“it is me!”.
Chapter 344: Class Master’s Mentality Collapses! incredible! 【Please customize】
Accompanied by Ying Changge’s voice, it just fell.
The atmosphere in the audience became even more eerie!
There was no sound!
Master Ban’s throat was dry, he opened his mouth, and was speechless for a while.
His eyes were wide and round, and he stared blankly at Ying Changge who was dressed in white in front of him.
Ying Changge’s words lingered in his ears, making him unable to calm down the extremely shocking mood.
Master Xu is no exception.
The two of them were shocked by Ying Changge’s words on the spot.
“You, what did you say?!”
Master Ban’s eyes and pupils widened, his face was full of horror and loss of composure.
this time.
He was completely out of his mind.
all the time.
He is struggling.
Such a powerful organ array in the Mohist Mechanism City took hundreds of years of time for the Mohist giants, and condensed the efforts of the entire Mohism for hundreds of years…
How could it be possible to say that it was breached by others?
This is totally unreasonable!
The Trick City, which took hundreds of years of painstaking efforts of the Mohists, shouldn’t be breached so easily.
The organ city was indeed breached.
Otherwise, it is impossible for the war outside to break out.
It is also impossible for the Qin army’s elite army to break into the Mohist organ city.
It’s all on display.
There is a mysterious and extremely terrifying existence that helped the Qin army of the empire break through the mechanism city that their Mo family spent hundreds of years of painstaking efforts to construct.
This is the only answer!
For this answer, the class teacher is more concerned about it.
Who is it? !
Who broke the organ city?
Is it the public loser? The contemporary head of the public loses his hatred?
This is the so-called infinitely close, the master of the mechanism of Master Lu Ban, the patriarch of the public loser?
Do not!
The class master ruled out this possibility immediately.
Even if it is public defeat, it is absolutely impossible to break through the organ city.
There is no doubt about this.
But who else could it be besides public defeat?
The scariest part is that…
The opponent not only broke through the mechanism city, but also cracked the mechanism city in a very short time.
The whole process may not even take half an hour.
This is what the class master thinks is the scariest thing.
And the most incredible phenomenon.
until just now.
The master class is still struggling.
Where is this mysterious and terrifying man?
How could it be possible to possess such terrifying organ attainments?
But he never expected.
The other party is standing in front of you at this very moment!
Still such a young man!
Looks like he’s not even twenty years old!
Still in the weak year.
The master class was stunned.
Even in his dreams, he couldn’t believe that such a fortress of the Mohist Trick City, which stood erect for hundreds of years, was actually broken by this young man in front of him.
This is impossible!
It must be fake!
This kid…
Must be lying!
“This joke is not funny at all~‖.”
The master class stared at Ying Changge intently, with a blunt and cold tone.
not difficult to see.
He didn’t believe what Ying Changge said.
only because.
If the Mohist mechanism city was really broken by the opponent alone, then the matter would be too subversive.
A young man at such a young age, the other party was able to break through the organ city alone?
is it possible?
The master class has always been unacceptable.
The other party is too young!
No matter how you look at it, it doesn’t look like a mechanism master who can break through the mechanism city.
No matter how talented a genius is, it is absolutely impossible to achieve such a terrifying feat.
If it’s what the other party did…
Then it is impossible to describe the other party as a genius.
“Do you think thisIs it a joke? ”
“What a poor self-esteem! Your self-esteem makes you unable to accept this fact?”
Ying Changge let out a laugh.
“It can’t be you!”
The master class is still firm on this point.
“Then how do you explain what happened just now?”
“Could it be…”
“The organs you used to block me just now were suddenly damaged by themselves?”
Ying Changge smiled playfully.
Hearing this, Master Ban’s expression froze.
How to explain what just happened?
The mechanism that was thought to be able to stop the opponent for at least half a quarter of an hour was disintegrated by the opponent’s easy breakthrough.
For a while, the master class couldn’t find a reasonable excuse at all.
Or rather.
There is no excuse at all to convince himself.
“Can’t think of a reason to refute it?”
Following the master class’s silence, the smile on Ying Changge’s face became even brighter.

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