This made their plan come to an end.
Fan Zeng sighed.
Who would have thought?
The most dangerous and powerful person in the audience is actually the most prominent son?
A young master who was still in his weakest years was actually strong enough to defeat the sword sage Gai Nie.
One can imagine.
What an astonishingly powerful strength the other party has!
They want to win each other to coerce Meng Tian to retreat?
This is simply a joke!
by contrast.
They thought it would be better to take down Meng Tian and force the empire to retreat.
Such a degree of difficulty is obviously infinitely lower.
“Gei finally understands now.”
“Why is it that Xiaozhuang’s character is willing to cooperate with the people of the empire?”
“turn out to be……”
“The reason comes from the seventh son!”
Gai Nie, who is familiar with Wei Zhuang’s arrogant character, has been puzzled since just now.
What method did the empire use to persuade Wei Zhuang to cooperate with the empire to deal with the anti-Qin alliance?
But when he saw the figure of 4.9 Ying Changge, all the confusion in Ge Nie’s heart was easily resolved.
All the problems come from the seventh son Ying Changge!
“If I’m not mistaken.”
“Xiao Zhuang, he should have realized how powerful that Seventh Young Master is!”
“That’s why he led the Quicksand organization and cooperated with the empire to deal with the anti-Qin alliance.”
Ge Nie thought to himself.
Things are getting trickier.
The Seventh Young Master intervened in the battle, causing the Anti-Qin Alliance to lack high-end combat power.
Meng Tian led an elite army of 20,000 empires, and even suppressed the anti-Qin alliance with overwhelming numbers.
The difference in the number of people is huge!
High-end combat power is lacking!
to sum it up.
Gai Nie really couldn’t think of any other way for them to turn things around.
Even he is helpless!
Helpless! .
Chapter 293 Presenting a Great Gift Meticulously Prepared for the Mohists! 【Please customize】
“Mr. Ge Nie, I can stop him.”
Gao Jianli suddenly proposed.
Gai Nie glanced at Gao Jianli, frowning.
not he looks down onGao Jianli’s strength.
And purely…
The Seventh Young Master on the opposite side is really too strong!
It was so powerful that Ge Nie was not sure how to deal with it.
Let Gao Jianli go to stop the opponent?
What is the difference between this and death?
On that day, if he hadn’t escaped with his heart, he would have died in the hands of the other party.
As for Gao Jianli?
I’m afraid that if they meet face to face, they will be instantly killed by the other party!
After thinking about it, Ge Nie shook his head.
Gao Jianli’s attack was purely to die!
Losing a high-end combat power in this way will have a much more serious impact on the battle situation.
Hearing this, Gao Jianli could only give up and keep silent.
He will not be arrogant and mistaken.
An existence that is powerful enough to severely injure Sword Saint Gai Nie is something he can confront head-on.
But for the Mo family…
He is willing to sacrifice himself!
Just under this weird atmosphere.
The Imperial Army has arrived on the scene!
Two armies meet!
On one side, the anti-Qin alliance headed by Gai Nie, Gao Jianli, Xiang Liang and others.
On one side, the army led by Ying Changge, Meng Tian, ​​and Wei Zhuang!
The two finally meet.
The distance between the two sides is less than a hundred meters.
The elite soldiers of the empire in black, with piercing eyes, wearing excellent armor, holding excellent weapons and equipment, have high fighting spirit.
The momentum is like a rainbow!
Morale soared to the sky!
Compared with the panic atmosphere on the side of the Anti-Qin Alliance, the flames of war on the side of the Empire are naturally raging.
“Mr. Gai Nie, I haven’t seen you for a long time, you’re better off here.”
Ying Changge spoke slowly with a smile on his face.
In this quiet and oppressive environment, his voice broke the atmosphere here.
His perfect-level domineering power has already covered a thousand-meter-diameter area.
Any and all troubles here are naturally difficult to escape his terrifying insight.
He can see it accurately.
Gaine’s current location.
“Seventh Young Master, you still have the same demeanor.”
“I haven’t seen him for a long time, but the oppressive feeling brought by the Seventh Young Master to Gai is much stronger.”
“It seems…”
“Young master is much stronger than before!”
Gai Nie’s eyes were fixed, and he subconsciously clenched the wooden sword in his hand, his tone full of dignity and fear.
“It was actually spotted by Mr. Ge Nie.”
“This is really surprising.”
“I originally planned to give Mr. Ge Nie a big surprise.”
“Mr. Gai Nie has extraordinary eyesight, and he saw through the changes in my strength immediately.”
Ying Changge let out a laugh.
The oppressive battlefield that is about to break out seems to have become Ying Changge’s back garden, making him look calm and calm, talking with Gai Nie without any pressure.
beside him.
Shao Siming, Meng Ying, Yu Ziqi, and Shi Lan followed behind without saying a word, making Ying Changge’s figure even more eye-catching and dignified.
There are also Meng Tian and Wei Zhuang who are located around Ying Changge, as if invisible, they support him in the very center.
See here.
Whether it was Gai Nie, Mohist leaders such as Gao Jianli, Big Iron Hammer, Xue Nu, or Chu army generals such as Fan Zeng and Xiang Liang, they all felt the boundless oppression.
“So young…”
“However, it can defeat and severely injure Gai Nie, the contemporary swordsman!”
“What a horrible monster!”

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