Even such a sword, in front of Ying Changge, is like a piece of wood, harmless.
Backing away calmly, raising the sword in his hand, Ying Changge continued to hit the sharp sword with the edge of the sword.
Meng praised his brute force, he (Li Lihao) is so mighty with any weapon, indescribably powerful and domineering.
For Ying Changge, Meng Zan was completely using the wrong weapon, and Meng Zan should be a sharp-edged sword.
The blunt weapon can make Mengzan play to his strengths, so that he can continue to attack.
Otherwise, under such an attack, Meng Zan could only continue to be evenly matched with Ying Changge and attack five or five times.
You come and go to a stalemate, Meng Zan understands his strengths, he still wants to continue fighting.
Relying on his strength, Meng Zan slammed the sword in his hand on Ying Changge.
Ying Changge’s sword was about to collide with Mengzan, but when the swords crossed, he retreated again.
Chapter 435: All in one catch!
Meng Zan brandished his weapon, and the edge of the sword slammed down, trying to cut off Ying Changge’s arm.
It’s a pity that Ying Changge’s pace was nimble, and he easily avoided Meng Zan’s fierce sword.
Ying Changge’s battles became more and more fierce, and Meng Zan was no longer an opponent, and he was already very embarrassed.
Under Ying Changge’s sword, Meng Zan staggered to and fro, and he was at a loss as to what to do.
The sword in his hand flew away quickly, and Ying Changge pierced Meng Zan’s chest at once, seriously injuring him.
The shaky body fell helplessly to the ground, which made Meng Zan already bruised.
Clutching his wound, feeling such imposing suppression, Meng Zan knew that he had no way out.
Staring helplessly at Ying Changge’s approach, Meng Zan wanted to cover his wound and continue to stop the resistance.
However, the sword in his hand could no longer be lifted, Meng Zan was weak at this moment, and he couldn’t even lift the sword.
Ying Changge, who was chasing after the victory, continued to charge up, and his sword slashed firmly on the opponent’s body again.
The throat was broken and the throat was sealed with blood. Meng Zan’s head was chopped off by Ying Changge, and it just rolled to the ground.
Praising the dead body, the other subordinates were extremely frightened and very angry when they saw it.
Unexpectedly, this Meng Zan was actually killed! A few of them were bewildered and flustered.
Raising the sword in his hand, these masters of the Wolf God Cult also came aggressively and surroundedYing Changge.
In order to avenge their hatred, several people insisted on killing Ying Changge to give up.
But Ying Changge couldn’t be killed so easily! They continue to attack! Fierce fighting.
Just when Meng Zan was killed by Ying Changge and fell into a struggle (afej), Meng Tian also led the army out.
His goal is very simple and very clear, that is to attack the Huns’ army.
Wouldn’t it be flattering to weaken the strength of the Huns and make them dare not continue to invade their borders wantonly.
So Meng Tian immediately mobilized his army, galloped on the grassland, and continued to attack.
Taking the lead, Meng Tian’s army came in a hurry, killing the grassland tribes in one fell swoop.
The other tribes haven’t heard the news yet, but they have already been slaughtered by Meng Tian’s army.
Meng Tian is merciless, especially because he is so strong, and the power he displays is unstoppable.
Concentrating his forces to attack a tribe, Meng Tian arranged his manpower in an orderly manner.
Meng Tian is the first to charge and fight on the grassland, and he will see that any tribe will be wiped out in one go.
The Xiongnu knew that there was an invasion by Meng Tian’s army, and they never expected that Meng Tian would take the initiative to attack.
For a while, there was no chance to take precautions, only to retreat quickly and send out troops in resistance.
Among the tribes, the warriors of the Huns went in groups, trying to block the invasion of Meng Tian’s army.
But Meng Tian is mighty and domineering, and the soldiers are united as one, it is not so easy to fight.
The two armies fought together, and Meng Tian went back and forth among the Huns’ tribes, killing the enemy non-stop.
Holding a sword in his hand and riding a war horse, Meng Tian is majestic and majestic, what he shows is full of murderous aura.
Under such fighting, with the continuous attack and continuous impact, several people fell to the ground in embarrassment.
Dead or injured, the Xiongnu army was suppressed all of a sudden, unable to resist, and their lives were hanging by a thread.
There are many tribes on the grassland. Although these tribes are connected with each other, they may not be accomplices.
Meng Tian didn’t care about anything, as long as he saw the enemy army, he would strike first and kill him directly.
Otherwise, when so many Huns invaded the border, it would be beyond Meng Tian’s control!
The soldiers in his hands were very brave, and the enemies around him were in a hurry, Meng Tian continued to attack.
