Thousands of black sword qi entwined around his body were all crushed to nothing by the aftermath before being approached by this slash.
He was dumbfounded.
what is happening? !
The power of this sword is too terrifying!
Just the aftermath, is it enough to destroy and annihilate all the thousands of sword qi he erupted?
real or fake?
Could this be a dream?
How could there be such a powerful force?
This is completely unreasonable!
this moment.
Countless chaotic thoughts appeared in Yan Dan’s head, and his face was full of emotions of horror, horror, and shock.
He could only watch helplessly.
The dark purple terrifying slash that keeps approaching in front of you…
Oppressed with devastating force.
“Can’t hide!”
“I can’t stop it either!”
Yan Dan held the fear in his heart.
next second.
His body was enveloped by this dark purple terrifying slash, and the sudden burst of terrifying gravity almost wanted to tear Yan Dan’s body apart.
Together with the internal organs of his body, under the pressure of this terrifying gravity, they were forcibly shaken and damaged.
As soon as he opened his mouth, Yan Dan spat out a mouthful of blood, and his face turned pale at a speed visible to the naked eye.
at the same time.
The breath in his body also became disordered.
Even the right hand that was holding Mo Mei tightly could not help but let go, causing Mo Mei to be sent flying hundreds of meters away on the spot, tumbling wildly in mid-air, and finally sinking into the ground.
Yan Dan, who was covered by the terrifying gravity of this sword burst, was also sent flying hundreds of meters away on the spot, flying upside down in mid-air.
Bloody all the way!
Blood stained the sky!
Yan Dan can hear it.
The sound of broken bones…
The ubiquitous tingling sensation made his eyes bloodshot, and his face became hideous.
He forcibly felt the piercing pain in the ninja’s body, and the cold sweat dripped from his forehead, revealing his pain at the moment.
not over yet…
Yan Dan was only the first target hit by this sword.
It’s Xiaoyaozi’s turn!
The moment Yandan was hit, Xiaoyaozi secretly felt something was wrong.
He wanted to get away.
But there is no way to hide!
Without any choice.
Xiaoyaozi could only grit his teeth, and fully manipulated the golden mysterious runes wrapped around his body to rush forward, trying to block this terrifying attack.
But the final result made him despair.
When the golden mysterious rune rushed forward, it hadn’t waited to get close to that terrifying slash.
A little aftermath of the airflow from the slash…
It directly smashed the golden mysterious rune.
Accompanied by bursts of loud noises, golden Buddhist inscriptions gathering terrifying Taoist power exploded out of thin air in mid-air, and soon disappeared without a trace.
“It’s over!”
Xiaoyaozi was dumbfounded, his face pale.
His throat was dry, and his eyes were full of horror and horror, looking at Yan Dan who kept flying upside down.
This moment.
There was an unprecedented ominous premonition in his heart.
All thoughts turned into powerlessness and despair…
Xiaoyaozi was also hit by this terrifying slash.
The moment the gravity slash hit his body head-on, Xiaoyaozi couldn’t help vomiting blood, his face became extremely pale, and even his internal organs were severely damaged.
Xiaoyaozi vomited blood again, followed Yandan, and flew backwards crazily, rolling crazily in mid-air, unable to maintain the image of immortality.
An extremely terrifying force washed over Xiaoyaozi’s body.
Even under the defense of surging innate zhenqi, this terrible gravity still severely injured Xiaoyaozi on the spot, causing his internal organs to be damaged.
“Good, what a terrifying power!”
“What kind of trick is this?”
Xiaoyaozi looked terrified and flew upside down.
The gray Taoist robe he was wearing was completely damaged under the ravages of this terrifying force.
His body also had skin wounds, and blood spilled out, infecting the gray priestly robe, with bursts of pungent and strong bloody smell.
Visible to the naked eye.
Xiaoyaozi and Yandan were sent flying hundreds of meters away on the spot.
Without exception, the two top fighters at the level of martial arts masters were knocked hundreds of meters away by this sword, flying upside down and rolling wantonly in mid-air all the way.
The scene looked particularly terrifying!
No one can imagine.
A strong man at the level of a martial arts master would be defeated head-on with a destructive posture!
It was still two strong martial arts masters who were defeated from the front one after another!
What is this concept?
It’s unbelievable!
Except for two martial arts masters who were knocked into the air…
Where this slash passed, the ground was forcibly pierced with hideous cracks and gaps, terrifying cracks spread all over the corners.
The aftermath that spread along the way was enough to crush the earth.
The ground is collapsing!
The earth has fallen!
The huge battlefield was once again destroyed beyond recognition.
The dust fluttered wantonly, rolling and dancing in the sky.
till the end.
Yandan and Xiaoyaozi, the two martial arts masters, flew upside down for a hundred meters to support them, and they fell heavily on the ground.It landed on the ground and rubbed against the ground dozens of meters away.
The figures of the two rubbed against the ground, leaving traces extending tens of meters. Under the rubbing of the sand and gravel, the clothes on the two of them became even more torn.
Even their bodies are inevitably affected and scarred.
When the power sweeping the body dissipates.
Both Yandan and Xiaoyaozi opened their mouths to spit out a mouthful of blood, their faces were pale, their breath became sluggish, and they looked extremely weak.
The top powerhouse at the level of a martial arts master, but at this moment, looks extremely humble.
He was beaten and bruised all over his body!
There is no way to fight back!
Being defeated from the front!

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