Wei Zhuang is very strong, there is no need to doubt that.
No matter how strong Wei Zhuang is, he will always be inferior to Gai Nie.
In a one-on-one situation, Wei Zhuang has almost no possibility of defeating Gai Nie.
Ying Changge is not worried, Wei Zhuang will kill Gai Nie.
Anyway, Wei Zhuang will lose in the end.
in this way.
Ying Changge is also willing to take a look.
The battle between the two descendants of Guigu’s lineage.
After Gai Nie defeated Wei Zhuang, it was the moment for Ying Changge to choose to kill Gai Nie.
Although Gai Nie may not improve the degree of template integration too high, no matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat. Ying Changge naturally has the idea of ​​​​not rejecting anyone who comes.
The main target is still Xiang Yu!
The future Xichu Baking!
He is the first target that Ying Changge must kill.
It is also among so many anti-Qin elements who can most greatly improve the integration of templates.
Of course, Ying Changge couldn’t miss the other party.
“Except for the life breath of Sword Saint Gai Nie…”
“I seem to have caught a few more, and there are also some familiar breaths.”
Continue to rely on the perfect level of knowledge and domineering insights, making Ying Changge thoughtful.
I thought about it carefully.
He draws conclusions again.
This is so familiar as if…
The black unicorn in the quicksand organization against the quicksand?
It must be the other party.
Unexpectedly, the other party had already sneaked into the organ city.
However, with the opponent’s unpredictable disguise technique, it is really not too difficult to sneak into the Mohist mechanism city.
With many thoughts in mind, Ying Changge led Meng Tian and others all the way forward.
“Is this the inside of the organ city?”
Meng Ying, Shao Siming and others who followed behind Ying Changge looked at the surrounding environment one after another.
at the same time.
Wei Zhuang and his quicksand organized the crowd to come to Ying Changge’s side.
“Young master, I hope you don’t forget the conditions of cooperation between us.”
Wei Zhuang thought for a while, and finally spoke.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・・・・・・・・
“Don’t worry, Gai Nie will leave it to you.”
“I will not snatch your prey without authorization.”
“Mr. Wei Zhuang doesn’t have to worry about this.”
“Besides, I have more important things to do. Ge Nie, he is not my target yet.”
“Of course. If Mr. Wei Zhuang can’t solve it by then, I’d be happy to help.”
“However, I will not take the initiative to snatch your prey without Mr. Wei Zhuang’s consent. You can rest assured about this.”
Ying Changge spoke bluntly.
“I can rest assured that.”
Wei Zhuang nodded.
Wei Zhuang was getting more and more excited about meeting with Mohist and other anti-Qin elements.
.. . . . . . .
He can’t wait now.
Want to have a life-and-death duel with Gai Nie!
“All right.”
“They’ve found us.”
“Everyone, prepare to fight.”
Ying Changge reminded.
“Young master, don’t worry, I’m always ready to fight!”
Meng Tian’s tone was solemn.

“Uncle, why are we gathered here?”
Jing Tianming raised his head innocently, looked at Gai Nie with a serious face beside him, and couldn’t help asking.
Jing Tianming, Xiang Shaoyu, Gao Yue and others were also among the crowd.
Different from the innocence and incomprehension on Jing Tianming’s face, whether it’s Xiang Shaoyu or Gao Yue, the brows of the two of them are full of seriousness, seriousness, and earnestness.
Jing Tianming didn’t understand the current situation of the Mo family, but the two of them were insiders.
“Tianming, remember to stand behind uncle later.”
“Don’t be reckless!”
Gai Nie asked seriously.
“Uncle, don’t worry, I will definitely not run around.”
Jing Tianming nodded.
The atmosphere here is particularly weird!
A number of anti-Qin elements gathered here.
The total number of people is close to tens of thousands!
A group of tens of thousands of people is already quite a huge force.
If it wasn’t for facing the cavalry army of the Empire head-on, then this force group with tens of thousands of people would be enough to sweep away all the powers in the rivers and lakes except the empire.
Chapter 287 Meeting! The 20,000 imperial army came oppressively! 【Please customize】
at the same time.
Sensing the depressing atmosphere, Xiang Shaoyu’s face became very heavy, and his brows were full of sorrow.
He looked at Xiang Liang beside him: “Yafu, is there really an intruder in the Mohist Trick City? They are about to break through the Trick City and reach the hinterland inside the Trick City?”
Hearing this, Xiang Liang nodded heavily in response: “Otherwise, we wouldn’t be so grandiose, waiting here for the other party’s arrival.”
After getting the answer, Xiang Shaoyu’s pupils shrank slightly.
He subconsciously couldn’t help blurting out: “Are you from the Empire?”
Fan Zeng thought for a moment: “It’s very possible.”
At present, the greatest probability is the army of the empire!
And this is also the worst result!
If it is the army of the empire, then this time they will really face a fierce battle!
How strong is the army of the empire?
They already had a deep understanding of “April 27”.
“If it’s just an ordinary imperial army, then the Trick City will be able to hold on to success this time.”
“But if it is the elite of the empire…”
“That’s troublesome.”
Xiang Liang said sadly.
Having fought against the imperial army for many years, which one is the imperial army that Xiang Liang fears the most?
The Golden Fire Cavalry led by the imperial general Meng Tian himself!
This is the unit that Xiang Liang, Fan Zeng and others fear the most!

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