“But today, even if you have wings, it’s hard to fly.”
After Meng Tian retracted his gaze, he burst out laughing.
Seeing the terrifying power erupting from his young master again, he still felt deep amazement and shock in his heart.
The power of this shocking sword is obviously much more terrifying than before.
Of course Meng Tian could feel this.
The last time a single sword wiped out a thousand anti-Qin elements, but this time, a single sword directly wiped out more than two thousand anti-Qin elements.
By contrast.
The difference is obvious!
What’s even more frightening is…
After the sword was cut last time, it was obviously impossible to create such a terrifying mess of ruins on the ground.
“It seems that the seventh son’s strength has grown again.”
“You really deserve to be the number one evildoer in the ages!”
“In such a short period of time, one’s own strength can still usher in a huge surge and increase.”
“This is an out-and-out monster!”
Meng Tian thought so in his heart.
He raised the bronze sword in his hand, and directly attacked Xiang Liang in front of him.
Now, Xiang Liang is in danger.
And at this moment, it was a good time to kill Xiang Liang.
Of course Meng Tian would not miss this opportunity.
Faced with Meng Tian’s sudden attack and killing, Xiang Liang’s face was ugly and his heart was heavy.
So far, he still can’t calm down.
Chapter 381 Wei Zhuang is defeated? Ying Changge is about to enter the arena! 【Please customize】
“Damn it!”
“How can there be such a monster in this world?”
“With one’s own strength, more than 2,000 people were directly destroyed!”
“Is this something human can do?”
“I’m afraid it’s not a living ~ immortal!”
“With one strike, more than 2,000 people were instantly killed on the spot, and the bones of more than 2,000 people were killed.”
“Is this a human?”
Xiang Liang gritted his teeth, feeling the pressure in his heart.
He thought so.
It must be that the seventh son was too arrogant to dare to face more than 2,000 members of the anti-Qin alliance alone.
In the end, the clown turned out to be himself!
He is the most ridiculous person.
The other party really has the terrifying power to kill more than 2,000 people in one shot!
Xiang Liang couldn’t accept all of this.
It was hard for him to believe it.
How can there be people who practice martial arts in the world, so strong that they are not human?
I’m afraid it’s not a monster!
Before Xiang Liang could think too much, he faced Meng Tian’s fierce attack.
Suppressed unilaterally!
The suppression is retreating steadily!
Originally, Xiang Liang was not Meng Tian’s opponent, but now, he has lost all power, and all the elite Chu army was wiped out at that moment just now.
This made Xiang Liang no longer have any fighting spirit and belief.
Fighting broke out again.
The remaining battles can only be said to be the final epilogue.
Following Ying Changge’s shocking strike, the Anti-Qin Alliance was completely disintegrated.
so far.
The remaining few personnel, no matter how strong they are, are powerless to recover.
The only fate that awaits them is…
Other than that, there is no second possibility.
“My son is invincible!””Seventh Young Master’s miraculous skills are unmatched! His strength is unparalleled!”
“It’s too strong! The strength of the seventh son is simply invincible!”
“Those anti-Qin elements are really miserable. They couldn’t even stop the son with a single sword, and they were killed in seconds, and the entire army was wiped out with a single sword.”
More than 16,000 elite soldiers of the Qin Army looked at Ying Changge with admiration and admiration, and voices of amazement and shock kept coming out.
The voice was loud and resounded through the sky.
These deafening sounds woke up the few remaining Mohist leaders.
They looked at each other, and they could all see the powerlessness and despair all over their faces.
“It’s over!”
“That Seventh Young Master is really a monster!”
Bandit Zhi was devastated, his face pale.
Until now, he still can’t believe it.
More than 2,000 people said nothing and nothing.
Still being met face-to-face by someone, wiping out all of them with a single sword!
If he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes, Robber Zhi would never have dreamed of believing such a shocking phenomenon.
“Do your best, obey the destiny…”
“For the current plan, there is only a desperate fight!”
“Vitality? For us now, there is no vitality anymore.”
“It’s just that before you die, you can bring a few people together to support your back.”
Gao Jianli tightly held the Shuihan sword in his hand, staring at Baifeng in front of him with sharp eyes.
He doesn’t think so.
They are also eligible to escape from the organ city.
They lost!
Not to the elite soldiers of the empire, but to that monster Seventh Prince!
“Xiao Gao, you are right, even if you die, you have to drag a few damn Qin Jun to back up together.”
Robber Zhi gritted his teeth and said.
Snow Girl said nothing.
She was selectively silent.
But judging from her posture, it was obviously consistent with Gao Jianli’s opinion.
Fight to the death!
Fighting broke out again.
The few remaining Mohist leaders wanted to exert their last remaining energy, and they brought a few people to accompany them to Huangquan.
With the thought of dying, they fought extremely fiercely and seriously.
not far away.
Meng Ying, Shao Siming, Yu Ziqi, Shi Lan and others came to Ying Changge’s side one after another, and they sat behind Ying Changge very tacitly, with Ying Changge as the main one.
“My son is still as strong as ever!”
“It’s terrifyingly strong!”
The two brothers and sisters Yu Ziqi and Shi Lan felt lingering fears.

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