Especially with the constant fighting, the attack of you coming and going, there is no chance to stop on the grassland.
Under serious injury, blood flowed like a river, and corpses were strewn all over the field. None of them could stop Meng Tian’s attack.
The soldiers in the tribe continued to gather chatteringly, and they continued to work hard to kill Meng Tian.
It’s a pity that Meng Tian’s skills are really vigorous, and the morale of the army he leads is booming.
Everything on the grassland is bound to be won, so Meng Tian will continue to attack mightily and domineeringly.
The sound of horseshoes was frenzied, the sound of fighting was loud, Meng Tian’s army approached from far to near, and kept colliding.
The Xiongnu’s tribe immediately received the news, and the army came immediately, trying to intercept Meng Tian’s army.
But it was too late to make up for it, Meng Tian’s army won a complete victory, and even continued to attack.
Approaching menacingly, fighting recklessly, the sword in his hand is very fast, it can be called lore.
A group of people continued to attack under the leadership of Meng Tian, ​​and the army was mighty and extraordinary.
The Xiongnu army immediately mobilized manpower from several tribes, trying to intercept Meng Tian’s army.
Meng Tian continued to fight unimpeded, his men had powerful attacks and fierce fights.
Chapter 436 Battle on the grassland, fight to your heart’s content!
Soldiers are fearlessly drawn into such battles, which are ruthless and ruthless.
The Huns’ resistance, Meng Tian’s attack, corpses falling to the ground, and blood splattering are all in danger.
Under such a fight, everyone knew the danger, and also learned about Meng Tian’s name.
A mere Meng Tian dares to act presumptuously on the sacred grassland! Many tribes allied themselves immediately.
It’s a pity that even if these Huns want to attack Meng Tian, ​​they have more than enough heart but not enough power.
Leading his own elite soldiers, Meng Tian continued to attack non-stop, invincible.
Beheading guys one after another, Meng Tian also broke through tribes one after another, making them flee.
In a short period of time, Meng Tian uprooted several tribes, and even beheaded tens of thousands of Xiongnu troops.
A complete victory, invincible, there is no chance to intercept the defense at all.
Meng Tian’s intrusion and continuous fighting on the grassland made everyone feel embarrassed – they were defeated and left.
It was precisely because of such a fierce fight that Meng Tian became famous in the first battle, and his reputation spread across the grassland.
A group of people couldn’t bear such resentment. For the Huns on the grassland, this was really aggrieved.
Attacking is useless, and beheading is quick. Meng Tian led the army to fight on the grassland, fighting to his heart’s content.
Everyone died in the hands of Meng Tian, ​​and the Huns army was completely defeated, and they were in a state of embarrassment.
There were many casualties, and there was no way to start. The tribes of the Huns immediately united, and even went to block Meng Tian.
Ying Changge heard the news and rushed over immediately. He had already killed several masters of the Wolf God Sect.
Any master didn’t have enough skills to fight, and was easily eradicated by Ying Changge.
Now that Meng Tian’s army continues to penetrate into the grassland, it is a good opportunity to fight back.
Otherwise, the Xiongnu cannot be killed, and the team on the grassland will grow stronger and stronger, which is very dangerous.
The loyal Meng Tian slaughtered all directions and suppressed the alien race.
Ying Changge immediately joined Meng Tian in order to attack the grassland tribes and wipe them all out.It was precisely because of Ying Changge’s joining that their momentum became more fierce and their morale rose.
When Mengtian continued to attack the grassland, several other tribes of the Huns also joined forces.
In order to protect the last piece of pure land on the grassland, the three major martial arts masters have already met.
Shan Yu personally received them, the first warrior Batu, the shaman high priest, and even the white-haired concubine.
These few people came to Shan Yu’s camp just to discuss the important matter of dealing with Meng Tian.
Now Meng Tian’s army is unstoppable, continuing to attack aggressively, killing and killing, invincible.
Under such an attack, everything is very dangerous, and it is not easy to control the situation!
Shan Yu was afraid that his entire army would be wiped out, so he asked the three masters to continue to attack.
After Batu heard about this, he waved his hand indifferently and laughed.
“Meng Tian’s army is nothing more than that, they are just taking advantage of others’ danger, they are not to be feared at all!”
Clenching his fists, Batu was extremely aggressive, “It’s really easy for me to kill Meng Tian’s army.”
“Give me a team of soldiers, and I will be able to attack Meng Tian’s army and kill Meng Tian!”
In this regard, Batu is bound to win, the whole person is in a hurry, “there is no need for the two of them to dispatch.”
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・・・・・・・・
The shaman priest and the white-haired concubine didn’t speak, they just watched Batu talking quietly.

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