It’s a monster!
Do not know why.
Very suddenly, Master Ban had an ominous premonition in his heart.
And the source of this ominous premonition is Ying Changge in front of him.
“Not good!”
“Let’s get out of here!”
“I don’t know what’s going on, I have an ominous premonition in my heart.”
“Next, something horrific and unpredictable may happen.”
“Let’s run away!”
Master Class’s complexion changed slightly, his heart was heavy, and he hurriedly shouted out.
Seeing Master Ban’s face so out of control, Master Xu felt a little uneasy.
The two immediately took Jing Tianming, Gao Yue, and the bodies of Duanmu Rong and Xiang Shaoyu with them, preparing to leave the scene as quickly as possible.
But just when they were about to leave.
Located in the central area of ​​the organization array.
Ying Changge, dressed in white, had no expression on his face, and with his perfect domineering sense of knowledge, he could clearly see that Master Ban and others were about to try to escape from the scene.
“Want to escape?”
“Have you asked me?”
The corners of Ying Changge’s mouth turned up slightly.
Now belatedly want to escape from the scene?
Is it too late?
Do you really think you can escape?
After all, it is too naive!
With a smile on his face, Ying Changge stepped forward step by step.
Wherever you go…
All the agencies are back! Where.
Chapter 342 There is no mechanism that can stop him! 【Please customize】
As early as the moment of stepping into the secret room.
Ying Changge already knows the layout of all the organs here.
Want to use the mechanism here to trap him?This is simply a joke!
After the class master activated the organs here, Ying Changge was not in any hurry at all, but was very calm, waiting for the other party to activate all the organs.
All the organs on the scene have been triggered
When Master Ban and others were about to flee the scene, it was time for Ying Changge to make a move.
“Mohist institution?”
“That’s all!”
Ying Changge took a step forward and walked forward step by step.
Wherever I go…
Every step did not touch the mechanism of the agency.
at the same time.
With a thought, he began to mobilize the surging innate qi in his body.
The terrifying internal force belonging to the “four seven three” master of martial arts surged wildly, and then transformed into an even more violent and terrifying force, gathering at his feet.
Visible to the naked eye.
Gradually began to spread under his feet, a layer of black ink-like substance.
blink of an eye.
The black substance turned into a solid!
The feet seemed to be covered with a layer of black indestructible armor.
He stepped on it.
Accompanied by a loud bang.
The ground under Ying Changge’s feet crumbled and cracked.
A series of ferocious cracks spread and spread, and the cracks spread in all directions.
Ying Changge stepped on the huge floor tiles into a hideous pit.
The huge secret room trembled crazily as if shaken by this foot, and the broken cracks and cracks were farther and farther away, leaving dense traces like spider webs.
at the same time.
After the floor tiles under Ying Changge’s feet crumbled, a bronze gear hidden under the ground also crumbled and fell apart.
The device that controls the operation of the mechanism was easily destroyed by Ying Changge.
“Do you want to use some tricks to stop my footsteps?”
“You think it’s too simple, don’t you?”
Ying Changge had a playful smile on his face.
What a bunch of naive guys!
for him.
These organs are simply vulnerable to a single blow!
He didn’t even have the qualifications to stop his footsteps.
Ying Changge, who is covered with armed armor under his feet, can easily shatter the ground, piercing the ground through countless perforations and cracks, causing the ground to collapse and shatter.
And these bronze gears hidden underground, the gears that trigger the operation of the mechanism, naturally cannot withstand the impact of this force, and eventually shatter and break.
Without the maintenance of these gears, it would be extremely difficult for the mechanism to maintain the original operating mechanism.
In less than a moment.
Ying Changge came to the side of the stone pillars rising from the ground.
A series of stone pillars formed a cage, as if he was going to be firmly trapped in this area to death.
The stone pillars extended to the top of the ceiling, almost completely blocking all escape directions.
If it were an ordinary martial arts master, he would be powerless in the face of such a mechanism.
These organs are used to deal with Ying Changge.
Is he an ordinary martial arts master?
of course not!
In addition to the extremely terrifying strength.
All the mechanisms in the world will be ineffective in front of him.
“found it!”
As soon as the perfect level of knowledgeable domineering made an investigation, Ying Changge found the core mechanism to crack the mechanism here.
at the same time.
Master Ban, Master Xu and other people who were about to flee from the scene were all attracted by the terrifying movement from Ying Changge’s side.
“What just happened?”
The master class was stunned.
“I seem to have seen…”
“That young man, he stepped on it.”
“The whole floor tile just crumbled and cracked!”

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