When his eyes moved away from Wei Zhuang’s body, he couldn’t help but fix his eyes on that very familiar young figure in white.
“Yes, it’s him?!”
Ge Nie’s pupils shrank slightly, and he was shocked.
He really didn’t expect it.
He would actually meet this person here in the organ city!
After seeing the figure in white clearly, Gai Nie couldn’t help recalling.
The fierce battle that broke out in Xianyang City at that time.
That battle…
He failed miserably!
Frustrated and injured to escape!
If it hadn’t been a fluke, Ge Nie believed that he would have been reduced to a cold corpse at that time.
That was the closest moment in his life (afej) to death!
That battle left a deep impression on Gai Nie.
To this day, he still remembers it vividly.
Seeing the familiar figure in white in front of him, many fragments of memories buried deep in Ge Nie’s mind flooded into his mind uncontrollably.Door.
“Seventh son!”
“You’re here too!”
“Things are getting more troublesome.”
Ge Nie let out a heavy breath with lingering fear.
He can feel it.
Here things are going to get trickier.
Originally, Wei Zhuang’s intervention in the battle situation was enough to seriously affect the development and trend of the battle situation.
Not to mention.
Wei Zhuang is still leading the entire Quicksand organization to participate in the battlefield.
Originally, this was enough to make Ge Nie feel deeply pressured, but now, he actually saw a terrifying young figure, which made him feel more and more stressed.
Not good!
The situation has become very bad!
Never thought……
Seventh Young Master actually personally participated in this one, targeting the anti-Qin alliance’s encirclement and suppression operation.
This was beyond Ge Nie’s expectations.
He subconsciously clenched his right hand holding the wooden sword, his eyes full of heavy color.
A sense of oppression emanated from him.
He can block Wei Zhuang.
However, he is not confident.
He was able to block that young terrifying existence!
Against Wei Zhuang, Gai Nie is confident that he can win.
At least 90% chance of winning.
But what about dealing with the seventh son Ying Changge?
Gaine thinks.
His odds of winning are probably less than 30%!
The chances of winning are slim!
On the side of the Anti-Qin Alliance, apart from him, there is almost no second high-end combat power.
Gao Jianli, the strongest other than him, would never be able to block Wei Zhuang.
As for letting Gao Jianli go to deal with the seventh son?
That is purely just giving away heads!
That is.
In terms of high-end combat power, he is already inferior to the opponent alone!
“If Gai is allowed to block Xiao Zhuang, and the Seventh Young Master is allowed to take action.”
“no doubt……”
“Seventh Young Master can easily kill everyone on the spot, easily enough to wipe out all the people in the audience.”
“Except for Ge, who can temporarily block the Seventh Young Master.”
“There is no second person on the scene who is qualified to fight the Seventh Young Master.”
Ge Nie felt heavy.
This is by no means alarmist.
Of course, he has a deep understanding of the horror of the Seventh Young Master’s strength.
As early as a few months ago, the strength of the opponent was so terrifying that it almost killed him severely.
At this moment.
Several months have passed, and the opponent’s strength must have increased.
Now even Gai Nie is not sure enough to block the opponent.
As for defeating the opponent?
This is even more nonsense! .
Chapter 291 Gai Nie: The seventh son is a very terrifying existence! 【Please customize】
“Once there is no one to stop the Seventh Young Master, then the Seventh Young Master will feel like a fish in water. He can break into the battlefield at will and sweep the entire field with ease.”
“No one can stop Seventh Young Master!”
“Even if Gai went all out, he didn’t have much confidence.”
Gai Nie took a deep breath, and the depressed mood could not be relieved for a long time.
The moment I saw Ying Changge.
Ge Nie knew it in his heart.
this time.
The Anti-Qin Alliance is really at stake!
It is even very likely that the entire army will be wiped out!
And destroyed!
Sitting next to Gai Nie, Big Hammer seemed to notice that Gai Nie’s expression had become heavy, and he couldn’t help asking subconsciously: “Mr. Gai Nie, what did you find?”
Feeling the oppression of the surrounding atmosphere, everyone could feel the heavy heart of Ge Nie.
for a while.
The mood of the people around them was affected and they became a little panicked.
Juggernaut Gai Nie has noticed something bad?
Think the odds are slim?
Why does it seem so preoccupied?
Even the sword master Gai Nie thinks the chances of winning are slim?
Then what else do they fight?
Just admit defeat directly!
have to say.
The change in Ge Nie’s mood is enough to seriously affect the fighting spirit and belief of everyone in the Quartet.
after all.
The world’s number one sword master still has a lot of weight in the hearts of everyone.
“This battle is very tricky!”
Gai Nie said earnestly.
“Mr. Gai Nie is referring to the quicksand organization?”
Gao Jianli frowned, and continued, “If it’s because of the quicksand organization, then we can do our part. Please also ask Mr. Gai Nie to block Wei Zhuang.”
“The rest of the strong people in the quicksand organization can be left to us to deal with.”
“In this way, the situation of the war is not without turning point.”
The words fell.
Big Hammer’s expression also eased a bit: “Xiao Gao is right, Mr. Gai Nie don’t need to worry too much, we may not have no chance of winning.”
Hearing this, Ge Nie slightly suppressed the heavy burden in his heart.

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