“Directly penetrate the root essence of all the organs in the hall?!”
“Oh my God!”
“Is that human being?”
“This is simply a monster!”
A member of the quicksand organization stared wide-eyed, revealing the shock in their hearts at the moment 0  …
All of them were deeply disappointed.
He was completely terrified by what he saw in front of him.
Treat the dangerous place where the Mohism’s organ city is full of organs, as a back garden like walking on flat ground…
This is simply a monster!
Looking at the rivers and lakes for thousands of years.
It was the first time for all of them to hear about and witness such a shocking phenomenon.
A terrifying phenomenon that is enough to completely overturn their worldview!
“Master Gongshu, can you do it?”
Wei Zhuang opened his mouth and couldn’t help asking.
“Master Wei Zhuang thinks too highly of mediocrity.”
“I don’t have the ability to do this.”
“Or maybe.”
“Under the whole world, only the Seventh Young Master can possess such terrifying abilities!”
“Let’s not talk about old age, even if you add all the mechanism masters in Jianghu, they can’t compare with Seventh Young Master alone.”
The evaluation of Gongshuqiu is not unreasonable.
This evaluation is simply outrageously high!
These comments are naturally from the bottom of his heart.
There is no deliberate exaggeration at all!
He sincerely thinks.
He is far inferior to the Seventh Young Master Ying Changge in front of him, including all mechanism masters in the world, they cannot be compared with the Seventh Young Master Ying Changge.
The gap is really too big!
The scene he was witnessing right now was definitely not something he could imitate.
“With just a dozen breaths, directly penetrate the trigger conditions of all 4.9 organs here!”
“This alone is enough to make the old man far behind for the rest of his life.”
“I don’t have such an amazing ability.”
Gongshuqiu continued.
Hearing this, Wei Zhuang was even more amazed and shocked.
Seventh Young Master is indeed worthy of being a monster!
An out-and-out first evildoer of all ages!
Just the scene I saw before my eyes.
Without any effort, you can freely walk around the places where there are many organs in the city of Mohist institutions…
And treat this place as your own back garden, the whole process is like walking on flat ground!
The mechanism here was not triggered at all during the whole process!
It even completely ignores the organs here!
That’s all.
It is enough to make all the martial arts practitioners in the entire rivers and lakes feel deeply shocked and lost their composure.
It is even enough to completely detonate the entire arena! .
Chapter 268 Finally Let Me Find You! Vulnerable! 【Please customize】
Everyone’s eyes were full of shock, and they stared blankly at the empty hall ahead.
All eyes were fixed on the young figure in white.
I see.
Before Ying Changge stepped into the hall in front, the aristocratic family probably hadn’t been full for half an hour.
His footsteps gradually stopped abruptly.
at this time.
He is already in the heart of the center of the hall!
Under the domineering investigation of the perfect level of knowledge, there are thousands of interlocking organs in all directions, making this place extremely dangerous.
If it weren’t for Ying Changge’s mastery of perfect-level arrogance and arrogance, I’m afraid, it would be inevitable that he would be exterminated and besieged by countless agencies here.
Even the mechanism master with the most terrifying organ attainments in the world will be absolutely powerless and helpless when faced with hundreds of organs around him.Only Ying Changge was able to penetrate the secrets and essence of these mechanisms with great precision.
this moment.
Ying Changge is using his perfect level of knowledge and knowledge to continuously analyze and decompose the same connection points of the surrounding organs, so as to find the core device 05 that controls thousands of organs.
Just find it, and destroy it.
All the organs here will be paralyzed in an instant!
Just like the first checkpoint just passed, it only needs to destroy a central core device.
Then hundreds of thousands of interlocking mysterious organs will immediately turn into scrap copper and rotten iron, and there will be no more threats.
Next, Ying Changge spent about a dozen breaths.
“Finally let me find you!”
A smile appeared on Ying Changge’s face.
The perfect level of knowledge and knowledge is extremely accurate, and has insight into the common connection points of these thousands of organs.
That means.
It is only the last step before all the organs here collapse and collapse!
That is the step where Ying Changge personally destroyed it.
For outsiders.
This step contains an extremely dangerous threat to life.
after all.
From thousands of hidden organ groups, select the only one organ.
One can imagine.
How slim is this probability?
A little carelessness, if the choice is wrong.
That would immediately trigger thousands of organs to operate at the same time, causing him to be strangled by thousands of organs on the spot.
No mechanism engineer dared to bet on this one-thousandth probability.
But Ying Changge is different.
With his perfect level of knowledge and knowledge, he has already accurately seen the connection points and veins of all organs.
He can be 100% absolutely sure of the key points in thousands of mechanisms!
Thinking of this, Ying Changge slowly took steps towards a towering stone pillar in the hall.
The diameter of the stone pillar is about half a meter, like the beams and pillars supporting the organ city, the whole body is dark red, and the appearance looks very hard.
“Is it hidden in there?”
“If an outside mechanism engineer is to search for it, I’m afraid that I will rack my brains. Even if I want to break my head, I will never think that this most critical mechanism device will be hidden inside the stone pillar and will continue to operate.”
Standing close to the stone pillar, Ying Changge could clearly hear the pleasant sounds coming from inside the stone pillar.
This is the sound of gears turning.
The gear hidden in this stone pillar is the main core key that drives thousands of mechanisms in the entire hall!
As long as it is destroyed, all the organs here will be paralyzed.
This point, Ying Changge can be absolutely sure.
Thinking of this, he raised his right arm without the slightest hesitation.
In a moment…

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