The facts are right in front of you!
Nothing can be changed!
It’s unbelievable, but it’s the truth.
Brutal fact!
“Giant, giant!”
Gao Jianli’s lips trembled slightly, and he looked at Yan Dan’s head in horror.
He never dreamed of it.
When I saw Yan Dan again, I actually saw Yan Dan’s head!
The giant’s strength is so terrifying…
Who can kill each other?
This is not in line with common sense!
“First Momei, then the giant’s head…”
“Could it be that.”
“The entire anti-Qin alliance led by Juzi has been completely wiped out?”
“how can that be?!”
Gao Jian’s mind was shocked, his face was full of horror and anger.
His eyes were bloodshot quickly, and he was filled with fright and anger. He held the Shuihan sword tightly in his right hand, and his whole body trembled uncontrollably.
“This must be fake…”
Xue Nu’s pink lips parted slightly, her beautiful eyes were dull and absent-minded for a while.
She stared blankly at Yan Dan’s head, deeply moved by her expression and gaffe.
The giant is actually dead? !
Who dares to imagine this result?
No one can imagine.
An existence as strong as a giant had its head cut off!
The scene I saw with my own eyes completely defeated the worldview of all the Mohist leaders present, and magnified the fear in their hearts infinitely.
If they just saw Mo Mei being controlled by others, then they could continue to comfort and deceive themselves.
Now that they saw Yandan’s head, they could no longer deceive themselves.
“What exactly is going on?!”
“As strong as a giant, how could he be killed by someone?”
Robber Zhi felt terrified all over his body.
It shouldn’t be!
How strong is the giant?
This point is known to almost everyone in the entire Mohist school.
How could such a powerful giant be killed so easily?
at the same time.
Except for the shock and panic of the Mohist leader, all the other Mohist disciples were shocked and lost their composure.
“You, did you see it?”
“Am I dreaming?”
“I actually saw the giant’s head?”
“No way?”
“How can an existence as strong as a giant be killed so easily?”
“I must be hallucinating!”
A famous Mohist disciple was full of panic, unable to contain the fear in his heart and trembling.
at first.
The moment I saw Mo Mei.
They can also think of countless explanations and can try to convince themselves.
can now.
How else to explain?
Even the giant’s head was taken off by the opponent.
Could this still be a forgery?
“The giant is actually dead!”
“Oh my God!”
“As strong as a giant, who was killed?”
“Who has the strength to kill the giant?”
Panic boils.
The originally high-spirited Mohist disciple suddenly became discouraged, and his expression became particularly frightened.
The speed with which their moods can change is astonishing.
at the same time.
As the Mohist disciples fell into panic, everyone else’s emotions were also infected.
“Is that the legendary Mohist giant?”
“He actually died?”
“Oh my God!”
“Who can kill him? The Mohist giant is the most famous and powerful man in the Jianghu.”
“But he was actually killed?”
“Who is going to kill him? This is too strong!”
There was a lot of talk.
The atmosphere of the Anti-Qin Alliance was completely detonated.
All of them are still counting.
Just hang in there and wait for reinforcements to arrive.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・・・・・・・・
can now.
see mohismAfter the head of the giant Yandan, the last glimmer of hope in their hearts was completely shattered.
Does not exist anymore!
Even the giants of the Mohists are dead.
What about reinforcements?
“It’s over!”
“We’re completely done!”
“Even a strong man like the Mohist giant died tragically, what will happen to us?”
“Reinforcement? There are no more reinforcements.”
“The rest, we can only rely on ourselves!”
“Who would have thought that the giant of the Mo family would be killed by someone!”
Countless people in the rivers and lakes were frightened and shuddered.
Their fighting spirit and belief were instantly wiped out, and were directly extinguished by a basin of cold water.
How else can I fight?
…. . . . .
The reinforcements are gone.
The Mohists are all dead.
The planner of the anti-Qin alliance died.
In this way, how can they continue to fight?
It has become a big joke!
The chief culprit who plotted against the Qin Dynasty was naturally Yan Dan, a Mohist tycoon!
Now he is dead!
so far.
The anti-Qin alliance has already existed in name only.

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