“For Seventh Young Master, it may be just a simple matter.”
“But for others, even for me, that is a difficult thing to do!”
“It’s harder than finding a needle in a haystack!”
Gongshuchou looked at Ying Changge with eyes full of admiration.
If the seventh son with such a terrifying talent and aptitude tries to practice mechanism art, he will definitely become the number one mechanism master in thousands of years!
There is no doubt about this.
The seventh son was born with the huge advantage of being a master of organs!
“From more than five hundred institutions…”
“Find the most critical mechanism accurately and destroy it!”
Meng Tian’s eyes lost their focus for a while.
He recalled the introduction of Gongshuchou just now, and his feeling of shock became even stronger.
until now.
They just understood.
The Seventh Young Master’s act of destroying all the organs of the entire passage just now is such a terrifying and shocking act!
“As expected of the number one evildoer in the ages!”
Wei Zhuang exhaled lightly, thinking to himself.
beside him.
The members of the quicksand organization, such as Baifeng and Chilian, were still in a sluggish state, unable to react for a long time.
Is this a monster?
I have learned a lot!
Sure enough, it’s not unimaginable!
After a series of introductions by Gongshuqiu, everyone looked at Ying Changge with more awe and admiration.
Ying Changge, who was walking at the front of the passage, suddenly stopped walking.
Take a closer look.
It can be detected with incomparable precision.
At this moment, Ying Changge was about to walk out of this dark passage, and arrived at the second level of the Mohist Organ City, which was full of organs.
The Mohist institution he destroyed was limited to the passage just now.
It does not include organs outside the channel!
After walking out of the passage, Ying Changge will face the second obstacle from the Mohist organization.
(afej) His footsteps were fixed at the end of the passage, and he did not move forward.
“Everyone stop.”
Ying Changge’s mouth moved slightly.
The voice sounded slowly, loud and clear, wandering in the silent passage.
“My lord, did you encounter the second mechanism?”
Gongshuchou walked to Ying Changge’s side, his eyes were fixed, and his eyes were fixed on the place outside the passage in front of him, and he asked in a slightly low tone.
The environment ahead is a relatively spacious hall.
Walking out of the dark passage, you can arrive at a very spacious hall.
If nothing else.
In the whole hall, there must be organs arranged everywhere.
The number of institutions here must be more than the previous passages!
And it is countless times more dangerous!
Of course, Gong Shuqiu is well aware of this.
The closer to the core hinterland of the Mohist organ city, the more dangerous the organ is.
This is already a well-known consensus.
Looking carefully at the environment in the hall ahead, Gong Shuchou frowned.
From the beginning to the end, it was difficult for him to see the traces of the mechanism hidden in the hall.
It’s not that his organ attainments are not strong enough.
can only say.
No matter how powerful a mechanism master is, facing a potential mechanism threat, he will feel powerless like never before.
The contemporary leader of the public loser, Gong Shuchou, is no exception.
Facing such a hidden mechanism, Gong Shuqiu was completely unable to detect the potential threat of the mechanism.
He didn’t dare to act rashly, so he could only stay quietly beside Ying Changge.
In his eyes.
The quiet and spacious hall in front is like a meat grinder, quietly waiting for others to break into it and be strangled.
“This is probably the second organ arranged in the Mohism’s organ city.”
Ying Changge nodded.
“My lord, be careful, the number of organs here is probably far more than the passage just now.”
“The environment here always brings me a feeling of depression.”
“I’m afraid that the institutions here will be extremely dangerous!”
Gong Shuqiu looked serious.
“I know.”
Ying Changge didn’t have too many words.
He didn’t need to be reminded by the public to lose the enemy, of course he understood it more clearly than anyone else present.
What a dangerous place this spacious hall ahead is!
not for a while.
Meng Ying, Shao Siming and others walked behind Ying Changge, and also saw the spacious hall ahead.
Meng Tian also arrived and asked, “My lord, are you sure you can crack the mechanism here?”then.
Wei Zhuang, Chi Lian and others from the Quicksand Organization stopped in succession.
The 20,000 elite soldiers of the empire also stopped at the same time.
All eyes were fixed on Ying Changge, waiting for the latter’s reply.
Even if it is the famous master of mechanism art who loses his revenge, no one places high hopes on him.
Only Ying Changge is the greatest hope in everyone’s mind!
Meng Tian hesitated for a moment, and couldn’t help persuading in a low voice.
“If Young Master is not absolutely sure, I might as well go back the same way.”
“Anyway, the young master has already destroyed the first organ of the Mohist organ city. This alone is enough to show that your ability is terrible, young master.”
“There is no need to act recklessly and impulsively.”
As can be seen.
Meng Tian was still worried about Ying Changge’s safety.
He was afraid that Ying Changge would be attacked and killed by agencies in the Mohist agency city.
“General Meng Tian is right.”
“My lord, don’t put yourself in danger.”
Gong Shuchou considered it again and again, and also persuaded him.
“No problem.”
“It’s just a small scene.”
“Next, you just need to wait and see the good show.”
A smile appeared on Ying Changge’s face.
Now that we are here!
There is no possibility of backing down!
The mere Mohist Organ City is not yet qualified to force Ying Changge back.
“I’ve said it before.”

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