighting, a special battle to the death was launched between Ying Changge and the high priest.
Known as a talent in the world, with outstanding achievements in the world, Ying Changge is in control of everything on the battlefield.
Although the high priest’s army is continuing to charge now, Ying Changge feels that there must be something strange about this matter.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・・・・・・・・
In particular, the three major martial arts masters on the grassland have already made a move, so how could it be possible that the troops were divided into two groups.
Nowadays, it is very unusual for only the high priest to fight alone. He has always been so cautious.
While fighting the high priest in front of him, Ying Changge was already thinking twice in his mind, with a lot of worries.
Ying Changge would not fall into the trap casually, he knew the Xiongnu’s plan at once.
To preemptively strike, attack east and west, lure the snake out of the hole, and then catch them all in one go. The opponent’s conspiracy is too simple.
….. ………. 0
Staring intently at the surroundings, Ying Changge did not see any possible traces of the enemy.
But even so, Ying Changge himself was worried, he was very nervous and full of worries.
With a cold snort, Ying Changge fought back when he saw that the high priest was still throwing his sword at him beyond his control.
The sword edge was twitching so fast, and it came to the high priest in no time, with a cold glow.
Staring helplessly at such a sword, the high priest didn’t take it seriously, he had already fought for several rounds.
The high priest has already controlled Ying Changge’s every word and deed, and he knows every move like the back of his hand.
When he saw Ying Changge stabbing with his sword, the high priest had already anticipated Ying Changge’s next move.
Therefore, he took two steps back unhurriedly, and then the high priest’s long stick went straight down to attack.
The high priest pre-empted the attack, thinking that he could snatch the first one to assassinate Ying Changge before him.
The smart high priest thought that he had already controlled the opponent’s whereabouts, but Ying Changge laughed.
With a slight smile, Ying Changge’s sword trembled, and with a flick of his arm, he swiftly pierced towards Fan.
Chapter 447 Attacks everywhere, approaching quickly!
Accompanied by the temptation of the sword’s edge, this sword is so majestic that there is almost no obstacle.
He arrived in front of the high priest unimpeded, and the opponent who was forced by this sword was very embarrassed.
Seeing Ying Changge’s sword approaching, his expression was so tense, and even pale.
The extremely terrified high priest immediately wanted to take back his long stick, because he had already made a mistake.
Underestimating Ying Changge’s sword edge, he made a wrong blow with the weapon in his hand and was negligent.
The moment Ying Changge attacked, he directly made himself vulnerable and could not continue to fight.
In a very embarrassing situation, “570”, the high priest hurriedly retracted his long staff in a panic.
As long as the long stick is protected in front of him, the high priest can block Ying Changge’s blow, which is very good.
It’s a pity that the high priest has already stretched out his long stick hastily, and he has no chance to repent.
Ying Changge’s sword came swiftly and stabbed the high priest’s body firmly, spraying blood.
Looking down in pain, the high priest found that his arm had been cut, and the wound was obvious.
Ying Changge’s sword had already added new scars to the high priest, which made him angry from embarrassment.
In the fierce battle with Ying Changge, the long stick in the high priest’s hand can always play a certain role.
However, Ying Changge will not let the high priest break through his suppression and fight easily.
The forehead sword in his hand continued to attack continuously, completely restraining the high priest.
The high priest couldn’t block Ying Changge’s sword for a while, and the long stick in his hand seemed useless.
Continuing the chattering attack, the long stick in his hand always landed on Ying Changge’s Tianling Gai.
Attacking everywhere, approaching quickly, his long stick is so fierce that it is difficult to suppress it for a while.
Fortunately, the high priest is not an ordinary person, he is a master of martial arts! His ability is high and strong.
Continuing to shoot continuously, the long stick hit him with crackling, it can be said to be as fast as lightning.
Ying Changge took it easy, claiming that he was invincible, but at the same time continued to attack steadily.
The sword in his hand has extraordinary power, once it is swung, it is like a ray of moonlight.
The sky was bright and the sun was shining brightly, but everyone who approached him died in his hands.
Shaking helplessly, letting his figure avoid Ying Changge, the high priest was very cautious.
However, facing Ying Changge’s sword, the high priest’s arm felt a dull pain, and he wanted to continue to attack.
It’s a pity that the wound was bleeding profusely, and it might be difficult to fight back with a long stick.
He could only watch helplessly as Ying Changge’s sword approached, and then kept backing away, running for his life.
Ying Changge kept approaching, the high priest kept attacking, and so on, it was really useless.
On the contrary, Ying Changge was sure of winning, but he would not be careless, he continued to attack.
The sword in his hand had undeniable power, which made the high priest dare not confront him head-on.
Constantly dodging, constantly hitting weapons, the contest between the high priest and Ying Changge never stopped.
The high priest wanted to kill Ying Changge and destroy Meng Tian’s army, but Ying Changge kept blocking him.
Relying on his own ability, he is continuing to attack with might and domineering power, the sword in his hand is rampant.
The constant fighting, the constant attack, with such an offensive, reveals the edge of Ying Changge 0  …
Because the high priest was injured, facing Shang Ying Changge was not something he could persevere.
Killing again and again, Ying Changge’s sword almost took the life of the high priest, he was mighty and domineering.
The long stick made a ping-pong sound, and it was impossible to stop Ying Changge’s offensive for a while.
Coming fiercely, Ying Changge’s sword continued to attack without stopping, which put the high priest in crisis.
Very nervous, very embarrassed, the high priest continued to retreat while holding his long stick in his injured hand.
As long as he leaves, he must be able to live, otherwise, he will die here.
The high priest came from the forest’s own army, and he wanted to wipe out Meng Tian’s army and get a reward.
Otherwise, let Meng Tian’s army attack unscrupulously on the grassland, and there will be no chance of getting ahead.
The Huns were brutal, including the high priest, who was narrow-minded and fierce, and he must avenge any revenge.
Killing Ying Changge, defeating Meng Tian’s army, and occupying the border of Qin State are the most important things.
Even if 4.9 is Ying Changge’s non-stop attack, but with the speed of such an army, they can’t wipe out the Xiongnu.
The army of the high priests was very numerous, and their soldiers were numerous so that they could break through everything.
To get what he wanted, the high priest wanted his own future and his own glory.
On this grassland, the high priest is loyal to Shan Yu, but he is also very ambitious.

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