It was Ying Changge’s turn to attack.
Holding the famous Jian Yuan, Ying Changge had an expression of interest on his face.
The sharp blade of the abyss is wrapped with a layer of black ink-like armor!
Ying Changge was a little surprised by the power that erupted from the sword just now.
“It’s time for me to attack!”
Ying Changge smiled.
In his right hand he held the famous Jian Yuan covered in black armor, with the palm of his left hand facing towards Xiaoyaozi.
in a moment……
Gravity explodes!
“Gravity·Vientiane Tianyin!”
A terrifying gravitational force enveloped Xiaoyaozi’s body tens of meters away.
Under the torn force of this terrible gravitational force, Xiaoyaozi staggered, and then immediately rose into the air, approaching the place where Ying Changge was at a terrifying speed.
“not good!”
Yan Dan’s pupils shrank slightly, and his face changed drastically.
And at this moment.
Xiaoyaozi, who was pulled by this force, was also full of deep horror.
“What kind of power is this?!”
Xiaoyaozi was shocked 0…..
His head thinking was unable to function in a short period of time, and it appeared extremely stiff and confused.
But fortunately.
Naturally, a strong person at the level of a martial arts master will not be unable to reflect because of this.
In a moment, Xiaoyaozi raised the famous sword Xueji in his hand, ready to attack Ying Changge.
The surging internal force circulated rapidly, wrapping around his body and turning into endless energy fluctuations…
Xiaoyaozi aimed Xueji’s sword at Ying Changge and cut it down.
A pale golden light lingered around the blade, and then forced out from the blade to cut down the sky, getting closer and closer to Ying Changge.
But just when Jianmang was about to arrive.
The corners of Ying Changge’s mouth moved slightly, and his voice sounded flat.
“Gravity·Shenluo Tianzheng!”
The gravitational force that originally involved Xiaoyaozi turned into a repulsive force in an instant.
The unparalleled repulsive force formed a terrifying shock wave.
All objects around Ying Changge will be affected and affected by this shock wave.
And Xiaoyaozi, who was closest to him, and the golden sword glow that was about to approach, were completely enveloped by this shock wave without exception.
The golden sword light was instantly crushed by the shock wave and turned into nothing.
And Xiaoyaozi’s body was hit strongly by the shock wave from the front.
If it weren’t for him to run the innate qi in his body to resist on the outside of his body.
I’m afraid.
This blow was enough to make him fly tens of meters backwards on the spot and fall into a painful injury.
Even though he was surrounded by innate qi, Xiaoyaozi would inevitably be sent flying more than ten meters away by the shock wave, and his figure rolled wildly in mid-air, looking particularly embarrassed.
Even Xueji, which he held tightly in his hand, hummed continuously under the impact of this shock wave, and the vibration frequency transmitted to the palm became higher and higher.
It made his palms feel a little numb.
Xiaoyaozi was thrown more than ten meters away before he landed on both feet smoothly, and took several steps back all the way, and the shock wave that swept through his body dissipated without a trace.
A burst of violent coughing revealed that the Qi and blood in Xiaoyaozi’s body were surging wildly.
His body energy became a little disordered…
Although this move would not cause him serious injuries, it also affected his body to a certain extent.
After calming down the restless breath in his body, Xiaoyaozi immediately raised his head, staring at Ying Changge not far away with horror, solemnity and fear.
“Brother Xiaoyao, how are you doing?”
Yandan came to Xiaoyaozi.
“No problem for now.”
“It’s just this trick, it’s too weird.”
“It’s impossible to guard against!”
“Before you know it, you will be tricked.”
Xiaoyaozi’s tone was low.
“must be careful!”
“The tricks of this monster are too weird.”
“Able to forcibly pull people to the side through the air at will, and then use some kind of terrifying force to knock people away…”
Yandan 4.9 has lingering fears.
Just now, he had been devastated by this move one after another.
“We must thoroughly investigate his details.”
“Otherwise, we are too passive.”
Xiaoyaozi suggested.
“you’re right.”
Yan Dan nodded.
The two looked at each other, their eyes rolled and fixed on Ying Changge’s body.
next second.
The two violently attacked and killed at the same time.
One is holding ink eyebrows and the other is holding Xueji.
The two martial arts masters once again teamed up to approach Ying Changge.
Facing the attack and killing of two martial arts masters, Ying Changge remained expressionless.
Holding the famous sword Abyss in his hand, he aimed the sharp blade wrapped in the black armed armor directly in the direction of the two of them and cut it off.
The sharp blade pierced the sky.
There was an ear-piercing sound of breaking through the air.
Facing this sword…
Yan Dan held the black eyebrows in his hand, turned slightly sideways, and dodged the sword.
He immediately stimulated the majestic internal force in his body…
Internal force circulates, distorting space.
Thousands of black sword qi erupted from Momei’s hands, attacking Ying Changge’s body.
Just before the sword qi was about to arrive.
Ying Changge’s body erupted again with a terrifying repulsive force.
The shocking repulsion directly crushed thousands of black sword qi erupting from Yandan.
Together with his whole body, he was knocked tens of meters away, and his figure flew upside down in mid-air and rolled all the way.
And Xiaoyaozi, who was next to Yandan, was no exception.A wave of repulsive force knocked him into the air, following closely behind Yandan’s upside-down body, following in his footsteps.
Until it flies ten meters away.
The two were able to calm down a little bit, the staggering figure.
Chapter 233 Destruction! Defeat with one’s own strength! 【Please customize】

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