Meng Tian rode the war horse and returned to the palace non-stop.
“Humble post Meng Tian, ​​please see Your Majesty.”
Standing in front of the gate of Xianyang Palace, Meng Tian’s tone was respectful.
A majestic voice, with an unspeakable sense of excitement and joy, came from the palace.
Pushing open the palace gate, Meng Tian walked into the palace with a cautious expression.
He successfully saw the imposing First Emperor Yingzheng in a dragon robe on the steps.
“Sir, see Your Majesty.”
Meng Tian cupped his fists and lowered his head.
“Aiqing is flat.”
“This time, Aiqing tried her best to touch all the anti-Qin elements. I already know about this. Aiqing has made great achievements in eradicating the anti-Qin elements. What reward do you want? I will be satisfied with you.”
Ying Zheng smiled.
“Your Majesty, I am ashamed of taking a humble position.”
“This time, the one who contributed the most to the suppression of anti-Qin elements is Seventh Young Master.”
“I don’t dare to covet the credit that belongs to the seventh son.”
Meng Tian hurriedly explained.
Ying Zheng laughed loudly, “Ai Qing doesn’t have to be like this. However, in recent days, on the border of Shangjun, the group of hateful Huns have been staring at them, trying to occupy the territory of the empire all the time.”
“Guarding Shangjun and resisting the Huns, I still need to worry about Lao Aiqing.”
Hearing this, Meng Tian hurriedly responded: “Don’t worry, Your Majesty, as long as the humble official is alive, he will never let the Huns occupy the territory belonging to the empire.”
Ying Zheng smiled and said, “With Aiqing’s words, I feel relieved.”
“However, if Aiqing doesn’t mind, you can take my son Changge with you when you go to guard the frontier of Shangjun and resist the Huns.”
“With my son’s current terrifying strength, it is more than enough to frighten the Xiongnu.”
Meng Tian’s eyes lit up.
With the terrifying strength of the current Seventh Young Master, it is definitely enough to easily deter the Xiongnu.
If you can take the seventh son to the border of Shangjun.
Those nasty Huns, their nightmare is about to come!
How strong is Seventh Young Master?
Strong as a monster!
If you let the seventh son deal with these Huns.
These Huns will surely fall into boundless fear and despair.
“‘ 〃 The meaning of His Majesty, the humble position is already clear.”
Meng Tian’s tone was full of surprise and excitement.
He seemed to have expected it.
The scene where the group of Huns were killed by the seventh son was gone.
“It’s up to you, Aiqing, to guard Shangjun and defend against the Xiongnu.”
Ying Zheng looked solemn.
“This humble minister will never let His Majesty down.”
Meng Tian agreed.
not for a while.
Meng Tian announced his departure.
He needs to prepare in advance.
He still needs to guard the border of Shangjun in the empire himself!
The Xiongnu stared at them covetously, and the soldiers on the frontier of Shangjun could not deter the Xiongnu at all.
Only Meng Tian can deter the Huns from acting rashly.
this time.
Before he was about to leave Xianyang City, he could abduct him by the way. The Seventh Young Master Ying Changge has such an invincible and terrifying combat power!
This level of terrifying combat power is definitely a nightmare for the Huns!
With this in mind, Mengying quickly left Xianyang Palace (owned by Li Le).
he swears.
This time I went to the frontier of Shangjun to deal with the Xiongnu, no matter what, I had to bring along this extremely powerful monster, the Seventh Young Master!
Watching the back of Meng Tian leaving, Ying Zheng’s eyes were lost for a while, feeling a little emotional.
“My son’s long song…”
“After all, I still grow up!”
“Zhen, I should regard you as the greatest pride in this life!”
“This time you deal with the Huns on the frontier of Shangjun, it depends on how much you can achieve from this war.”
“If the achievements are prominent enough.”
“It will be logical for me to pass on the crown prince to you!”
“As for the civil and military affairs of the Manchu dynasty, no one can oppose it!”
After a pause, Ying Zheng’s eyes flickered, and he was full of anticipation.
“The only thing I can do to help you is here.”
“Will the finalConfidently won the crown prince? Then it only depends on your own ability. “purchase.
Chapter 405: Treated as a thorn in the side, a thorn in the flesh!
Meng Tian was ordered to go to Shangjun, and Ying Changge naturally wanted to follow, and he had to go together, he also had important things to do.
With such a lineup, Ying Changge mixed in with the team and continued on his way.
Along the way, Ying Changge’s whereabouts were easily exposed, and everyone else knew about it.
In particular, the great shaman of the Xiongnu Wolf God Sect praised him fiercely. He also knew about Ying Changge’s deeds, and he had a strange expression on his face.
Not only was he dubious, but he even regarded Ying Changge as a thorn in his side and a thorn in his flesh.
He was obviously only a young man, but Ying Changge had already killed several masters in battle, which was really unbelievable.
The great shaman Mengzan understood that Ying Changge would be a very difficult opponent, and he must be killed.
In order not to allow yourself to set up too strong opponents, you must cut the grass and roots to avoid future troubles.
Therefore, the great shaman praised fiercely, and immediately dispatched the four major wolf guards from his own hands to assassinate 520 Ying Changge.
As long as Ying Changge is killed, then Meng Zan can make himself rise to the top and show his ambitions.
It’s a pity that the four wolf guards are not people who work together, and they even exclude each other very much.
Even if they got the mission to assassinate Ying Changge, they would not go in unity.
The four wolf guards acted independently, and they went their separate ways, and then went halfway to intercept Ying Changge.
The first to bear the brunt is one of the wolf guards, Wu Gui. Wu Gui is very fond of killing people.
He came to the only way that Ying Changge must pass, and immediately killed many people in this village.
After Ying Changge came here, seeing the empty appearance, he immediately knew that there was a bloody disaster.
He was very curious, so he immediately asked Meng Tian to mobilize manpower to check the murder case that happened here.
Ying Changge, who punishes evil and promotes (afej) good, will never allow anyone to kill innocent people indiscriminately in front of him, especially if he disregards human life.
In order to punish the wolf guard, many people searched in the village, and Wu Gui had nowhere to hide.
Wu Gui’s identity as the wolf guard was immediately exposed, and the others couldn’t stop him at all.
Especially when Ying Changge lured the snake out of the hole, Wu Gui jumped out of the wall in a hurry.
Seeing Ying Changge surrounded by so many people made him even more angry.
Trembling in his heart, he stared straight at Ying Changge with a pair of eyes, with indescribable regret.

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