Yan Dan frowned, secretly cursing in her heart.
He could only keep using words to stimulate Meng Tian to show up.
For now.
He has only one way to break the situation.
That is……
Capture the thief first and capture the king!
As long as Meng Tian is captured, the 100,000 cavalry army can naturally be controlled and let them evacuate from the scene.
The dangerous situation of their anti-Qin elements will be perfectly resolved accordingly.
If not.
Wanting to fight against an army of 100,000 imperial cavalry is simply as difficult as heaven.
Only capturing the general Meng Tian is the most perfect strategy in Yan Dan’s mind.
He must force Meng Tian to show up, so as to ensure the perfect implementation of the plan.
With Yan Dan now in his body, he is at the level of a martial arts master.
He naturally has very high self-confidence and certainty, he can capture the general Meng Tian alive among the 100,000 elite cavalry of the empire!
Although Meng Tian is well-known, his own strength is not strong.
And this is also the root of Yandan’s strong confidence and confidence.
“With the cultivation base of my martial arts master, is it not easy to deal with a mere Meng Tian?”
“The biggest difficulty right now is…”
“Meng Tian is hiding.”
“I must find a way to force Meng Tian out.”
“Otherwise, this 100,000 cavalry army is unshakable!”
Yan Dan thought to himself.
Xiaoyaozi also seemed to see through Yandan’s intentions.
Xiaoyaozi then opened his mouth to cooperate: “General Meng Tian, ​​please come out and see us. Since you have already led the army to surround us heavily.”
“Presumably, you don’t even have the courage to meet us, do you?”
“This is the style of a general who has humiliated you, General Meng Tian!”
“As a general of an army, how can he be a scumbag who hides his head and shows his tail?”
The sound resounded loudly and spread far away.
The two martial arts masters looked at each other, their eyes full of dignity and sharpness.
Meng Tian must be forced out now!
Only in this way can their current crisis and predicament be resolved!
How could the two of them not understand the principle of capturing the thief first?
Just when the two of them sang together, trying to force Meng Tian to show up.
In front of the path diverted by the army of 100,000 cavalry, the young man in white slowly raised his head, revealing a playful young face.
Slowly open your eyes…
These are actually a pair of gray-white pupils!
“I seem to be underestimated.”
Ying Changge laughed.
That’s right!
Walking out of the empire’s 100,000 cavalry army was naturally Ying Changge.
He didn’t expect it.
I was actually subconsciously ignored by the two martial arts masters in front of me.
“Yandan? Xiaoyaozi?”
“Two good opponents!”
“Then use you guys to warm me up a bit.”
“It can be regarded as an appetizer before the complete destruction of the Mohist organ city.”
Ying Changge had a meaningful expression on his face.
No problem!
After a while, it is natural to let them see it.
How strong is the object they ignore!
“Even I will be subconsciously ignored one day.”
Ying Changge sighed a little.
Could it be.
I can only play the game of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger?
I remember that when I arrived at Shushan last time, I was also underestimated by Shushan disciples.
till the end.
The group of Shushan disciples suddenly came to their senses.
Begin to realize deeply.
What a terrifying monster Ying Changge is!
not far away.
Meng Tian, ​​Meng Ying and the others watched Ying Changge’s back, and they heard Yandan and Xiaoyaozi singing in harmony, and their expressions also became very strange.
“Is this underestimating Young Master Seven?”
Meng Ying’s throat was dry, and she said with a look of surprise.
“It seems to be true.”
“Seventh Young Master, he was actually underestimated!”
“And he was still treated as a harmless brat by the two martial arts masters.”
Meng Tian opened his mouth.
He didn’t know what to say at this moment.
This Mohist giant and the head of Taoism are too brain-dead!
Now that things have happened, Meng Tian has a strong premonition in his heart.
he thinks.
The Mohist giant and the head of the Taoist school, these two people are going to be in bad luck!
There was never anyone.
How dare you despise the Seventh Young Master face to face!
“These two are getting cold!”
Meng Tian thought to himself.
“Two martial arts masters?”
Shao Si Ming’s beautiful eyes flickered, staring at Yan Dan Yu Xiaoyaozi.
Her gaze was fixed on Ying Changge’s stalwart figure, the beautiful face hidden under the veil, and faint rippling orchids rippling.
“How dare someone underestimate Seventh Young Master?”
“They are afraid that their brains are really broken.”
Yu Ziqi coughed dryly, with a strange expression on his face.
Who is the seventh son?
That is a terrifying existence that can compete strongly with their Great Elder Shushan!
A monster that can collide head-on with an invincible powerhouse!
It is this kind of extremely terrifying monster who is underestimated by people today?

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