“There are organs all over the entrance, this is to prevent outsiders from breaking into the organ city.”
Gongshuqiu immediately launched a detailed introduction.
As the head of the contemporary public loser, he certainly has a deep understanding of the organ city.
Both the public losers and the Mohists have been opposed for nearly a thousand years. As the saying goes, the person who understands a person best is often his enemy, and this is the situation described.
Of course, Gong Shuchou is no stranger to the understanding of the Mohist organ city.
“My lord, do you really want to break into the organ city alone?”
“There are countless dangerous organs hidden in the passages in the organ city. If you accidentally touch the mechanism of these organs, it will cause very serious consequences.”
“Your noble body cannot be injured by this.”
Gong Shuchou hesitated for a moment, but decided to persuade him again.
Based on his understanding of the Mohist Trick City, he certainly knows how dangerous the traps in the Trick City are.
In addition to the large number, the internal organs are extremely complicated and mysterious!
These disciples of the Mohist school just wrote down how to avoid these organs.
None of them can see through the principles and mechanisms of these organs.
“No need to persuade.”
Ying Changge’s face was calm, and there was not much change from the beginning to the end.
In fact.
When he arrived at the scene, his perfect level of knowledge and arrogance had already been able to clearly see that there were countless main body structures in the mountain in front of him.
He already knows how to open the entrance gate of the Mohist organ city.
Everything will become impossible to hide under the cover of perfect-level arrogance and arrogance!
“Young master, you must be extremely careful~‖.”
“If something cannot be done, never be reckless and impulsive.”
This is the only way for Gongshuqiu to ask.
“I’m not going to gamble with my own life.”
“Do not worry……”
“Just wait here for my good news.”
A smile appeared on Ying Changge’s face.
behind him.
An army of 100,000 imperial cavalry stands here, ready to go.
All it takes is for Ying Changge to break through the mechanism that disintegrated the Mohist mechanism city, then the empire’s 100,000 cavalry army can directly attack the mechanism city.
In a very short period of time, completely wipe out all anti-Qin elements!
“Master, be careful.”
Meng Tian reminded with a worried face.
Chi Lian’s pink lips moved slightly, and asked in a low voice: “Can the seventh son really do it?”
Hearing this, Wei Zhuang closed his eyes slightly, and the corners of his mouth moved slightly: “Difficult!”
How terrible are the organs of the Mohist Organ City?
Everyone in the rivers and lakes knows it!
Want to break through the organ city from the front with only a seventh son?
It is as difficult as climbing the sky!
Even the heads of their quicksand organization and the public losers, the solutions they can come up with can only be manipulated from the water source inside the Mohist organ city.
In addition to this method, they can’t think of a second feasible way.
As for breaking through the Mohist mechanism city from the front?
In this regard, they have no hope at all.
Can the seventh son do it?
They also rejected this possibility in their hearts.
“It can break through the Mohist mechanism city from the front…”
“Even Master Lu Ban’s resurrection can’t do it.”
“It’s too difficult!”
“Seventh Young Master, he is just doing useless work.”
Wei Zhuang whispered.
“What if it can be done?”
Chi Lian thought for a while, and asked again.
“If it is really possible to break through the Mohist mechanism city from the front, then the Seventh Young Master can be defeated by the people of the world.call it…”
“The number one mechanism master in the world!”
Wei Zhuang said.
If someone can break through the Mohism Trick City from the front, then this person can be said to be far superior to all the Trick Masters in the world today.
“No. 1 in the world?”
Chi Lian’s beautiful eyes froze, and she stared at Ying Changge’s back in a daze.
Seventh son…
Can it be done?
In the eyes of all.
I see.
Ying Changge slowly stepped forward.
Shao Si Ming, Meng Ying and others gathered their eyes together.
Yu Ziqi and Shi Lan also looked at Ying Changge’s back.
The Quicksand Organization, Meng Tian, ​​and Gong Shuchou were no exception, and their eyes were focused on Ying Changge at the same time.
Everyone is waiting quietly.
Can the seventh son do it?
This idea appeared in the minds of everyone in the audience at the same time.
Even the public loser who is deeply confident in Ying Changge can’t help but think so.
“‘ 〃 If I guessed right…”
“This is the organ mechanism that activates the gate of the Mohist organ city.”
When the footsteps stopped slightly, Ying Changge was already on the edge of his body.
The incomparable surge of perfect-level knowledge-colored arrogance, according to his wishes, can be manipulated at will to sweep in all directions, covering an area with a diameter of more than a thousand meters.
next second.
The internal structure of the mountain in front of him came to Ying Changge’s mind very clearly.
The whole mountain seems to be dissected in an instant…
And let Ying Changge see it very clearly.
Many structures inside the mountain…
The organs are interlocking with each other to form the whole mountain.
The dangerous organs one after another inside are connected together to form the organ channel of the Mohist organ city, preventing outsiders from intruding.
at the same time.
The main structure of these organs, as well as their internal structure, etc., are presented in Ying Changge’s head one by one, and there are no secrets at all after being analyzed.
Just for an instant.
These loopholes in the entire mountain were clearly penetrated by Ying Changge one after another.
(of good money) Instantly.
Ying Changge withdrew his thoughts.
The main structure and arrangement of all the agencies in this area are very clear, and he has completely seen through them.
simply put.
The organs here will no longer pose any threat to Ying Changge.
I see.
Ying Changge slowly raised his right hand, tapped lightly on a small sunken hole in the wall, and then pressed it down with a little force.
As long as you penetrate the essence core of the mechanism…

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