Blood flowed like a river!
Countless corpses looked very hideous and terrifying.
The atmosphere here is still very depressing!
The murderous spirit filled the four directions.
After the Qin army withdrew from the battlefield, this group of anti-Qin elements also seemed very confused.
They can’t figure it out.
Here, what happened?
Qin Jun obviously suppressed them all the time just now.
But why did he suddenly choose to withdraw from the battlefield?
Wouldn’t this be a waste of a great opportunity to crush them all at once?
What is Qin Jun’s plan?
Will they really miss such a good opportunity?
What is the conspiracy here?
“Here, what do Qin Jun and the others want to do?”
“Obviously they could crush us all at once just now, but at this critical moment, they retreated actively? And withdrew from the battlefield?”
“I can’t figure it out at all!”
“What’s the plan?”
“I don’t know, but Qin Jun must be uneasy and kind.”
“In any case, it is good for us that they voluntarily withdraw from the battlefield. After all, if we continue in the state just now, we will be wiped out sooner or later.”
“That makes sense, and I think so too.”
“No matter what the purpose of the Qin army is, in short, they voluntarily withdraw from the battlefield, which can also give us a little time to adjust our state.”
“Next, it will be a fierce battle! Everyone, please prepare in advance.”
The anti-Qin elements started a conversation.
As for the Qin army’s sudden withdrawal from the battlefield, they currently see that it does not do them any harm, but has a lot of benefits.
At least.
They have time to recuperate and adjust their state, so as to face the battle in the best state.
“You said, these Qin soldiers must be afraid, right?”
“Want to waste our energy?”
“Brothers, we must not let them succeed.”
“No matter what purpose they have, we must go all out and pull a few Qin troops to back up together.”
at the same time.
Gao Jianli, Xue Nu and other Mohist leaders also noticed the changes in the battlefield here.
They all felt deep confusion.
Qin Jun actually withdrew his troops on his own initiative?
What exactly does Qin Jun want to do?
Although I can’t see through it.
But in their hearts, they felt even more depressed.
What is invisible is the most frightening.
“Qin Jun…”
“What do you want to do?”
They frowned, lost in thought.
at the same time.
Xiang Liang, who was fighting against Meng Tian, ​​naturally noticed that the Qin army had withdrawn from the battlefield.
He quickly opened a safe distance from Meng Tian, ​​stared at Meng Tian with a serious face, and asked in a low voice: “Meng Tian, ​​what are your plans?”
Just now the anti-Qin elements are in a precarious situation.
It is about to be completely crushed and destroyed by one side.
Naturally, Xiang Liang’s insight cannot escape this point.
Xiang Liang also couldn’t understand.
In such a good situation, why did the Qin army retreat?
Isn’t this wasted in vain, the great situation that was managed with great difficulty just now?
Can’t figure it out!
Even if I think about it, I can’t think of a reason.
“Ha ha……”
“Can’t you see it too?”
“now it’s right!”
Meng Tian, ​​who was questioned by Xiang Liang, grinned, showing a mysterious expression pretending to be profound.
In fact.
He was also in the fog, kept in the dark, completely unaware of what was going on.
On the surface, of course he would not show such a gesture in front of Xiang Liang.
“What exactly does Seventh Young Master want to do with 507?”
“Why give up a great opportunity to attack?”
“It took so much effort to oppress the anti-Qin elements into this situation. Why did you give up? Isn’t this the time for the anti-Qin elements to adjust their status?”
“I really can’t figure out what the Seventh Young Master is thinking!”
Countless thoughts flashed through Meng Tian’s head.
He also couldn’t see through.
What is the plan of the seventh son Ying Changge?
Why did you suddenly withdraw all Qin troops from the battlefield?
Don’t say that Xiang Liang can’t see through, even Meng Tian looks confused.
All the people on all sides were in complete confusion and incomprehensible confusion.
I see.
Located on the edge of the battlefield.
The young figure in white finally stepped forward, step by step slowly stepping into the battlefield ahead.
While walking towards the battlefield, Ying Changge also took out the famous sword Abyss from his waist.
Holding the famous sword Yuanyuan, he approached the battlefield step by step.
He successfully arrived at the core area of ​​the battlefield!
at the same time.
After arriving here, his footsteps also stopped abruptly.
After a while.
Ying Changge, who was dressed in white and held the famous sword Longyuan, was already standing in the center of the battlefield.
Countless eyes gathered from all directions…
this moment.
He has become the only focus of attention! .
Chapter 374 One person overturns the audience? Can it be done? 【Please customize】
When seeing Ying Changge walk into the battlefield, located in the center of the battlefield, everyone couldn’t help but be attracted by him alone.
Highly anticipated!
One person with one sword, standing in the center of the battlefield.
directly in front of him.
It is the anti-Qin remnant party with only more than 2,000 people left.
This moment.
More than 2,000 anti-Qin elements also used surprise and suspicionWith puzzled eyes, he stared blankly at Ying Changge who suddenly appeared.
They were also clearly perplexed by Ying Changge’s actions.

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