sooner or later.
These two children will also go on the road with their good friend Xiang Shaoyu.
not for a while.
Under Ying Changge’s perfect level of knowledgeable insight.
The bronze door in the secret room was slowly pushed open.
Immediately afterwards.
After the bronze door was pushed open, the two old men stepped directly into the secret room.
Tread Tread!
A slight sound of footsteps echoed in the huge secret room.
Just like Ying Changge’s guess.
The ones who came were Master Ban and Master Xu of the Mohist School.
A top mechanism master of the Mohist school, a top swordsmith of the Mohist school.
Although these two people are powerless, no one can deny the importance of the two of them to the entire Mo family!
Their importance to the Mohists is far greater than the leadership of the Mohists 0  …
There is no doubt about this.
after all.
There can be many Mohist commanders, as long as they are strong enough.
But the class master is different.
The Mohist mechanism technique he has mastered is already at its peak.
Do you want a second person to take over his role in the Mo family?
This is too difficult!
In the whole world, it is almost impossible to find a few mechanism masters who can match the master class’s mechanism attainments.
It can be imagined from this.
How important class master is to the Mohists.
As for Mr. Xu, there is no need to say more.
Master Xu’s mother was the forger of Can Hong.
Can Hong, as the predecessor of Yuan Hong, ranked second in Fengbeard swordsmanship, was forged by Master Xu’s mother for the ranger Jing Ke back then.
This sword can be said to be famous in the Jianghu.
But Mr. Xu’s father refused to admit defeat, so he forged a pair of shark teeth in the waist, which was not inferior to Can Hong.
It can be said.
Master Xu is a famous swordsmith who truly has an orthodox inheritance!
Look around the world.
There are very few swordsmiths who can match Master Xu’s sword casting skills.
simply put.
Whether it is Master Ban or Master Xu, they are absolutely rare in the world, who can reach the level of masters in their respective fields.
with their mighty abilities andAbility is fully enough to support them to start a sect.
It can be seen from this.
How strong are their respective abilities!
This 4.9 hours.
Class master was wearing a dark golden loose robe as usual, while Master Xu was wearing a brown robe, both of them looked very simple.
With the moment they just stepped into the secret room.
It wasn’t Ying Changge, nor Jing Tianming and Gao Yue who caught their attention in the first place.
Two cold corpses lying quietly on the ground.
“This, this is…”
“Miss Duanmu?”
“They are all dead?!”
“What the hell happened here?!”
“How could this happen?”
In an instant, both Master Ban and Master Xu’s eyes widened.
They just feel.
A gust of cold air suddenly shot up from the soles of the feet to the top of the sky.
Make them terrified.
Chapter 338: All dead? What happened? 【Please customize】
The atmosphere is silent!
Master Class and Master Xu’s pupils were full of horror, and they stared blankly ahead with fear.
On the huge and spacious broken ground.
The two icy corpses lay flat, without any trace of life in their bodies.
The two are dead.
“Dead, dead…”
“Miss Duanmu!”
“And Shao Yu!”
“They were actually killed.”
“Here, what happened?”
Master Ban’s throat was dry, his eyes were wide and round, and a ray of cold air shot straight to the top of the sky.
beside him.
Master Xu also looked shocked.
I never dreamed of it.
Here you will encounter the corpses of Duanmu Rong and Xiang Shaoyu.
who is it? !
With the confusion and horror in their hearts, Master Ban and Master Xu turned their eyes quickly, staring not far away coldly and full of anger.
The young figure in white clothes.
on site.
Apart from the two cold corpses, and the two familiar figures of Jing Tianming and Gao Yue, there was only that completely strange man left.
05 It is not difficult to judge.
It must be the man in white who killed Duanmu Rong and Xiang Shaoyu!
Damn it!
How dare she kill Miss Duanmu, a benevolent doctor…
“Damn it!”
“How dare he do that!”
“Miss Duanmu has saved tens of thousands of suffering people in the world…”
“It was actually killed by this hateful guy!”
Master Ban clenched his fists, feeling very angry.
Duanmu Rong is also very important to the Mohists.
after all.
People with superb medical skills like Duanmu Rong are rare in the world.
Under the tutelage of Nian Duan, his medical skills are very superb!
Today, he was brutally killed by someone.
It really made Master Ban and Master Xu very angry.

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