“Can I really go up two levels at once and break into the realm of a martial arts master?”
Ying Changge is looking forward to it.
If this is the case, then his own strength will become extremely terrifying!
How strong will you be then?
Even he himself can’t imagine it.
Upgraded two levels at once!
What is this concept?
Who can follow suit?
in particular……
The further back the realm, the higher the difficulty of promotion.
And Ying Changge is already in the late innate stage.
If he goes up two levels in a row, it means that he can break into the Martial Dao Grandmaster.
This kind of example was simply unheard of before!
never had!
Ying Changge is creating the first record in thousands of years!
This will be the only record that has never been seen before!
Unparalleled waves of surging internal energy emanated from Ying Changge’s body, almost sweeping the entire audience, covering the entire secret room inside and out.
Almost every corner of the area with a radius of more than 100 meters from 05 was affected by the terrifying momentum that Ying Changge erupted.
It can be clearly felt.
The internal strength in Ying Changge’s body is still rising steadily!
Impacting at an extremely terrifying speed.
The inner strength became more and more powerful.
It is also getting more and more surging!
Almost substantial internal force wrapped around Ying Changge’s body, making his figure extraordinarily detached and eye-catching at this moment, wrapped in a faint halo.
Like a banished immortal descended from the mortal world!
Completely detached from the world!
“Still getting stronger!”
“My overall strength is still rising in a straight line!”
Ying Changge was very excited.
Almost done!
It is really about to break through the threshold of a martial arts master!
The cultivation realm of a martial arts master is already at the top level in the world.
Except for those old monsters who can’t be hidden in the world, the strong at the level of martial arts masters are the strongest in the world.
There is no doubt about this.
The number of such strong people is very rare.
Very few!
There are millions of martial arts practitioners in the entire rivers and lakes, and no more than a hundred people will reach the realm of martial arts masters.
One can imagine.
What an insignificant probability this is.
And now.
Ying Changge was attacking this realm.
He’s almost there!
“I can feel it.”
“The threshold of a martial arts master…”
“It’s already close at hand!”
“You can reach out and touch it.”
“Within reach!”
Feeling the rising internal force in his body, Ying Changge felt infinite longing.
He has successfully stepped into the realm of martial arts master with half a foot.
Only one step away from the door, you can break through smoothly!
at the same time.
Just when he was about to break through the threshold of a martial arts master, the warm current flowing in his body gradually began to weaken.
The improvement of the cultivation level brought about by the integration of the template, the effect will soon come to an end.
“Not good!”
“Is it really necessary to stop at a half-step martial arts master?”
“Do not!”
“Obviously, I have seen the threshold of a martial arts master.”
“Just a little bit!”
“I don’t want to give up so easily!”
“Break it for me!”
“Break through that realm threshold!”
Ying Changge was unwilling.
He was about to break through the threshold of the realm, how could he be willing to stop there?
Now or never!
If he misses this opportunity to break through the martial arts master, he doesn’t know how long he will have to wait for the next time he wants to attack the martial arts master.
He just knows.
Any opportunity must be seized!
This time the attack on the martial arts master must not be easily defeated.
It must be done!
It is inevitable to advance two levels at a time.
With a very firm mind, Ying Changge began to quickly mobilize the surging innate qi in his body, constantly trying to hit the threshold of the realm that was within reach.
He is firm in his convictions.
Today, you must break through the realm of a martial arts master!
Must step into the field of martial arts masters!
If he didn’t break through the martial arts master, he vowed not to give up.
“It’s obviously only half a step away!”
“It’s really uncomfortable to feel this kind of up and down.”
“Break it!”
Ying Changge had a crazy expression on his face.
The crazily surging internal force in his body seemed to be stuck on the threshold of a martial arts master.
Go a little further, and you will be able to break through the threshold smoothly.
But this little gap made Ying Changge a little helpless and powerless.
Although it’s only half a step away…
But actually.
This half step is enough to stop thousands of martial arts practitioners in the rivers and lakes.
Most people who practice martial arts fail to break through the threshold of the realm, and they are also stuck at the most critical moment, and they are still unable to jump over that half-step gap.
Ying Changge didn’t expect it.
He also suffered from the same situation as thousands of martial arts practitioners.
The only difference is that.
Others have accumulated over time, and finally got stuck on the edge of the threshold of that realm.
As for Ying Changge, after breaking through a threshold, he tried to hit the next threshold with a very brave speed, so he was stuck in this position.
“I believe it will definitely work!”
Ying Changge still kept mobilizing the innate qi in his body to hit the threshold of the martial arts master’s realm.
Repeating the same operation over and over again…

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