Accompanied by a loud bang.
As if the sky was torn apart, the piercing and buzzing sound spread.
When the power of this slash exploded, it turned into an endless shock wave. The violent force tore the ground and forcibly reversed the terrain here.
The earth crumbles!
The surface is broken!
The overwhelming force tore the surface of the ground into countless cracks and holes.
It was as if the ground had been forcibly sunk.
… … … …
The whole land sank several centimeters below, which looked particularly terrifying and hideous.
Cracks followed one after another, and the cracks spread in all directions.
Like a spider’s web, the cracks are densely packed and creepy.
What kind of terrifying power is this?
Even the earth was forcibly shaken!
It’s just like the terrifying power of an immortal Buddha!
for a while.
Smoke billowed from the ground.
Dust curled up, scattered in the air and danced lightly.
“Giant, how are you doing?!”
Xiaoyaozi’s face turned pale, and he looked at Yandan’s right arm in horror.
The gushing blood, even Xiaoyaozi’s clothes were slightly stained by the blood.
The strong and pungent smell of blood filled his sense of smell.
“I can’t die yet.”
Yandan’s forehead was sweating violently. He resisted the piercing pain in his body, and his whole body trembled uncontrollably.
The entire right arm was forcibly torn off, which made him experience unprecedented pain.
The torn black robe and clothes on his body were completely soaked in blood.
Take a closer look.
The whole person looks like a blood man!
Extremely embarrassed!
“Dream Butterfly Escape is almost complete!”
“You must hold on.”
Xiaoyaozi hurriedly continued to activate the medium of Dream Butterfly Escape.
The distance from Dream Butterfly’s Escape is about to be successfully performed…
Only five breaths left!
Almost done!
hold onto!
Be sure to hold on!
Change to the past.
Such a short time, it must be a blink of an eye.
This moment.
Facing the attack of this terrifying monster in front of him, Xiaoyaozi definitely felt that these short breaths seemed as long as a year and a half.
“Hurry up!”
Xiaoyaozi’s forehead was covered with cold sweat, and the golden halo around his body became more dazzling.
The collision here naturally fell into the eyes of everyone around without reservation.
After seeing Yandan’s right arm cut off by a sword…
Thousands of anti-Qin elements have become numb.
They no longer feel gaffes.
Their hearts are completely dead!
Facing such a powerful and terrifying existence, it was perfectly normal for Yan Dan to have his right arm cut off.
“Giant, it’s over!”
“Even the arm was cut off by a sword!”
“only because……”
“The young man on the opposite side is too terrifying!”
“Incomparably strong! Unbelievably strong!”
“Not only will the giant die, but we will all die too.”
“No one can block this monster in front of us, it doesn’t matter who comes!”
Thousands of anti-Qin elements were devastated.
Their eyes were full of desperate emotions, and they couldn’t control the deep fear that dominated their bodies and minds, causing their bodies to tremble uncontrollably.
Chapter 237: Dream Butterfly’s Escape! Strong beheading! Yan Dan is dead! 【Please customize】
Yan Dan opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood again.
Feeling the loss of blood from his body, he could keenly perceive that his physical condition was getting worse and worse, and he was about to die.
If he didn’t stop the loss of blood, he would definitely die in less than half a quarter of an hour.
The blood loss is too fast!
At a speed visible to the naked eye.
Yan Dan’s face became pale and bloodless, and his body, which was already in pain, became much more serious after the sword cut off his arm.
this moment.
With Yandan seriously injured and on the verge of death, even an ordinary innate early stage can kill him head-on!
An unprecedented sense of weakness made Yandan’s eyelids droop, almost closing them completely.
The vitality is gradually weakening and dying.
Yan Dan had a hunch.
This time, he is doomed!
“Brother Xiaoyao, let’s go.”
“Don’t worry about me anymore.”
“Presumably you alone will be able to escape from birth.”
“I can’t get away.”
“Even if I can escape, with my current injuries, there is no way I can recover. Even if an immortal descends into the world, they will not be able to heal my injuries.”
Yan Dan voluntarily gave up on Zai Xiaoyaozi’s shoulder, and slowly withdrew her left hand, shaking her head and sighing helplessly.
He no longer had the luxury of being able to flee the battlefield.
Even if he could escape, he was not confident that he could survive these painful injuries on his body.
These injuries are too heavy.
Even a strong martial arts master can hardly control these injuries.
in particular……
The blood of the severed arm was still flowing crazily.
Yan Dan can feel it.
The “367” time of his death is getting closer and closer.

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