The sound spread one after another, appearing extremely loud and piercing.
Countless stone wreckage fell to the ground, smashing the already broken floor tiles into countless hideous holes and deep pits.
so that.
The earth collapsed again.
Inside and outside the secret room, there were a series ofTrembling and shaking violently.
The sound of vibration echoed in all corners.
In the air in the secret room, a wave of dust curled up everywhere, and the smoke and dust billowed up.
The scene is very messy.
Countless debris piled up like a mountain, completely filling the environment in the secret room.
Take a look at it as a whole.
This secret room seemed to be shattered by an earthquake.
riddled with holes!
The scene was shocking.
On closer inspection, there is hardly any intact area around.
The ceiling of the secret room collapsed and turned into countless fragments.
The floor tiles also shattered and cracked, leaving only hideous and terrifying deep pits, and countless broken stones piled up to form small rockeries.
all in all.
The environment in the secret room is very chaotic!
And this is just the impact of Ying Changge’s sword strike.
Ying Changge’s full blown sword could naturally easily destroy a huge secret room by force.
For Ying Changge, this was nothing more than an easy task.
“nailed it.”
With a sweep of knowledge and domineering, Ying Changge had a clear insight into the terrain in the secret room.
His sword completely destroyed the entire secret room!
at the same time.
The collapse and shattering of the secret room can be regarded as the burial of the many cold corpses in the secret room.
Let these corpses not be exposed outside, but buried under the ground by these scattered broken stones, separated from the world forever.
This is what Ying Changge did for these corpses in the end.
These corpses still brought him a lot of improvements in template fusion before his death.
Of course he doesn’t mind.
Let these corpses have a place to bury after death.
He forcibly created a burial place for these corpses.
After resolving these remaining matters, Ying Changge put away the famous sword in his hand, Yuanyuan.
The armed armor faded away, and the power of the gravity fruit also disappeared without a trace.
Yan Yuanjian returned to its original appearance, but the aura emanating from the blade was much sharper and more oppressive.
“It’s time to go~‖.”
Ying Changge has no nostalgia for this place.
Turning around decisively, he stepped forward and gradually walked away.
Only one dilapidated secret room area was left in ruins.
And under the ruins…
Many cold corpses buried!
There are Mohist senior class masters, Xu Fuzi, Duanmu Rong…
There is also the right protector Luna of the Yin Yang family!
And Xiang Shaoyu, the future Overlord of Western Chu!
The last ones are Jing Tianming and Gao Yue.
The number of corpses buried here is small, but it is full of weight.
Almost every one of them has a huge influence on the outside world.
Not a single nobody!
They all died in the hands of Ying Changge.
completely annihilated!
The state of Chu lost a leader.
The Onmyo family lost a prominent Right Protector.
The Mohists even lost two master-level figures, Master Ban and Master Xu.
In short.
The death of these people will undoubtedly have a very huge impact.
However, all of this has nothing to do with Ying Changge.
He doesn’t care either.
How much trouble these people’s deaths would cause him.
there is always a solution to a problem.
If there is trouble, he doesn’t mind using his invincible strength to solve these troubles.
“The protagonist group, all groups are destroyed!”
As if thinking of something interesting, the corners of Ying Changge’s mouth turned up slightly, and an intriguing smile appeared on his face.
The protagonist group was killed by him alone!
The one-person group wiped out the entire protagonist group!
Jing Tianming, Xiang Shaoyu, Gao Yue, all died!
These three are the absolute protagonists!
The only pity is that…
They ran into Ying Changge.
If not.
With their invulnerability, they definitely wouldn’t die so easily.
However, they were unlucky to meet Ying Changge.
From the moment I met Ying Changge.
They are already doomed.
There is no doubt that he must die!
Even if they were the sons of Tianjue, they could not escape the fate of being forcefully wiped out by Ying Changge.
“Everything is already doomed.”
“‘ 〃 It’s just killing an extra right protector of the Yin Yang family.”
Ying Changge’s expression was calm and natural.
Luna’s sudden intervention was beyond his expectation.
It’s just that I didn’t expect it, and it won’t affect the final result.
Killing all these important people at once did not bring any negative impact to Ying Changge, nor did it affect his emotional ups and downs.
Everything has long been taken for granted!
not for a while.
Before getting close to the battlefield, Ying Changge was far away, and heard the sound of fighting from the distant battlefield, as well as the harsh sound of weapons colliding with each other.
The sound of fighting kept ringing.
“Kill them all!”
“Damn Qin Jun, even if he dies, I will drag you to the back together.”

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