But it can be clearly seen.
Gai Nie is already at the end of his battle.
The distance from defeat is getting closer and closer.
“Gai did not expect that the seventh son’s swordsmanship is so powerful.”
“It’s Gai who sits in a well and watches the sky 0…”
Gai Nie felt the tingling pain everywhere in his body, as well as the almost exhausted physical and internal strength, he could only show a miserable and helpless expression.
he earlyAlready scarred.
However, relying on his extraordinary willpower, he still insisted on gritting his teeth and continuing to confront Ying Changge.
But actually.
Gai Nie already had a tendency to lose.
He’s just dying right now.
“Mr. Ge Nie, there is something I haven’t told you yet.”
“Since you are almost dead now.”
“I might as well tell you in advance.”
“The son of a dear friend you’ve always wanted to protect.”
“That’s Jing Tianming…”
“As early as just now, he died in my hands.”
“Now, you can rest in peace.”
“Before your best friend’s son is far away, I will send you to Huangquan with him. In this way, you can walk together on the road to Huangquan.”
The smile on Ying Changge’s face was a bit grim.
The words fell.
Gai Nie’s pupils shrank slightly, and a mixture of shock and anger appeared on his originally emotionless face.
He obviously hadn’t expected it.
Jing Tianming was already dead!
Gai Nie was holding the wooden sword tightly, and the veins on his arms were bulging, showing that he was extremely restless at the moment.
“You want to ask me why I did this?”
“Shouldn’t I ask you this on 4.9? If it wasn’t you who brought this kid into the so-called anti-Qin alliance, why should I kill him?”
“After all.”
“This is still your problem!”
“You don’t expect me to show mercy to an anti-Qin element, do you?”
Ying Changge had a weird expression.
After listening to Ying Changge’s words, Gai Nie kept adjusting his breathing, his eyes became very ugly and heavy, and his eyes were full of anger and coldly looked at Ying Changge.
Ge Nie rarely loses his composure like this.
However, Ying Changge’s words made him completely unable to control the anger in his heart, and it burned wildly.
Holding a wooden sword, Gai Nie violently attacked and killed in anger.
Even if he knew he was invincible, he was unwilling to sit and wait for death!
Feeling the killing intent of the wooden sword in Gai Nie’s hand, Ying Changge smiled.
Chapter 393 The world’s number one sword master? But that’s all! 【Please customize】
Ying Changge shook his head lightly.
Ge Nie’s sudden killing intent didn’t affect him in any way.
All of Ge Nie’s tricks will become full of loopholes within the envelope of the perfect level of domineering and knowledgeable.
Ying Changge dodged Gai Nie’s fierce attack very lightly, and used the Yuanyuan sword in his hand to attack again.
Taking advantage of Ge Nie’s unprepared…
Stab with a sword!
Ge Nie’s shoulder was pierced on the spot.
A cloud of bright red blood mist danced all over the sky.
Blood spilled from Ge Nie’s shoulder and soon stained his clothes.
The berserk force erupted from the sharp blade, directly hitting Gai Nie’s body for more than ten meters to support him, rolling all the way in mid-air, without any image, looking very embarrassed.
Bloody all the way!
Blood stained the sky!
In the end, Gai Nie’s body fell heavily on the ground, his body was covered in cuts and bruises, and the blood spilled from countless wounds soaked him into a bloody blood man.
Gai Nie, who had just fallen, supported the ground with his hands, and his internal organs were surging, coughing violently uncontrollably, and blood spewed out from the corner of his mouth.
can be clearly seen.
Gai Nie’s left shoulder had already been pierced with a huge bloody hole on the spot!
His left arm is useless.
Now he can only hold the wooden sword tightly with his right hand.
Gai Nie couldn’t bear the stabbing pain from his left arm all the time, he kept moaning, his face became paler and paler, almost bloodless.
Opening his mouth again, he spat out a mouthful of blood, and his breath was very sluggish and chaotic.
Pairs of eyes gathered one after another, fixed on Gai Nie’s body, unable to move for a long time.
“I lost…”
“The world’s number one sword master, lost to the seventh son!”
“It’s still in the field of swordsmanship that the Juggernaut is most proud of, and lost to the seventh son who is not yet 20 years old.”
“Seventh Young Master’s actions today will definitely be enough to detonate the entire rivers and lakes!”
Everyone thought so.
They had already been mentally prepared for Gai Nie’s defeat.
“Brother, you really still lost.”
Wei Zhuang watched Gai Nie quietly.
He felt a little reconciled.
If possible, he certainly wanted to defeat Ge Nie himself.
But alas.
He can’t do it!
In addition, he did not dare to intervene in the battlefield ahead.
Even if he didn’t want to see Ge Nie’s defeat and death in his heart, he didn’t have the courage to intervene in the battlefield ahead.
only because……
There is a monster in the battlefield that is countless times more terrifying than Ge Nie!
If he rashly intervened in the battlefield and angered that monster, then the Quicksand Organization would be in big trouble.
In Wei Zhuang’s heart.
He had already marked Ying Changge as absolutely untouchable.
“The number one sword master in the world will disappear from the rivers and lakes.”
“Genie lost.”
“Today’s number one in the world should belong to the seventh son!”
Quicksand made everyone feel emotional.
Gai Nie’s defeat also symbolized the end of an era!
An era has thus come to an end.
The sword master Gai Nie, who has been recognized by countless swordsmen in the world as the number one in the world, was defeated by a young man under the age of 20 today.
This is the curtain of a new era!
A new era…
So far the curtain has been drawn!
The old era has come to an end.

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