She seemed to be dazed.
She hugged Duanmu Rong’s cold body lying on the ground quietly, her eyes were lost for a while, her little face was pale and bloodless, and her whole body was trembling uncontrollably.
Countless negative emotions almost completely enveloped Gao Yue~’s heart.
She still can’t accept it.
The fact that Duan Murong had been killed.
Accompanying her for many years, an important family member who is as close as a sister.
Just like that!
Gao Yue’s mentality was almost completely broken.
She hugged Duanmu Rong’s cold body and cried bitterly.
And when seen not far away.
Another cold corpse lying on the ground, the pain in her heart became more intense.
That is……
Xiang Shaoyu’s corpse!
First, Duanmu Rong was killed, and then Xiang Shaoyu was also killed.
All this seriously impacted Gao Yue’s young heart, making her feel boundless cold and panic.
“Sister Duanmu, get up quickly!”
“I will never be willful again…”
Gao Yue put her head downMu Rong’s corpse was sobbing in pain.
The cries were sharp and piercing, spreading in all directions.
In the huge secret room, only the sound of Gao Yue sobbing in pain remained.
not far apart.
Jing Tianming lay heavily on the ground, with a little consciousness still on his face.
His eyes were bloodshot, and he stared blankly at Xiang Shaoyu’s body not far away.
“Young Feather…”
“Dead too!”
“Damn it!”
“I’m too weak!”
“If I had been stronger, this wouldn’t have happened.”
“It’s all because I’m too weak!”
Jing Tianming clenched his fists tightly, and the veins on his forehead bulged, revealing the anger and unwillingness in his heart.
Watching helplessly.
The former companion was reduced to a cold corpse, which made Jing Tianming hate himself for being too weak.
“That nasty woman is also dead.”
“Yue’er must be very sad now…”
“I want to protect Yue’er!”
“I must not let anyone hurt Yue’er.”
Jing Tianming gritted his teeth, secretly making up his mind.
He supported the ground with both hands, forcibly propped up his body, and walked to Gao Yue’s side step by step, he looked extremely embarrassed with scars all over his body.
“Yue’er, I will definitely protect you.”
Jing Tianming said to Gao Yue.
“Tianming, we have no hope.”
“Sister Duanmu is dead, and Shaoyu is also dead.”
“We’re done.”
Gao Yue kept shaking her head with tears in her eyes.
She had lost all hope.
Among the four, the two strongest people suffered the fate of being easily killed one after another.
How could the remaining two of them be an exception?
“No, there must be a chance.”
“I will protect you even if I risk my life!”
“do not worry!”
Jing Tianming shook his head with a stubborn expression on his face.
His eyes were filled with grief and looked at Xiang Shaoyu’s cold corpse lying peacefully not far away.
He couldn’t imagine it himself.
Such a powerful person as Xiang Shaoyu would die in this place.
And he was still killed in a crushing posture!
“This nasty guy…”
Dragging his painful body, he raised his head, Jing Tianming’s eyes were bloodshot, staring angrily at the young figure in white in front of him.
Blame this guy!
If it wasn’t for this guy, that cold-faced woman wouldn’t have died either.
Shao Yu will not die either!
This guy is horrible!
Jing Tianming was furious.
Until now, he still couldn’t let go of the fact that Xiang Shaoyu had died.
at the same time.
Without warning…
in vain!
An unparalleled terrifying aura erupted from Ying Changge’s body.
A monstrous air wave erupted.
With Ying Changge’s body as the center point, endless and terrifying momentum fluctuations swept in all directions in an instant, covering the huge secret room all year round.
This is……
The imposing coercion of the martial arts master level!
Like the tumbling waves of the sky, it was terrifying to the extreme.
The majestic momentum soon enveloped the bodies of Jing Tianming and Gao Yue.
Just for a split second.
Gao Yue, who was enveloped by this terrifying aura, felt deep fear from the bottom of her heart, the fear that completely dominated her body and mind!
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・・・・・・・・
She couldn’t control her body and began to tremble violently.
Fear pierces the heart!
Under the oppression of this majestic momentum, she only felt that she was extremely small.
It’s like a drop in the ocean!
And like a speck of dust in the desert.
“This, what kind of terrifying power is this?”
Gao Yue’s throat was dry and her pink lips trembled slightly.
Looked up.
She looked straight ahead in horror, that young figure exuding terror and coercion all over her body.
This extremely terrifying aura emanated from the opponent’s body.
…. . . . . . .
“Yue, Yue’er, how are you doing?”
Jing Tianming also couldn’t bear this terrifying coercion, and couldn’t restrain his body from trembling.
He fought back the terrible menace.
But helpless.

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