In the hands of Ying Changge, the famous sword Yan Yuan, wrapped in black armed armor, aimed at the terrifying energy ahead and slashed down.
The blade cuts through the sky!
The sharp blade is actually vaguely about to cut off the space and tear it to shreds!
There was a piercing sound.
When the famous sword in his hand fell down, Ying Changge quickly stimulated the surging innate qi in his body.
An extremely fierce and terrifying slash erupted from the Abyss Sword in his hand.
Concentrated and armed with domineering power, the slash formed by all-round gathering has terrifying energy fluctuations enough to destroy the world.
… … … …
call out!
The slash is dark purple and colorful.
It has a terrifying aura that is overwhelming, contains extremely terrifying power, and even contains the destructive power of perfect-level armed domineering…
Slash forward!
Very fast!
Infinite power is given to destroy everything in the world.
In less than a moment.
The dark purple slash that Ying Changge slashed met Yandan’s thousands of black sword qi and the top Taoism that Xiaoyaozi released with all his strength.
The three forces collided with each other at an extremely fast speed!
A loud noise resounded through the sky.
Like thunder!
The sound of this terrifying force erupted throughout the area of ​​several thousand meters.
The roar was like thunder rolling, shocking thousands of meters away.
at the same time.
The moment the power exploded.
Ying Changge’s slash pierced through Yandan’s thousands of black sword qi forcefully, crushing all the sword qi within the range, and annihilating them all on the spot.
In the air, there was still some black sword energy erupting from Momei.
Carried by the remaining black sword energy, the Taoist golden runes released by Xiaoyaozi.
The two forces merged with each other…
Still entangled and blocked, the dark purple terrifying slash from Ying Changge.
The collision of forces continued.
There was a burst of sound, like thunder.
Like thunder resounding crazily at the edge of the sky, it rolled and spread.
at the same time.
As the terrorist forces of the two sides collided with each other, there was a trace of aftermath that could not be contained.
The aftermath leaked to all sides and spread far away.
Even if it’s just a wisp of aftermath, it’s enough to create an incomparably violent shock wave.
Where the shock wave passed…
The ground was shaken by force and trembled constantly.
Like an earthquake.
Without exception, all objects in the four directions were forcibly crushed by this terrifying shock wave.
Countless stones instantly turned into powder and disappeared with the wind.
The air waves rolled a piece of dust scattered on the ground, blowing countless pieces of wreckage, flying wantonly, curling up and dancing in mid-air.
Accompanied by bursts of clear and pleasant sharp voices.
I see.
In the center of the core area where the power of the two sides exploded, the surface of the ground quickly shattered and cracked, and a series of hideous and terrifying cracks appeared, extending to a further area tens of meters away.
The earth crumbles!
The ground is collapsing!
A series of violent vibrations caused the soil to sink below the crack below.
One after another, hideous and bottomless dark pits were created.
look around…
clear and distinct.
The terrain and appearance of the entire battlefield seemed to be forcibly sunk by this shocking force.
The scene looked particularly terrifying!
It can be called…
The earth shakes and the mountains shake!
The sky is falling apart! Where.
Chapter 232 Hanging and beating the Mohist giant and the head of the Taoist school! 【Please customize】
The terrifying air wave rolled and rushed all the way to a distance of hundreds of meters.
Thousands of anti-Qin elements located a hundred meters away from the battlefield were all within the range of this wave of air, and their figures were repelled by the aftermath.
Many anti-Qin elements with weaker cultivation bases suddenly turned pale and terrified, and the aura in their bodies became very disordered.
“Good, what a terrifying power!”
“Is that human being?”
“It’s too strong!”
All the anti-Qin elements who were enveloped by the aftermath all showed an incomparable shock.
They stared blankly at the battlefield ahead, their lips trembling.
Due to the terrifying explosion of air waves that rolled the dust on the ground, countless smoke and dust floated wantonly in the battlefield, almost completely covering the battlefield.
No one could see clearly the movements on the battlefield.
Flying sand all over the sky, dancing lightly.
Even the army of one hundred thousand cavalry was more or less affected by that shock wave.
“Withdraw a hundred steps away from the battlefield!”
Meng Tian gave an order.
A total of 100,000 elite cavalry, all obeying the order, expanded the encirclement circle again to prevent them from being affected by the terrifying shock wave in the battlefield later.
“So strong!”
“The scene of this level of confrontation is really amazing!”
“It’s like the magic of a fairy!”
“The ground was shaken, and the sky fell apart!”
Meng Ying, Yu Ziqi, Shi Lan and others all expressed their horror.
Including Shao Si Ming, a pair of beautiful eyes have been fixed on the battlefield ahead, never moving.
This level of collision has completely surpassed everyone’s imagination.
With the dust flying all over the sky, it splashed down.
The whole picture of the battlefield is presented in the eyes of everyone in all directions in an extremely clear “367”.
The collision of the terrorist forces that erupted on both sides gradually cooled and dissipated.
only left……
Smoke everywhere!
The battlefield is riddled with holes!

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