Thinking of this, Ge Nie couldn’t help but get up to speed, staring at Ying Changge’s figure with all his attention, holding a wooden sword and ready to fight at any time.
Chapter 391 From now on, there will be no sword master in the world! 【Please customize】
“Did you escape?”
“This is just an appetizer to warm up.”
“The next step is the main event!”
Ying Changge laughed.
instantly.He once again broke out with a fierce and powerful offensive.
Every sword is just right, defeating Gai Nie’s persecution every step of the way!
In less than a moment, Gai Nie was unilaterally and strongly suppressed by Ying Changge!
The figure of the two fighting against each other was very fast.
Almost to the extreme!
The figures of the two people who were fighting seemed to be continuously turning into afterimages, making it impossible for the naked eye to capture their figures and movements.
Their speed is too fast!
The naked eye vision cannot keep up with the reaction speed of the two of them.
Ying Changge had the upper hand in this battle.
Even if it was just a pure swordsmanship confrontation, he could easily completely suppress Gai Nie.
He possesses a perfect domineering level of knowledge and information, and can perceive any reaction measures of Ge Nie at all times, and make arrangements for responses and attacks in advance.
That’s why.
Gai Nie was unilaterally suppressed very tragically.
not for a while.
There were many scratches and wounds on Gai Nie’s body. Although it was only a skin trauma, the slowly flowing blood still stained his clothes.
A faint smell of blood emanated from his body, dancing in the air.
As the battle became more and more fierce, Gai Nie showed a tendency to be about to lose.
His face became paler and paler, and the wooden sword in his hand gradually couldn’t keep up with Ying Changge’s attacking rhythm.
On the other hand, Ying Changge.
The tempo of his attack was getting faster and faster, and the suppressed Gai Nie retreated steadily, making the latter almost powerless to fight back.
Gai Nie, the majestic sword master, was completely suppressed by a young man in today’s duel of pure swordsmanship, and he has no power to fight back!
What is this concept?
If this news gets out, it will definitely detonate the whole world!
Huge pressure enveloped Gai Nie’s heart, causing uncontrollable cold sweat to flow from his forehead, and his back was completely soaked in cold sweat.
“The gap is too big!”
“Seventh Young Master’s level of swordsmanship is clearly far above mine!”
“How is this possible!”
Feeling the pressure, Ge Nie gritted his teeth and persisted.
He still can’t believe it.
How did the seventh son at such a young age cultivate swordsmanship?
Why was it possible to achieve the level of swordsmanship that surpassed him even though he was a weak crown?
It stands to reason.
This is totally unreasonable!
But the fact happened right in front of his eyes, and Gai Nie couldn’t allow him to doubt it.
“Seventh Young Master is indeed an out-and-out monster!”
“It’s completely beyond the realm of common sense.”
Ge Nie kept losing and retreating, and the suppressed one could only keep defending.
In some places where the defense was not in place, they were injured by the Yuanyuan sword in Ying Changsinger.
The two fought for less than a quarter of an hour.
Gai Nie’s body was already covered in cuts and bruises.
Although most of them were only skin injuries, the accumulation of so many skin injuries still gave Ge Nie a very painful injury, causing his state to plummet.
After defeating Wei Zhuang originally, Gai Nie’s state was no longer at its peak.
Facing an opponent more terrifying than Wei Zhuang would seriously consume his physical strength, energy, and internal strength, making his state decline faster and faster.
Fighting against Ying Changge gave Gai Nie the illusion that…
Play against three Wei Zhuang at the same time!
The pressure that Ying Changge put on Gai Nie alone was equivalent to the pressure that the three Wei Zhuang put on him together.
This is still when Ying Changge only uses swordsmanship to attack.
If Ying Changge broke out with all his might.
Gai Nie may be instantly killed by a single sword strike!
after all.
That shocking sword was enough to destroy more than 2,000 anti-Qin elements, and Gai Nie also couldn’t imagine how he could fight against this shocking sword that had surpassed the scope of human beings!
That sword can be called the method of an immortal!
With human power, how can we block the immortal’s method? !
“Can’t stop!”
“Young Master’s offensive is too fierce.”
“The sword technique is also weird and unpredictable…”
“It’s impossible to guard against!”
“How can this level of swordsmanship appear in a young man who is weak?”
“Totally unreasonable!”
Ge Nie thought with a pale face.
The scariest thing is…
The moment when he faced Ying Changge.
Always feel.
What you are facing is an old swordsman who has experienced thousands of battles!
That responsiveness!
That kind of terrifying fighting consciousness and instinct to the extreme!
It is impossible for all of this to happen to a young man.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・・・・・・・・
Bottom line.
Ge Nie can only think.
This is the monster!
Of course, ordinary people cannot try to understand the world of monsters.
After fighting Ying Changge, Gai Nie realized it deeply.
turn out to be……
Someone really can be such a monster!
at the same time.
As Gai Nie retreated steadily, he was unilaterally suppressed by Ying Changge.
Outside the battlefield.
Everyone stared blankly at the changes in the battle situation.
“Brother, he is about to lose!”
Wei Zhuang took a deep breath with a solemn expression on his face.
“Sword Saint Gai Nie, are you going to lose?”
“A pure swordsmanship duel, defeated by the seventh son?”
Chi Lian and other members of the quicksand organization were all stunned.
….. .. 0
The majestic sword master Gai Nie lost to a young man in the field of swordsmanship!

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