The gravitational force that was about to explode suddenly dissipated between his palms.
The surge of innate zhenqi surging in the body also slowly cooled down and calmed down.
This accident happened without any warning!
Even Ying Changge looked very surprised.
He was completely unprepared.
“This is……”
Ying Changge’s perfect domineering aura caught an intruder from outside.
And it was this intruder who forcibly terminated his behavior in preparing to kill Gao Yue and Jing Tianming.
If it was just an ordinary intruder from outside, he would naturally not be able to attract such attention from him.
But the problem is…
The identity of this intruder is not simple!
It’s not a small background!
It was precisely because of the identity of the intruder that Ying Changge thought it was a huge accident.
“Why is she here?”
“‘ 〃 why never beforeHeard about this? ”
“Yin Yang Family…”
“What exactly do you want to do?”
Ying Changge fell into deep thought.
The intruder he had a perfect level of insight and domineering insight.
It is from the Yinyang family, the right protector Luna!
If it wasn’t for the sudden intrusion of Luna, Ying Changge might have killed Jing Tianming and Gao Yue.
Due to the sudden intervention of the Moon God, he forcibly stopped his current behavior.
He would love to see it.
What exactly does Luna want to do?
And what is the purpose of the Yin Yang family?
It stands to reason.
Luna should be far away in Xianyang City.
Why did she suddenly run to the Trick City of the Mo Family?
Why did she come to Mohist’s organ city?
Things seem to be getting more and more interesting!
With the incomprehension and confusion in his heart, Ying Changge quietly waited in place.
After a while.
as predicted.
Just as Ying Changge expected.
Luna is still here.
As soon as he stepped into the secret room, (Mano’s) saw countless cold corpses lying on the ground, and Luna’s pretty face became somewhat dignified.
She moved slightly, and hurried to Ying Changge’s side, her tone was extraordinarily solemn.
“Young master, please be merciful.”
I turned my gaze.
Seeing that Gao Yue was still alive, Luna secretly heaved a sigh of relief.
Her state of mind fluctuates and changes, so it is naturally difficult to escape Ying Changge’s perfect level of knowledgeable insight!
“Is she here for Gao Yue?”
“The reason why the Yinyang family sent Luna, the powerful right guardian, to come to the Mohist organ city in person, is it purely for Gao Yue alone?”
After guessing in his heart, the smile on Ying Changge’s face restrained a little.
He faced the direction of the moon god, and spoke earnestly.
“Moon God…”
“Are you going to stop me?”
“Are you teaching me how to do things?”.
Chapter 350 Luna: Please give me face, my lord! 【Please customize】
The atmosphere is silent!
A huge secret room.
Jing Tianming and Gao Yue, who were originally waiting for death, did not notice the disappearance of their body’s vitality, and opened their eyes involuntarily.
first glance.
They saw that in the secret room, a high-jumping woman in a sky blue dress appeared at some unknown time.
The woman is very mysterious, wearing a translucent eye veil, and a crescent-shaped ornament stands on her back, making her high jumping figure even more weird and mysterious.
The sky-blue long skirt fell to the ground, and the graceful figure of the high jump all showed the beauty of this woman.
A head of deep purple soft long hair hanging down the shawl, coupled with a delicate and flawless beautiful face, with a mature charm, infinite charm.
“who is she?”
Jing Tianming opened his mouth with a blank expression on his face.
Do not know why.
He always felt that the woman in front of him was somewhat familiar.
as if…
Where have you seen each other before.
But when I think about it carefully, I feel that this may be just an illusion.
“Are you here to save us?”
Jing Tianming’s lips trembled slightly, his face turned pale, thinking so in his heart.
Can someone really save them?
Can this mysterious and strange woman in front of me do it?
But 490 looks like…
This woman seems to know each other with that terrifying monster?
Is it from the empire? !
Countless thoughts and thoughts surged crazily in Jing Tianming’s mind, making him puzzled.
“I’m not dead yet.”
Gao Yue’s pink lips moved slightly, she bit her silver teeth lightly, and her red eyes were absent-minded for a while.
She really didn’t expect it.
At this critical moment, an outsider ushered in and prevented the monster from attacking and killing them.
“elder sister……”
“Are you here to save us?”
Gao Yue looked at the tall figure of Luna with eyes full of hope, opened her mouth, and couldn’t help asking weakly in a melodious voice.
at the same time.
Luna also noticed the hope in Gao Yue’s eyes.
Hearing Gao Yue’s words, Luna’s pretty face didn’t change much, and her red lips parted slightly: “I’m here to take you away, are you willing to follow me to leave the organ city?”
“If you are willing, I can guarantee that you will be safe and sound, and leave the organ city alive.”
“What do you think of yourself?”
The voice is cold and crisp, and the melodious voice spreads in all directions.
The moon god looked down at Gao Yue from a high position, and the voice was as cold as nine days away, but it gave Gao Yue a strong hope, making her eyes shine brighter than ever before.
“You, can you really take me out of the organ city?”
Gao Yue tentatively couldn’t help asking.
Survival from a desperate situation!
Make her unbelievable.
Can you really leave the organ city alive?

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