As strong as Juggernaut Gai Nie, he was severely injured.
can only say.
The strength of the monster in front of him has reached an unbelievable level.
Especially these martial arts performed by the opponent, they were so polite in the past!
Weird and unpredictable!
It’s hard to guard against!
“This time, it’s a complete failure.”
“The arduous task of revitalizing Chu…”
“It’s broken!”
Xiang Shaoyu shook his head with ashen face, and let out a deep sigh.
He shoulders the arduous responsibility of revitalizing the Chu State.
He doesn’t think so.
He still has a chance to accomplish this task.
Now he is facing a huge death crisis!
This desperate situation…
Ten deaths and no life!
“Shao Yu, are you alright?”
Jing Tianming dragged his painful body and couldn’t help asking.
“I can’t die for a while.”
“But visually, it will die soon 0….”
“That monster won’t let us go.”
Xiang Shaoyu stared straight ahead with despair.
The young figure in white was completely unscathed, even spotless.
where the other party is.
The earth on all sides crumbled and collapsed!
A series of cracks cracked and spread, spreading in all directions like a spider’s web.
And in this broken terrain, this young figure in white is particularly eye-catching and detached!
Under the desperate eyes of Xiang Shaoyu, Duanmu Rong and others.
I see.
Ying Changge slowly raised his right arm, facing Duanmu Rong and Xiang Shaoyu with his palm.
The corner of his mouth moved slightly.
“Gravity·Vientiane Tianyin!”
A terrifying gravitational force enveloped Duanmu Rong and Xiang Shaoyu’s bodies tens of meters away.
Pulled by the majestic gravitational force, the bodies of the two immediately soared into the air, and at an astonishing speed, they continued to fly backwards and approached Ying Changge.
“It’s over!”
Xiang Shaoyu lost all hope.
He had lost all hope.
He was seriously injured and didn’t even have the strength to struggle.
He could only watch helplessly.
His body was pulled by gravity, and he kept approaching Ying Changge, but he was still unable to resist.
The same is true for Duanmu Rong.
“Sister Duanmu!”
“Shao Yu!”
Gao Yue’s worried screams came from behind.
The two were already close at hand, floating in front of Ying Changge.
Due to the gravitational pull, the two of them never fell down.
next second.
Ying Changge stretched out his arms, one left and one right grabbed the necks of Xiang Shaoyu and Duan 4.9 Mu Rong, controlling their lives in the palm of their hands.
Just one thought…
You can dominate the life and death of these two people!
Duanmurong and Xiang Shaoyu’s faces were flushed, and their necks were firmly locked, which caused them to be extremely hypoxic, and their brainsBag thinking has also become blank.
Being strangled by their necks, they felt that it was becoming more and more difficult to breathe. Their feet that had not landed kept struggling and swinging, but they still couldn’t break free from the shackles of their necks.
I wanted to speak, but couldn’t speak for a while.
The survival response derived from the body’s instinct made Duanmu Rong and Xiang Shaoyu struggle continuously in a very embarrassing situation.
Their lives are already completely controlled by Ying Changge!
And from beginning to end…
From the moment he stepped into this secret room.
Ying Changge didn’t make much movement.
He just stood there quietly, and it was enough to easily sweep the audience without any effort! .
Chapter 328 One Move! Subdue with one move! despair! 【Please customize】
one move!
Subdued Duanmu Rong and Xiang Shaoyu again!
Because the repulsive force erupted by Shenluo Tianzheng just now was so terrifying that Duanmu Rong and Xiang Shaoyu were unable to recover from their serious injuries.
After being grabbed by Ying Changge’s neck with one hand, the two could only struggle continuously, their faces flushed, but they were still unable to break free.
Locked by the neck, Duanmu Rong and Xiang Shaoyu’s thinking became more and more lax, even their eyes were bloodshot, their faces turned red, and it became more and more difficult to breathe.
this moment.
They smelled the breath of death at the same time.
from death…
Just one step away!
The breath of death enveloped their bodies.
It was the first time that Xiang Shaoyu faced death so closely.
He never dreamed of it.
In the end, he was actually killed alone!
“This is fate.”
“I should have destroyed Chu together.”
Xiang Shaoyu was devastated, with countless thoughts running through his head.
Since he was young, he has been placed with high hopes and entrusted with the arduous mission and responsibility of revitalizing the Chu State.
With this responsibility on his shoulders, he accompanied Xiang Shaoyu’s growth all the way.
He didn’t dare to waste a quarter of an hour, and he continued to train hard in order to complete this mission that he had shouldered since he was young.
For this mission, Xiang Shaoyu devoted most of his life.
He didn’t live for a quarter of an hour for himself.
Facing death, Xiang Shaoyu finally got his wish and was able to let go of these tasks.
these years.
He was almost completely overwhelmed by these difficult tasks.
He still held on!
In order to revive Chu State, he gave everything.
“If I die.”
“The state of Chu will also be completely destroyed.”

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