Even the surrounding terrain and features were once again collapsed by the repulsive force erupted by Ying Changge.
The soil is cracked and the earth is broken.
for a while.
The smoke and dust billowed up, curling up and dancing in the air.
“Come here!”
Before Yan Dan could react, the repulsive force of Ying Changge’s palm turned into an attractive force again.
The terrifying gravity pulled Yandan’s body again.
“Damn it!”
Yandan was pulled, and the soil under his feet crumbled again, as if someone tied him with a rope and kept pulling him.
Even though his feet pierced the ground and maintained a solid figure, he was still unavoidably attracted by the constant attraction, causing more and more cracks in the soil under his feet.
His body was about to rise again, and he was about to soar into the air and approach Ying Changge.
“Not good!”
Yan Dan secretly felt bad.
Unprecedented pressure pervaded his entire heart.
He’s been through a lot of battles in his life.
Even if he almost died under Wei Zhuang’s sword back then and escaped by feigning death, it never gave him such a strong sense of oppression today.
Only after meeting Ying Changge in front of him, Yan Dan could understand it deeply.
What is despair!
What is a deep sense of powerlessness!
This moment.
He felt this taste one after another.
No matter how hard I try, I still feel helpless.
“I am a majestic martial arts master…”
“It’s not as good as a mere congenital late stage?”
Yan Dan thought this was ridiculous.
But what he experienced personally made him have to accept this shocking phenomenon.
Can’t help it.
He urged his vigorous internal force again, and activated the invisible sword energy of Mo Mei in his hand.
The surging internal force rushed to Momei’s jet-black blade, which was as black as ink.The blade emitted black sword energy again, and the sword energy lingered around his body.
Let his figure exude a particularly surging aura and coercion at this moment.
The surrounding space seems to be forcibly distorted by this force, and it is constantly wriggling.
Like ocean waves, the space ripples and flows.
Yan Dan, holding the black eyebrows, suddenly violently attacked Ying Changge.
He bent his knees slightly and kicked his feet suddenly.
Accompanied by a loud bang.
Yan Dan was surrounded by thousands of sword qi, and approached Ying Changge.
He must turn passive into active!
This is his only countermeasure.
Holding the ink eyebrow, Yan Dan’s whole body seemed to be an arrow that flew off the string, and pointed at Ying Changge with the ink eyebrow in his hand.
Before people arrive, sword energy descends!
The overwhelming sword energy enveloped the audience, locking all aspects of Ying Changge’s body.
There is no escape!
There is no hiding!
Facing Yan Dan’s move, Ying Changge remained calm, and the repulsive force in his palm flowed again.
“Shenluo Tianzheng!”
Ying Changge’s mouth moved slightly.
Another incomparable repulsive force erupted from Ying Changge’s body, turning into an extremely violent shock wave, which spread ten meters away in an instant.
With Ying Changge’s body as the center point, this terrifying repulsive force can be felt in a radius of more than ten meters.
The closer you get to his body, the more terrifying the repulsion you feel.
Just as Yan Dan, who was approaching constantly, was hit head-on by this repulsive force again.
But fortunately.
This time, Yandan has already prepared.
He had already fully mobilized the innate qi in his body, wrapped it around his body, and formed a protective film, which could greatly reduce the shock waves his body suffered.
However, even so, Yan Dan was still forcibly knocked into the air several meters away.
Even with the surging innate qi entwined all over his body, he was still unavoidably knocked away by this terrifying repulsive force.
at the same time.
Terrifying air waves rushed to all directions, crushing the thousands of black sword qi erupting from Yandan, and annihilated them.
The shocking sword energy that erupted from Momei in Yandan’s hand was densely packed with thousands, as if desperate, and had a head-on confrontation with the repulsive force that erupted from Ying Changge.
After part of the sword qi was crushed, more terrifying sword qi rushed forward.
Two forces erupted with terrible shock.
There was a loud bang.
Like thunder!
After the two forces exploded, the forces generated by each other rubbed against each other, causing the monstrous sword energy to disappear.
These two forces exploded and turned into violent and surging shock waves.
This shock wave spread a hundred meters away from the audience.
The whole earth seemed to be shaken by force, and there were waves of violent shaking and trembling.
The shock wave diffuses a radius of 100 meters, and all objects will be enveloped by this shock wave.
Many stones were crushed into powder on the spot.
A pleasant voice sounded.
Cracks on the ground shattered, extending farther.
The sky is full of dust, dancing lightly.
at the same time.
Many anti-Qin elements located within a hundred meters.
Without exception, they were forcefully repelled by this terrifying shock wave, causing the blood in their bodies to surge, their faces turned pale, and their footsteps regressed incessantly.
“Good, what a terrifying power!”
“Just the aftermath is enough to make the breath in my body become disordered in an instant.”
“What kind of amazing collision is this?”
“Both of them are so strong!”
“Strong as a monster!”
A group of anti-Qin elements had lingering fears, and their faces were full of shock.
This shock wave made them smell the threat of death.
They dare not even dream.

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