Over the years, he has been trying to make up for the goal of killing Xiang Liang.
Now, this goal has finally been accomplished.
Xiang Liang is dead!
Killed by his own hands!
at the same time.
Following Meng Tian and Meng Ying, the two generals of Chu State were eradicated one after another.
The few remaining Mohist leaders who were dying, also died in the hands of the quicksand organization.
so far.
The entire Mohist army was wiped out!
Anti-Qin Alliance…
The whole army was wiped out!
The entire Mohist school is about to be completely removed from the arena.
Up to the Mohist giant, then to the Mohist leader, down to the Mohist disciple…
Almost without exception, all of these people were destroyed today.
Not one left!
Not a single survivor.
If there is no accident, after a while, there will be no traces of the existence of the Mo family in the world.
Without the support of the Mohist leaders…
Even if there are still some Mohist disciples who left the Mohist Organ City in the early years and are still lurking in the empire, they have nothing to do.The law will not have any impact on the empire.
It is already a big unknown whether these Mohist disciples lurking in the empire will recognize their identities.
The Mohists are all dead.
Are they really still loyal to the Mohists?
Without the deterrence of the Mohist leader, these Mohist disciples are very likely to abandon their identity as Mohist disciples, and thus integrate into the empire with another identity.
simply put.
Regardless of whether there are still fish that slipped through the net, all in all, the collapse of the Mo family is an indisputable fact.
From now on, the so-called Mohism no longer exists in Jianghu.
The Mo family has been completely removed from all schools of thought.
After today.
The whole rivers and lakes will know.
The news of the Mohism’s demise.
In addition to the fall of the Mohists, the remnants of the Chu (afej) party have also been wiped out today.
These people from the rivers and lakes who were bewitched by the giant of the Mohist Yandan also could not escape this disaster, and they were all punished as anti-Qin elements.
The Anti-Qin Alliance is officially dead!
The entire Mohist institution city, inside and outside, has been swept clean!
“Young Master, the Anti-Qin Alliance has been completely destroyed.”
Meng Tian came to Ying Changge’s side with a respectful tone.
“Send people to investigate the interior of the Mo family to see if anyone is hiding.”
“As long as anyone who is found hiding is found, it will be wiped out directly, and there is no need to keep it.”
Ying Changge ordered casually.
“Yes, my son.”
After receiving the order, Meng Tian ordered the staff immediately.
Dispatch 3,000 elite soldiers of the empire to immediately search the inside of the huge organ city. Anyone who finds anyone hiding will be killed without reporting.
“General Meng Tian, ​​this mission has been completed.”
“Get ready and return to Xianyang City.”
Ying Changge spoke bluntly.
This time his core goal has also been achieved.
Xiang Shaoyu’s death is the most important key to him!
“My lord is right.”
Meng Tian nodded quickly.
After thinking for a while, he suggested: “My lord, wait for a while, and I will order my subordinates to carry out a cleaning operation here. After these things are settled, I can leave and return to Xianyang City.”
Hearing this, Ying Changge nodded: “Alright, you can deal with the rest by yourself, you don’t need to ask me again.”
Meng Tian began to order the imperial army to sweep the entire organ city inside and out!
In addition to searching for hiding people, he was also responsible for searching some materials inside the Mohist organization city as the spoils of war for the destruction of the Anti-Qin Alliance.
“Young master.”
Meng Ying, Shao Siming and others quickly came behind Ying Changge with respectful expressions.
“Meng Ying, you lead some people to clean up the corpses here.”
Smelling the pungent smell of blood in the air, Ying Changge gave the order directly.
Mengying left quickly.
According to Ying Changge’s instructions, he led the staff to clean up the corpses everywhere.
Liusha, headed by Wei Zhuang, organized everyone, and all members came to Ying Changge.
Now that Gai Nie is dead, the Anti-Qin Alliance has also been destroyed…
The Quicksand organization naturally has no intention of staying here.
Wei Zhuang led the people from the Quicksand Organization to Ying Changge, ready to say goodbye.
But before he was about to say goodbye, Wei Zhuang still felt a little cautious and uneasy.
He can’t be sure.
Whether they can really leave the organ city alive.
after all.
The strength gap between them and Ying Changge is too great.
If the other party doesn’t want to let them leave, they will definitely be buried in the organ city just like the members of the anti-Qin alliance.
Even Wei Zhuang didn’t think that he could block the monster-like Seventh Young Master in front of him.
If the other party wants them to die.
There is no way they will survive!
“Seventh Young Master, since Gai Nie is dead, the Anti-Qin Alliance has also been wiped out.”
“I’ll wait, so I won’t bother you too much.”
“I came here to say goodbye.”
“The cooperation between you and me has come to an end for the time being.”
Wei Zhuang took a deep breath and spoke with serious eyes.
After saying this, his spirit became extremely tense.
He knew it.
If the Seventh Young Master really wanted to destroy the Quicksand Organization, then no one in the Quicksand Organization would be able to escape!
Even Baifeng, the king of speed who is known as the world’s best lightness kung fu, would definitely not be able to escape from the scene.
Following Wei Zhuang’s words, it fell.
Everyone in the quicksand organization also felt deep fear and palpitations.
All of them know.
Their life and death…
All in the thought of the seventh son Ying Changge!
If the other party doesn’t want to let them go, they will definitely die!
Pairs of eyes full of apprehension, restraint, fear, and fear fixed on Ying Changge’s body.
Everyone in the quicksand organization felt uneasy.
Even the calm Bai Feng was a little restless at the moment, instead his face was full of panic.
They understand.

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