“My lord, then I won’t disturb your elegance too much.”
Luna prepares to leave with Gao Yue and Jing Tianming.
at this time.
Gao Yue suddenly raised her head and looked at Ying Changge, as if relying on the courage and confidence brought to her by the moon god.
She gritted her teeth and said firmly, “Give me back what belongs to me!”
Luna was surprised.
Seventh son will also take away a little girl’s belongings?
What kind of item can actually attract the young master to do this?
“Phantom Sound Treasure Box!”
Gao Yue told the truth.
…………… 0
Luna’s pupils shrank slightly.
She immediately turned her head and looked at Ying Changge next to her.
Shocked, she couldn’t help blurting out: “My lord, is the phantom sound treasure box really in your hands?”
The smile on Ying Changge’s face faded.
He regained his expressionless expression, and slowly took out a crimson wooden box from his bosom, that is, the Phantom Sound Treasure Box.
Holding the phantom sound treasure box in his hand, Ying Changge’s face was flat, “Want?”
The beautiful eyes of the Moon God flickered, unable to contain the longing in his heart: “My lord, this is a treasure passed down from generation to generation in the Yin Yang family, but it was a pity that it was lost hundreds of years ago.”
“Today, I actually found it.”
“Can you please return the Phantom Sound Treasure Box to its original owner, my lord? This item is of great significance to our Yin-Yang family and is very important.”
The words fell.
Ying Changge suddenly laughed.
“It’s so interesting!”
“You guys are really interesting!”
Ying Changge laughed wildly, and the laughter spread loudly in the huge secret room.
Do not know why.
When seeing Ying Changge like this, Luna had an ominous premonition in his heart.
Before Luna could speak.
Ying Changge’s smile stopped abruptly, and he asked playfully, “Do you think that you can make progress in front of me? First you took Gao Yue away, and then Jing Tianming…”
“Even the spoils that belong to me, I want the white wolf to win them empty-handed!”
“Do you really think that there is nothing I can do about you?”
“Or maybe.”
“Do you really think I’m a soft persimmon? I can let you handle it as you like?”
“I’m curious.”
“Who, give you the guts!”
“Dare to act presumptuously one after another in front of me!”
Speaking of this, a strong killing intent gradually appeared on Ying Changge’s face.
Chapter 352 Let the Eastern Emperor Taiyi bow down to me? 【Please customize】
it is good!
Very good!
Originally wanted to take Gao Yue and Jing Tianming away, but Ying Changge didn’t care too much about it.
Right to give Luna and the Yin Yang family a little face.
Let everyone close.
after all.
The Yin Yang family is also well-known in the empire.
As the right protector of the Yin Yang family, the status of the Moon God is self-evident.
Considering so much, Ying Changge didn’t mind giving Luna a little face and letting him take away Gao Yue and Jing Tianming, two innocuous little characters.
Jing Tianming and Gao Yue hardly improved Ying Changge’s template integration.
Even if Luna doesn’t take the opponent away, Ying Changge will kill him directly.
Handing two people over to Luna to deal with is just a matter of convenience, and you can still get the same price given by the Yinyang family. Why not do “490”?
It was precisely because of these thoughts that Ying Changge did not confront Moon God face to face and continued to entangle over this matter.
The moment when Ying Changge was about to give up.
Luna suddenly raised it again.
Want to seize the phantom sound treasure box, a treasure handed down from their Yin Yang family!
How could Ying Changge tolerate this?
A treasure handed down from the Yin Yang family?
Feel sorry!
From the moment he appeared on Ying Chang Singer.
It already seems to belong to Ying Changge.
No one can take it away.
As for the Yin Yang family wanting to take back the phantom sound treasure box?
Ying Changge will naturally not let the other party get his wish.
After listening to Luna’s righteous words, Ying Changge didn’t need to tolerate him anymore.
His face was full of cold and serious emotional colors.
Want a phantom sound box?
Take your life in exchange!
“I suddenly feel.”
“I seem……”
“Too kind to you!”
“Let you mistakenly think that you can get an inch in front of me, but I have nothing to do with you.”
“Do you have such a mentality? Luna.”
Ying Changge’s tone was devoid of any emotion.
Hearing this, Luna felt hairy all over his body.
She always feels.
Ying Changge in front of him was a bit scary!
It made her, a top martial artist at the level of a martial arts master, smell extremely dangerous.
If possible, she certainly didn’t want to have a conflict with Ying Changge.
The phantom sound treasure box is too important!
This is a rare treasure that has been passed down by the Yin Yang family for many years!
Canglong Qisu is also involved in this!
Of course, Luna would not miss the opportunity to take the phantom sound treasure box back to the Yin Yang family.
after all.
Canglong Qisu is also the power that the Yin Yang family has been looking for.
“My son’s words are wrong.”

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