Chapter 326 In the face of absolute power, it’s just a joke! 【Please customize】
In the face of absolute power…
The so-called outbreak.
But it’s just a funny joke.
Jing Tianming’s sudden burst of power, in front of Ying Changge, was as fragile and insignificant as ever.
With just one move, he was easily killed in seconds!
“This is the power you want to use to defeat me?”
“too weak!”
“Kong has a whole body of power, but he can’t exert the destructive power of this power…”
“What a waste!”
Ying Changge’s face was calm, and his voice sounded loudly, spreading in all directions.
Duan Murong, Xiang Shaoyu, and Gao Yue looked at Ying Changge with horror on their faces.
Ying Changge changed the subject, with an intriguing smile on his face: “Plus, even if he really controls this power, so what?”
“Don’t say that you haven’t reached the level of a martial arts master…”
“You have really reached the level of a martial arts master!”
“So what?”
“Do you want to defeat me just based on the strength of a martial arts master?”
“It’s too naive to think!”
“I have killed quite a few martial arts masters.”
“Yan Dan, the giant of your Mohist family, is one of them!”
The words fell.
Gao Yue’s red eyes were even more angry, she clenched her fists tightly, trembling with anger.
“Yue’er, don’t be impulsive.”
Duanmu Rong hurriedly grabbed Gao Yue’s shoulder to prevent the latter from acting rashly.
She looked at Ying Changge in front of her with heavy eyes, only feeling a deep sense of powerlessness and despair.
Facing such a terrifying and strong man in front of her, she was completely helpless.
An existence that is powerful enough to kill a martial arts master is obviously not something they can contend with.
“It’s over!”
Duanmu Rong’s heart was heavy.
Xiang Shaoyu’s expression was also very depressed.
Not far away, Jing Tianming was coughing violently, feeling as if all internal organs in his body were about to be displaced, and the tingling sensation spread throughout his body, making him hum uncontrollably.
He was covered in cuts and bruises all over his body!
After the move just now, the force that caused Jing Tianming’s body to explode suddenly, was forcibly suppressed by the seal of the sleeping spell on the back of the neck again.
That is.
The power that was close to the level of a martial arts master gradually returned to Jing Tianming’s body, and he could no longer use it at will.
in short.
The current Jing Tianming has recovered to the original level of strength that is far inferior to even third-rate warriors.
The injury caused by that move was too painful.
The original him only briefly broke through the negative effects of the sealing spell.
After enduring the devastation and impact of that terrifying force, the sealing spell on his body strongly suppressed his emotions, and suppressed all the power in his body back to his body.
Visible to the naked eye.
Jing Tianming’s complexion was originally red, but as the effect of the sealing spell appeared, the crazily surging energy and blood in his body quickly cooled down and subsided.
Take a closer look.
His face became extremely pale, without any blood color anymore.
Losing the maintenance of that terrifying power made the tingling sensation from his body even stronger, making him unbearably gnashing his teeth and screaming.
“it hurts!”
“Damn it!”
Jing Tianming lay on the ground tossing and turning, still unable to suppress the piercing pain in his body, which was affecting his reason and thinking.
This tingling sensation almost made him faint on the spot.
“Yue’er, Shaoyu…”
“I lost!”
“I am ashamed of you.”
Jing Tianming gritted his teeth, and looked at Xiang Shaoyu, Gao Yue and the others in front of him with a guilty expression.
His eyes were red and bloodshot, and his bruised and bruised body appeared to be in a state of embarrassment. The clothes on the outside were already torn, and the blood was slowly flowing and staining the clothes.
Opening his mouth, he spit out blood again, his face became even paler, and the breath in his body was even more chaotic and sluggish, unprecedentedly weak.
A faint smell of blood wafted from Jing Tianming’s body.
Duanmu Rong and Xiang Shaoyu were the only ones who retained their combat power.
Just now Xiang Shaoyu suffered a random blow from Ying Changge, and he was also seriously injured. Although he was not seriously injured on the spot, he was not optimistic.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・・・・・・・・
“How to do?”
Cold sweat covered Xiang Shaoyu’s forehead, revealing the anxiety and helplessness in his heart.
Facing such a terrifying strong man in front of him, he couldn’t even think of a solution.
no way.
The enemy in front of me is too strong!
Simply unbeatable!
She racked her brains and couldn’t think of a reasonable way to escape.
“It’s over!”
Xiang Shaoyu felt a sense of strength, and felt an endless sense of despair in his heart.
The atmosphere is depressing!
A lifeless breath emanated from Xiang Shaoyu, Duanmu Rong and the others.
It can be clearly seen.
Their faces were ashen, and almost all hope had been completely cut off.
All thoughts are gone!
…. . . . . . .
There is nothing to love in life!
“Fight it!”
Duanmu Rong gritted her silver teeth, her beautiful eyes were fixed on Ying Changge.
She strikes again.
Just get caught?
This is by no means her character!
Even if she tries everything, she will fight to the death!
To protect Gao Yue!
at all costs!
I see.
Duanmu Rong took out countless silver needles and waved them at Ying Changge overwhelmingly.
call out! call out! call out!
The silver needles were like torrential rain, quickly covering the position where Ying Changge was.
Almost all of these silver needles are contaminated with poison, and if you touch them, you will die!
After releasing countless silver needles, Duanmu Rong kicked her feet and approached Ying Changge actively, trying to fight at close range.

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