Armed with a weapon, Meng Ying’s blood was boiling with enthusiasm.
He killed even more fiercely.
“Young Master has returned and is about to intervene in the battlefield.”
“Now, these anti-Qin remnants are just the end of the battle. Brothers, let us eradicate them all at once!”
“In one breath, kill them all!”
“Come on!”
More than 16,000 elite Qin soldiers all saw Ying Changge.
They looked excited as if they had been injected with chicken blood. Holding the weapons and blades in their hands, they launched an extraordinarily swift and fierce offensive.
Do not know why.
The moment they saw Ying Changge, their fighting spirit became much stronger, and their fighting spirit was surging.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・・・・・・・・
Under the influence of enthusiasm, more than 16,000 elite soldiers of the Qin army overwhelmingly suppressed the remaining 3,000 anti-Qin elements and retreated steadily.
One cold corpse after another fell to the ground.
One life after another was harvested.
The personnel of the anti-Qin elements continued to die and fell to the ground one after another.
Blood stained the land red.
Blood stained the sky!
There were cold corpses everywhere.
The flowing blood even formed a river.
It can be called a river of blood!
The pungent and strong bloody smell wafts in the air and spreads far away with the wind.
One after another, the corpses fell to the ground and became unattended.
Most of them are the cold corpses of anti-Qin elements.
It can be seen from this.
The appearance of Ying Changge endowed the Qin army with great fighting spirit and belief, allowing them to launch an overwhelming terrorist offensive without fear of death.
Not only that.
Seeing Ying Changge’s figure, the anti-Qin elements who had been overwhelmingly suppressed by the Qin army also felt boundless fear and panic.
The originally neat formation was disintegrated by the breakthrough in an instant.
“That monster is back…”
“We’re fucked!”
“There is no longer any hope.”
“It’s over, it’s over.”
“No one can stop that monster!”
The faith of the anti-Qin elements collapsed.
Their fighting spirit has completely collapsed.
Back and forth!
The army was defeated like a mountain!
A group of anti-Qin elements were completely panicked.
Due to the lack of faith and fighting spirit, when they were attacked and killed by the excited Qin army, they were extraordinarily flustered when dealing with them.
not for a while.
The number of deaths of anti-Qin elements increased rapidly.
No one can manifest.
Before Ying Changge even got involved in the battlefield, he only reappeared on the edge of the battlefield, but brought such an astonishing change to the battle situation!
His appearance endowed the Qin army with unprecedented fighting spirit and fighting spirit.
at the same time.
It also weakened the fighting spirit and belief of the anti-Qin elements on the opposite side.
That’s why.
Only then will the anti-Qin elements be defeated like a mountain.
The one-sided suppression by the Qin army caused a rapid increase in the number of deaths.
Such an amazing feat.
It can be said that…
Alone, he strongly dominated the development and trend of a war! Where.
Chapter 372 The young master must have a plan for doing this! 【Please customize】
“My appearance seems to have caused quite a change in the battle situation.”
Ying Changge had a strange expression on his face.
He stands on the edge of the battlefield.
Before getting involved in the battlefield, he could feel the huge changes in the battlefield.
With his appearance, the Mohists and other anti-Qin elements were completely defeated.
Before he appeared, the Mohists and other anti-Qin elements were obviously not in such a mess.
But after his appearance, the anti-Qin elements of the Mo family completely collapsed.
“My influence is so great?”
Ying Changge was thoughtful.
not for a while.
Mengying withdrew from the battlefield, and quickly came to Ying Changge’s side, with a respectful face: “My lord, have you finished your affairs?”
Ying Changge nodded: “It’s almost “five zero seven”. How is the battle going?”
Hearing this, Meng Ying replied truthfully: “As of now, the empire has lost about 3,000 elite soldiers and killed more than 7,000 anti-Qin elements.”
“It’s about one for two, or about one for three.”
“It’s been a big win for us.”
“After all. There are not only Mohist disciples here, but also the remnants of the remnants of the Chu State. The Chu army is a hard bone, and it is difficult to chew.”
Meng Ying analyzed calmly.
as he said.
The remnants of the remnant party of the Chu State, the rest are a group of veterans who have experienced many battles.
The Chu army that survived the pursuit of the empire was naturally all powerful elites.
If the number is the same, the elite army led by Meng Tian may not be able to securely defeat the remnants of the Chu State led by Xiang Liang.
It was precisely because of the influence of these Chu troops that the empire lost a lot of manpower.
If there were no Chu army, the empire would not have lost so many personnel.
by contrast.
The disciples of the Mohist school and their people in the world are very vulnerable.
Speaking up.
The only thing that can resist the elite of the empire on the battlefield is the elite of the Chu army.
As for Mohist disciples?
They were so killed that they retreated steadily, and they were so suppressed that they couldn’t look up at all!
If there were no Chu army’s tenacious resistance, there is no doubt that these anti-Qin elements might have been killed by the elite army of the empire long ago.
Bottom line.
The biggest reason why the anti-Qin alliance can persist until now and has not been completely wiped out by the army of the empire is the elite Chu army led by Xiang Liang.
It was their tenacious resistance that prevented the anti-Qin alliance from completely disintegrating.
certainly.Now the time when the Anti-Qin Alliance will completely disintegrate is getting closer!
No matter how elite they are, the difference in numbers is too great.

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