“Even if it’s His Excellency the Eastern Emperor…”
“It’s far from being possible!”
“With just one strike, you can directly kill a thousand people!”
“Is this something human can do?”
Shao Si Ming’s pink lips moved slightly, and the deep horror in his beautiful eyes could not be contained.
The two brothers and sisters Yu Ziqi and Shi Lan were also in a state of dumbstruck.
Can anyone explain.
What kind of monster is this?
One sword cut through a group of more than 3,000 anti-Qin elements!
One sword instantly killed thousands of people on the spot!
Thousands of people were also severely injured at the same time!
What level of powerhouse can do this?
“This power…”
“I’m afraid even the Great Elder can’t stop it?”
“Even if the Great Elder goes all out, it’s impossible to do it.”
“A shocking move to kill thousands of people with one move!”
“Seventh Young Master, he did it.”
“It’s true that there is only one sword and one move in the whole process. Thousands of people have been wiped out of the world so far.”
The two siblings lost their composure completely.
It was also the first time in their lives that they witnessed such terrifying power with their own eyes.
What shocked them the most was that…
The one who unleashed such a terrifying force was a young man who was about the same age as them!
What kind of monster is this?
“An anti-Qin alliance group of more than 3,000 people…”
“Only one move, and was forcibly killed by the Seventh Young Master!”
“In the face of absolute power, the number of people is just a joke!”.
Chapter 241 One person kills and pierces the Anti-Qin Alliance! Like a fairy coming to the world! 【Please customize】
“No matter how many people there are, it’s not enough for Seventh Young Master to kill.”
“Just like just now…”
“Thousands of people, but the Seventh Young Master slashed and wiped out the entire audience on the spot!”
For the astonishing scenes they witnessed right now, everyone present expressed their shock in their hearts.
If you don’t see it with your own eyes, – who can believe it.
Someone can do it.
Instantly kill a thousand people with one sword? !
Isn’t this magic?
martial arts?
Can this horse riding be called martial arts?
What kind of martial arts can instantly kill thousands of people with one sword?
“Young master alone is comparable to thousands of troops!”
“Do not!”
“Young master’s terrifying power alone is enough to far exceed the effect brought by thousands of troops.”
“This is the real one-man army!”
“One’s own strength is comparable to an army of tens of thousands of cavalry!”
Meng Tian took a deep breath, but the shock still couldn’t calm down.
no doubt.
What I have witnessed right now.
This was the most shocking scene he had ever seen in his life.
in the past.
He always thought so.
No matter how strong a person is, there is still a human limit.
It is impossible for anyone to match the tens of thousands of cavalry troops in the empire.
There must be a limit to human power.
And the power of the army is endless.
after all.
Even if he is as strong as Sword Saint Gai Nie, he will be crushed and killed by an army of tens of thousands of cavalry…
But today.
The scene he saw now overturned Meng Tian’s previous cognition.
turn out to be……
Human power is truly magical!
Can turn things around!
Even more devastating!
As for the army?
In the face of an individual’s absolutely overwhelming terrorist power, the army will also appear extraordinarily fragile and humble.
Just like.
The Seventh Young Master Ying Changge in front of him.
Even with an army of tens of thousands of cavalry, Meng Tian didn’t think that he could win the seventh son!
The opponent is too strong!
The power of one person is comparable to that of a living immortal!
Even Meng Tian, ​​who holds an army of tens of thousands of cavalry, is not sure that he can deal with Ying Changge.
By comparison.
He thinks the biggest possibility is…
He will be killed!
Even tens of thousands of cavalry were destroyed by the opponent’s sword.
“With just one sword, thousands of people were instantly killed, thousands of people were severely injured, and nearly two thousand people lost all their fighting power.ability to fight. ”
“In this way.”
“Even if an army of tens of thousands of iron cavalry surrounds the Seventh Young Master, it is only a matter that the Young Master can solve with a few sword strikes.”
Meng Tian’s eyes were lost for a while.
People can really stand shoulder to shoulder with thousands of troops!
Seventh Young Master did it!
One’s own strength is comparable to an army of tens of thousands of cavalry!
Even an army of tens of thousands of cavalry may not be able to compare with the seventh son.
This is the real invincible powerhouse!
Ranked at the top of time!
Already approaching the realm of living immortals!
“One sword can instantly kill more than two thousand people…”
“After a few strikes, tens of thousands of cavalry will be wiped out!”
“Is this the true strength of the son?”
“One man makes an army!”
“Alone, but can be more terrifying than thousands of troops!”
“Today, I have been eye-opening.”
Meng Tian was amazed again and again.
His previous cognition was completely overturned by Ying Changge alone.
turn out to be.

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