“Please accept my move too!”
An intriguing smile appeared on Ying Changge’s face.
Luna’s pupils shrank slightly, and her pretty face became very heavy.
Before waiting for her reaction.
Ying Changge shot decisively.
He took out the famous sword Abyss from his waist. The blade was sharp and sharp, emitting bursts of cold light and flickering, causing the temperature of the surrounding air to plummet, becoming icy cold and dense.
In one thought, the perfect gravity fruit exploded!
The famous sword Abyss held tightly in his hand began to coil a layer of dark purple gas around the blade, fluctuating with an extremely depressing aura.
0・・・・・Seeking freshnessflower···· ·········
Terrifying power wrapped around the blade, and even the space around the sword was disturbed by this extremely suppressed force, causing the space to twist and wriggle continuously.
It seems that the space seems to be collapsing and collapsing at any time.
Ying Changge raised the sharp blade in his hand and pointed at the Moon God in front of him.
Not too many fancy moves.
Only one sword!
The sharp blade entwined with dark purple gas quickly pierced through the sky.
call out!
Ying Changge held the Yuanyuan sword in his hand, and cut it off mercilessly.
The sharp blade cut through the air, tore the void, and burst into a piercing sound.
at the same time.
The fruit of gravity was brewed in the power of the blade, and the moment the blade was cut off, it was completely forced out by Ying Changge, and rushed to the position where the moon god was in the front.
…………… 0
The overwhelming violent power, with the power to crush the space, enveloped the body of Luna in an instant.
“Gravity Knife Tiger!”
For this sword, Ying Changge only used 20% of his strength.
He didn’t even use his perfect-level armed domineering throughout the whole process.
Just worried that the power of this sword is too terrifying. As a result, the entire secret room here is very likely to be chopped down by his sword.
When the blade cuts through the air…
The endless gravitational force also erupted in an all-round way, rushing forward swiftly with the momentum of crushing everything in the world.
This force is enough to overwhelm mountains and seas!
The momentum is overwhelming!
Just for a split second.
The dark purple slash carried terrifying gravity, and hit Luna’s body forcefully from the front.
“What kind of amazing and terrifying power is it?!”
Faced with this earth-shattering and terrifying sword strike, Luna’s beautiful eyes widened and her face was full of horror and shock.
The violent power contained in this sword made her feel like…
Facing a towering mountain of tens of thousands of meters alone!
next second,
Luna was hit on the spot by this sword.
Like a huge mountain of tens of thousands of meters, at the astonishing speed of a meteorite falling, it forcibly hit the body from the front.
How terrifying is this force?
it goes without saying!
In an instant, Luna was sent flying hundreds of meters away.
in process.
She flew upside down in mid-air with almost no image…
Bloody all the way!
Blood stained the sky! Where.
Chapter 362 This is crushing! Incredible Luna! 【Please customize】
Being hit by this slash with terrifying gravity, how does it feel to be hit from the front?
Luna only feels.
Her body was about to be torn apart on the spot, and her internal organs were severely damaged. Her whole body might explode on the spot at almost any moment, and the blood in her body was constantly surging.
This slash was full of violent and terrifying power, with the aura of crushing everything in the world, it directly knocked the Moon God hundreds of meters away in an instant.
The right protector of the dignified Yin Yang family is also a powerful martial arts master.
But when faced with this sword, he didn’t even have the ability to block it.
The power contained in this sword is too terrifying!
Powerful to the extreme!
Luna seemed to be hit by a majestic mountain from the front, spitting out blood uncontrollably, flying upside down and rolling all the way in mid-air.
This “490” moment.
Luna no longer has the slightest image of elegance.
She was so embarrassing that she couldn’t be seen!
The long sky blue dress on her body was even more destroyed by a terrifying force, which caused her clothes to be torn, exposing her snow-white skin.
The dignified protector of the country…
at this very moment.
Almost all of his ugliness are exposed.
This was definitely the most embarrassing moment in Luna’s life.
can also be clearly captured.
On the moon god’s abdomen, an extremely hideous scar of blood color appeared. The blood flowed slowly, and soon infected the long skirt soaked in sky blue.
A pungent and strong smell of blood slowly flowed out from her body.
not for a while.
Luna’s body turned into a bloody blood man, bringing a very strong visual impact to people.
There was a strong smell of blood all over his body, making Luna no longer as noble and elegant as in the past, but instead showing a distressed and unsightly figure.
Luna, whose clothes were torn, was sent flying all the way…
Flying upside down all the way hundreds of meters away!
Her figure rolled in mid-air, bleeding all the way, and finally slammed into a solid wall a hundred meters away.
Accompanied by a loud bang.
Luna’s back hit the wall heavily, and then brought a terrifying shock wave to the entire wall, causing the surface of the wall to shatter and crack.
The wall cracked, and hideous and terrifying cracks quickly spread in all directions. The dense cracks were like spider webs, making one’s hair stand on end.
As for the wall that Luna hit directly, it was directly dented by about 20 centimeters.
Along the concave position of the wall where her back hit, more and more cracks were broken around her.
The entire wall trembled continuously, as if an earthquake was coming, causing the corresponding cracks and cracks, and countless shattered stone fragments slid down from the wall.
As soon as he opened his mouth, Luna immediately vomited blood, his pretty face was pale, almost bloodless, and very weak.

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