“Sorry sorry.”
“I couldn’t resist interrupting.”
“Although on such an important occasion, it would be impolite to interrupt your morale rashly.”
“But I still want to make a special trip to give you a big gift to the Mo family before the war begins.”
An inappropriate voice slowly came from Ying Changge’s mouth.
There was an intriguing smile on his face.
Just under the unkind eyes of the Mohist leaders.
There are also the angry and fearful eyes of countless Mohist disciples.
Ying Changge still had a playful smile on his face, and directly ordered to Meng Ying who was beside him: “Meng Ying, take out the gift that I personally prepared carefully for the disciples of the Mohist school.”.
Chapter 294 Gift? Mo Mei? Shocked the audience! 【Please customize】
As Ying Changge’s voice sounded, the eyes of a group of anti-Qin elements around them became extraordinarily dignified and sharp, and their eyes were fixed on Ying Changge.
From Gaine’s mouth.
They learned.
Although Ying Changge in front of him looks young, he is actually a powerful existence with extremely terrifying strength!
As strong as the world’s number one sword master, there is no one who is sure to be able to compete.
Naturally, they would pay extra attention to Ying Changge’s every move.
“A gift for our Mo family?”
“What the hell is he trying to do, kid?”
Big Iron Hammer’s eyebrows were full of confusion, and he stared at Ying Changge unkindly.
beside him.
Gao Jianli, Xue Nu, Bandit Zhi and other leaders of the Mohists also showed dignified gestures.
Of course they don’t believe it.
The people of the empire would be so kind to prepare a so-called gift for the Mo family!
As the saying goes.
If something goes wrong, there must be a demon!
“What is his plan?”
Robber Zhi was lost in thought.
Even Gai Nie, Xiang Liang, Fan Zeng and others couldn’t help but fix their eyes on Ying Changge, their faces full of solemnity and seriousness.
Knowing Ying Changge’s terrifying fighting power, of course they have to pay attention to Ying Changge’s behavior.
This is the most dangerous existence on the scene!
A powerhouse more terrifying than Sword Saint Gai Nie!
at the same time.
Hearing Ying Changge’s orderAfterwards, Mengying reacted immediately, and a meaningful smile appeared on his face involuntarily.
“Yes, my son.”
Of course Mengying knew what his young master meant.
Meng Tian, ​​Wei Zhuang and the others also understood Ying Changge’s intentions one after another.
Gong Shuchou couldn’t help but sneer again and again, looking at the group of Mohist disciples in front of him with sarcasm in his eyes.
A group of people are looking forward to it.
The scene that is about to happen next.
“Ha ha……”
“Seventh Young Master is really a bad taste~‖!”
“However, I’m also looking forward to it.”
“When the disciples of the Mohist school see the great gift that the Seventh Young Master is about to present, what kind of expressions will they show?”
Wei Zhuang thought to himself.
He can already predict.
After a while, Mohist disciples will definitely go crazy over this!
What kind of gift will Seventh Prince give?
Almost everyone in the empire knew this.
“It’s really exciting!”
“Seventh Young Master’s approach is undoubtedly the best way to beat the members of the anti-Qin alliance in front of him.”
“It can severely dampen the spirit of Mohist disciples.”
“The reinforcements they’ve been waiting for…”
“Actually, the entire army has already been wiped out!”
“Want to wait for the reinforcements led by the Mohist giant? It’s really naive.”
Meng Tian sneered, looking at the Mohist disciple in front of him with weird eyes.
have to say.
These people’s plans are about to fail!
Waiting for reinforcements led by the Mohist giant?
Can you really wait?
Can’t wait!
Send all the Mohist disciples in front of you on the road, perhaps, they can still meet the reinforcement round led by the Mohist giant under the Nine Springs.
“A group of naive and ignorant guys, trying to wait for the arrival of reinforcements?”
“Seventh Young Master has already seen it in advance, so he led the army to intercept and siege!”
Meng Tian was emotional.
He was also looking forward to it, looking at Ying Changge’s back, and then at the cautious and tense Mohist disciples.
Including everyone from the Quicksand Organization, everyone watched the Mohist disciples with great interest.
The atmosphere has become very strange!
The digital leader of the Mohist school vaguely realized.
Something very bad is about to happen!
They suddenly had an ominous premonition in their hearts.
“Meng Ying, take out the gift.”
Ying Changge’s voice sounded again.
In less than a moment.
I see.
Meng Ying slowly took out a sword, and handed it to Ying Changge respectfully.
After receiving the sword blade from Meng Ying, Ying Changge held the bronze sword in his right hand and raised it up high, presenting it under the golden sunlight.
The golden light shone and sprinkled the sky.
This is a bronze sword as black as ink. The blade is very unique, and the tip of the sword is square. Compared with ordinary bronze swords, it lacks sharpness, but has a sense of heaviness.
There are countless mysterious patterns carved on the surface of the blade, which is dazzling.
When Ying Changge took out the sword.
The atmosphere at the scene became even weirder again!
There was no sound!
“I think, you should be familiar with this sword, right?”
Holding the famous sword Momei that looked like solidified ink, Ying Changge spoke slowly and meaningfully with a playful smile on his face.
He raised the ink eyebrow in his hand high, and presented it openly in the eyes of everyone present.
This side of the empire.
Meng Tian, ​​Wei Zhuang, Gong Shuchou and the others all had strange and bright smiles on their faces, and their eyes were full of intriguing gazes at the group of anti-Qin elements in front of them.

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