But it easily stopped the actions of the empire’s 100,000 elite cavalry!
Just ask.
What kind of terrifying energy and influence is this?
Simply unimaginable! .
Chapter 230 One Against Two! Battle two martial arts masters! 【Please customize】
Yandan and Xiaoyaozi can predict it.
This young figure who was able to emerge from an army of 100,000 cavalry must have a strong background and a prominent status.
Otherwise, it would be impossible for the 100,000 troops to divert a path to the battlefield just for him.
The two of them still couldn’t imagine it after all.
The young man in front of him has such a prominent identity!
In just one sentence…
An army of 100,000 cavalry was repelled on the spot!
Let the empire’s 100,000 cavalry not dare to act rashly again.
What kind of astonishing power is this?
Whether it was Yandan or Xiaoyaozi, they were all frightened by the impact of Ying Changge’s words.
“Brother Xiaoyao, we seem to have provoked an extremely terrifying existence!”
“A big man with an extremely prominent status!”
Yan Dan took a deep breath,Can’t help blurting out.
this moment.
Of course he could.
The young man in white in front of him is by no means just an ordinary top powerhouse, he must still have an extremely noble and prominent status.
If not.
An army of 100,000 iron cavalry would never be dismissed by him alone!
“I see.”
“This young man’s background is not simple!”
“Not only is his strength extremely terrifying, but his status is also different.”
Xiaoyaozi nodded solemnly.
After all, they still misjudged Ying Changge’s identity and status in front of him!
Witnessing with their own eyes an army of 100,000 cavalry, all of whom were dismissed with a single word, the two of them suddenly came to their senses and realized the frightening aspect of this young man in front of them.
“If he can be captured alive…”
“I believe.”
“The difficult and desperate situation we are facing now will definitely be resolved smoothly.”
Yan Dan continued to speak.
He firmly believes.
As long as this young man is captured alive, their plight will surely be resolved easily.
Judging from the power of the opponent who drove back an army of 100,000 cavalry with a single word.
The identity and background of this young man is absolutely terrifying.
The only problem is that…
How would they capture each other alive?
after all.
The young man in front of him is a terrifying powerhouse that even he, a martial arts master, can’t compete with!
“The giant is right.”
“However, the difficulty is too high!”
“Even if you and I join forces, we may not be able to defeat him with 367% certainty. How can we capture him alive?”
Xiaoyaozi couldn’t help sighing, feeling particularly heavy and depressed.
Hearing this, Yan Dan fell silent.
He had to admit it.
What Xiaoyaozi said.
Even two against one!
They still don’t have much confidence in being able to defeat this mysterious and terrifying young man in front of them!
The opponent is too strong!
It’s unbelievably strong!
at the same time.
Thousands of anti-Qin elements all fixed their eyes on Ying Changge with horror on their faces.
Witnessing the scene where Ying Changge shouted back the 100,000 troops just now, all of them, without exception, felt an unprecedented sense of shock.
“Oh my God!”
“Where did that young man come from? And who is so sacred?”
“It was just a short sentence, and a hundred thousand cavalry troops of the empire were repelled on the spot.”
“Can you believe this?”
“At such a young age, he already possesses such terrifying power and influence in an army of 100,000 cavalry.”
“What kind of existence is this?”
“I think.”
“This young man probably has a great background and background!”
“Even if Meng Tian, ​​the great general of the empire, came to the scene in person, wouldn’t he be so powerful?”
An anti-Qin activist couldn’t contain the sense of horror in his heart.
They stared wide-eyed, staring blankly at the young figure in front of them.
Suddenly feel.
This young figure appeared particularly majestic and tall in their eyes.
Following Ying Changge’s order.
The 100,000 cavalry army all retreated back to their original places, no longer trying to approach the battlefield.
Since Xiaoyaozi had seen Xiaoyaozi intervene in the battlefield rashly before, trying to fight two against one, bullying the few to deal with his son Ying Changge, they would of course be deeply angry and want to intervene in the battlefield.
One-on-one is fine.
Want 2v1?
what is this?
This is the so-called Jianghu rules?
Trying to bully the few with the more?
These two are simply shameless!
That’s it?
Can he also become the so-called giant of Mohism and head of Taoism?
If you can’t beat it, you want to bully the few with more…
How ridiculous is this?
“Young master seems to have a plan in mind, we must not intervene in the battlefield without authorization.”
“It’s just two martial arts masters. Since you are confident, you must be able to compete with these two martial arts masters.”
“Well said.”
“With your son’s character, you will never do anything you are not sure about.”
“We’ll just have to wait and see.”
The 100,000 cavalry army was calm, their eyes were full of admiration and admiration, and they stared at the battlefield ahead.
“Simply disgraceful!”
“The giant of the Mohist school? The head of the Taoist school?”
“You actually want to deal with my young master two-on-one.”
“These two people are simply a typical example of the upper beam being wrong and the lower beam crooked!”

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