To know.
But in just half an hour, I had a strong attack on the mechanism city of the Mo family, destroying five mechanisms in succession in the mechanism city along the way!
These institutions were finally built by the great masters of the Mohist dynasties who condensed countless painstaking efforts.
However, he still suffered the fate of being easily defeated and destroyed by Ying Changge’s own power.
But now.
The class master in front of him dared to say that he wanted to use these mechanisms on the scene to deal with himself?
How ridiculous is this?
Could the organs here be stronger than the organs in the external passages of the organ city?
Obviously impossible!
But Ying Changge even broke through the mechanism of the passageway of the external mechanism city.
If you encounter this kind of mechanism again, it will be like a child’s play!
The funny thing is……
The master class is actually full of confidence.
Can he rely on these hidden mechanisms at the scene to block himself enough?
It’s really laughable.
“You are so brave.”
The smile on Ying Changge’s face was meaningful.
Finally, 473 met such a strong person, but he could play with him a little bit.
“Use your most proud Mohist mechanism to deal with me?”
“That’s really to wait and see!”
Ying Changge’s perfect-level domineering aura exudes, covering an area with a diameter of 300 meters.
In the narrow environment of the entire secret room, all the disturbances, including the movements of the organs hidden in this area, will not escape his keen insight.
The mechanism hidden here started as early as the moment Ying Changge set foot here.
He already knows all aspects and knows the mechanism here like the back of his hand!
Even the detailed diagrams of these organs after analysis have already appeared in Ying Changge’s mind one by one.
In just a split second.
Ying Changge has clearly seen all the information about the arrangement of organs, the main structure, and the internal structure in the secret room.
simply put.
In less than a moment, Ying Changge knew more about the mechanism in this secret room than Master Ban, the mechanism master who had stayed in the mechanism city for many years.
Ying Changge couldn’t help but laugh after listening to what Master Ban said.
useThe agencies here deal with themselves?
I’m afraid this is not a joke, is it?
I have already known the institutions here like the back of my hand, and I don’t think that the institutions here can pose any threat to me.
The ridiculous class master actually tried to use the mechanism here to deal with himself!
This is really a very interesting thing.
“I really look forward to…”
“Later, when you see it with your own eyes.”
“The institution you are proud of, the scene where it was completely useless to me.”
“What a wonderful expression do you have?”
Ying Changge smiled.
He didn’t have any timidity at all.
No institution in the world can threaten his life.
This point has already been verified countless times to destroy organs.
Just as Ying Changge was looking forward to it.
The class master made a move.
He twisted a rotating mechanism on the wall next to him.
Accompanied by a loud shout from the class master.
next second.
Then there was a violent shaking in the whole secret room.
The huge secret room kept shaking and trembling, as if an earthquake had ushered in.
at the same time.
While the entire floor was trembling, it suddenly began to split, and floor after floor rose up like tree roots.
A series of hard floor tiles changed the original orientation.
The ground seems to have turned into a (afej) puddle of water, which can change directions at will, making people standing here unstable and wobbly.
“Has it started yet?”
Ying Changge’s face was calm, as indifferent as ever.
He was standing in the very center of the institution.
Feeling the movement of the floor under his feet around him, he didn’t have much emotional ups and downs.
as if…
Everything is under control.
The movement of the mechanism here was completely within Ying Changge’s expectations.
Naturally, there is nothing surprising.
Immediately afterwards.
With the triggering of the first mechanism, a total of thirty-six mechanisms in the huge secret room were also triggered simultaneously.
A series of organs are interlocking, and one pull can move the whole body.
As the first organ was triggered by Master Ban, the rest of the organs would naturally follow closely behind.
“Boy, no matter how strong you are.”
“I will make you pay a terrible price!”
“Dare to kill Miss Duanmu and Shaoyu, I will never forgive your evil deeds!”
The class master shouted angrily.
He continued to manipulate the rotating device, and every time he twisted, the arrangement of the on-site organs was constantly changing, and the range of influence became wider and wider.
“Tianming, Yue’er, retreat quickly!”
Master Xu hurriedly came to the side of Jing Tianming and Gao Yue, and quickly brought them to a safe area in the corner to prevent them from being affected by the mechanism here.
“Sister Duanmu!”
Gao Yue looked at Duanmu Rong’s cold body with red eyes.
“Don’t worry, I’ll go and bring back their bodies.”
After Xu Fuzi settled Jing Tianming and Gao Yue, he returned to the original place again, and pulled the cold corpses of Duanmu Rong and Xiang Shaoyu to the edge of the safe corner of the wall.
After finishing all this, Master Xu wiped the sweat from his forehead, looking forward to the scene with eyes full of expectation.
I see.
A large area of ​​organs has been completely formed!
One after another mechanism pulls each other, forming a giant mechanism array.
Inside this giant organ array, a young man in white clothes was trapped.
“He’s really stuck!”
“The mechanism here can block him for at least half an hour.”
“And using this short half a quarter of an hour, we can safely escape from the scene and return to the most core area inside the organ city.”
Master Xu was very excited.
Wherever there are organs, Master Ban is still very reliable.
Much more reliable than the innately strong! .

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