Compared with Gai Nie, Wei Zhuang’s strength is still somewhat inferior after all.
Even if Gai Nie only holds a wooden sword, he can still have an overwhelming advantage, enough to suppress Wei Zhuang strongly.
The ear-piercing sound of weapons and blades colliding slowly sounded, lingering and spreading in all directions.
Gai Nie fought fiercely with Wei Zhuang.
Even in the midst of a fierce battle, Gai Nie still sensed Ying Changge’s approach.
His heart sank slightly, and the sword moves in his hand hesitated a little.
He doesn’t know.
Will Ying Changge intervene in the battlefield?
He just knows.
Once the monster, Seventh Young Master, really decides to intervene in the battlefield, then the only way to meet him is death, there is no second possibility.
“Brother, you are hesitating again.”
“It’s so indecisive!”
“Obviously you can suppress me at once, but you still hesitate.”
“Your heart is too complicated!”
“Just because you are like this, you want to defeat me?”
Wei Zhuang frowned, and the shark-toothed sword move in his hand became more and more fierce and oppressed Gai Nie in turn.
Of course he noticed.
The distraction of Ge Nie who was fighting him in front of him.
at the same time.
With a glance from the corner of his eye, he saw a figure in white standing on the edge of the battlefield.
Seeing this, he could somewhat understand Ge Nie’s emotional changes.
after all.
There is such a terrifying and powerful existence, standing on the edge of the battlefield and staring at it, any strong person will feel unparalleled pressure.
Even Juggernaut Gai Nie is no exception!
That terrifying existence is so powerful that it surpasses the invincible powerhouse!
Being targeted by this kind of existence, it is absolutely impossible for Wei Zhuang to not care about it.
Taking advantage of Gai Nie’s hesitation in his sword move, Wei Zhuang did not give up this opportunity at all, and the shark tooth attack in his hand became more and more fierce.
All of a sudden.
Gai Nie turned it around and was temporarily suppressed by Wei Zhuang.
not for a while.
After realizing that Ying Changge, who was on the edge of the battlefield, didn’t seem to have any plans to intervene in the battlefield, Gai Nie finally eased his heavy heart a little.
Gai Nie once again pulled himself together, concentrating on the current fierce confrontation with Wei Zhuang.
As long as Ying Changge has no plans to intervene in the battlefield, Gai Nie is confident that he can take down Wei Zhuang in front of him!
As the number one sword master in the world, I still have a little bit of self-confidence…  
As the time goes.
Gai Nie’s swordsmanship became more and more fierce, and Wei Zhuang fell into trouble again. He was suppressed by Gai Nie and retreated steadily, and he was about to show a trend of defeat.
off the field.
Seeing the confrontation between the two, Hidden Bat and Wushuang Ghost were slightly startled, their faces became extraordinarily solemn, and they stared at the battlefield tightly.
They saw it too.
Lord Wei Zhuang is on the verge of defeat.
“The Sword Master is worthy of being a Sword Master…”
“Even Lord Wei Zhuang can’t win.”
The hermit bat’s voice was a little hoarse.
Seeing the fierce confrontation between Gai Nie and Wei Zhuang, Meng Ying couldn’t help but asked Ying Changge in a low voice: “My lord, in your opinion, which of these two can win?”
Hearing this, Ying Changge didn’t need to think, so he replied directly: “If there are no accidents in the battle, Ge Nie is probably sure to win.”
Wei Zhuang is already at the end of his battle.
But Gai Nie is still able to handle it with ease.
The two judged each other.
In terms of overall strength, Gai Nie will still surpass Wei Zhuang after all.
For so many years, Wei Zhuang has never been able to defeat Gai Nie.
Even today, it is notNo exception!
Gai Nie seems to be Wei Zhuang’s nemesis, making Wei Zhuang unattainable in his life, he can only look up, but he has never been able to surpass him.
“Will Wei Zhuang lose?”
Meng Ying looked towards the battlefield.
He soon noticed it too.
Wei Zhuang in the battlefield gradually became weaker and weaker.
On the other hand, 4.9 Gai Nie, the more he fought, the braver he was!
Wei Zhuang began to retreat steadily, his forehead was covered with sweat stains, and his figure looked a little embarrassed.
The domineering and arrogant Wei Zhuang is still much inferior in front of Gai Nie.
“I’m going to lose.”
Ying Changge’s mouth moved slightly.
He has a perfect level of domineering and knowledgeable, and can see details that many people cannot perceive.
He can judge very accurately.
Within half a quarter of an hour, Wei Zhuang will be defeated!
For the development and trend of the battle situation, Ying Changge has a clear control of almost all aspects.
None of the slightest disturbances and details could escape his keen insight.
as predicted!
Just like Ying Changge’s guess.
In less than half a quarter of an hour, Gai Nie finally hit Wei Zhuang severely with his sword with a very fierce posture, sending Wei Zhuang flying ten meters away.
Chapter 383 The seventh son is the scariest big boss! 【Please customize】
Wei Zhuang was shot more than ten meters away, and the shark teeth in his hand fell to the broken ground beside him, and his whole body lay flat on the ground covered with scars.
He was half-kneeling, with his hands firmly supporting the broken ground, the corners of his mouth were bloodshot, and his face was extremely pale, almost bloodless.
He has lost the ability to continue fighting.
The moment the shark tooth in his hand was out of control, Wei Zhuang had already declared defeat.
Lost to Ge Nie!
Lost to the world’s number one sword master!
After a severe cough, Wei Zhuang spat out blood, raised his head with difficulty, and stared at Gai Nie in front of him with eyes full of unwillingness.
Unprecedented embarrassment!
Wei Zhuang, who is well-known in the world, was defeated again in front of Gai Nie.
Wei Zhuang was not unfamiliar with losing to Gai Nie.
after all.
In his life, he had never defeated Ge Nie.
Not even once.
“Did I lose again?”
Wei Zhuang’s eyes were lost for a while, bloodshot eyes were all over his eyes, his face was pale, with an expression of unwillingness.
Many years have passed.
Face Gai Nie again.
He still lost.
Wei Zhuang couldn’t accept it.
He has worked so hard to cultivate all these years in order to defeat Gai Nie.

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