An invincible strong man whose cultivation has reached the perfection of a martial arts master personally guards the Fusang sacred tree.
In this way, even if the Yinyang family has the courage, they would not dare to use Fusang Shenmu to carry out their original plan in front of this existence.
This is the ultimate goal of Ying Changge!
“That’s it for the cooperation.”
“Meng Ying, prepare to go down the mountain and inform General Meng Tian.”
“You can order someone to go up the mountain to temporarily borrow the Fusang Shenmu, so that there is no need to let an army of 100,000 cavalry surround Shushan.”
Ying Changge ordered “three three three” to Meng Ying beside him.
“Yes, my son.”
Meng Ying was about to leave.
At this time.
The Great Elder thought for a while, and suggested: “Young Master, why don’t you go with the old man to meet the disciples of the Wu Clan in Shushan for a while, and announce the matter publicly with them?”
The Great Elder could only represent Shushan and agreed to cooperate with Ying Changge this time.
But actually.
He has not yet obtained the consent of the Shushan Wu clan disciples.
Ying Changge nodded: “It makes sense.”
Since he wanted to temporarily borrow the Fusang sacred tree, he naturally needed the consent of thousands of Wu tribe disciples on Mount Shu.
Although the Great Elder has absolute authority and influence, this group of disciples of the Shushan Wu Clan is also the guardian of the Fusang Sacred Tree, so naturally their influence cannot be ignored.
Ying Changge followed the great elder and left the holy land step by step.
Gradually away from the range of Fusang Shenmu, the exuberant and rich breath of life disappeared without a trace and became thinner and thinner.
It is not unreasonable that this place can be regarded as a holy place by Mount Shu.
Living in the Fusang Shenmu with a radius of one kilometer, the exuberant vitality seems to bring people back to nature.
All creatures living in the holy land of Shushan must have a much longer lifespan.
After walking out of the Shushan Holy Land, the Great Elder returned to the crowd of Shushan disciples.
at this time.
After a short period of precipitation just now, this group of Shushan disciples who were in a shocking mood gradually began to calm down.
The eyes they looked at Ying Changge still couldn’t help showing a strong sense of horror, shock, and horror.
Until now, they were all afraid and afraid of Ying Changge.
If it wasn’t for Ying Changge’s absolute strength to convince them, I’m afraid that with Ying Changge’s appearance at this moment, these Shushan disciples would definitely yell with deep anger.
But in view of Ying Changge’s terrifying strength, these Shushan disciples dared not speak up at all, and could only lower their heads silently, looking very embarrassed and humble.
“Everyone, I have something to solemnly announce.”
The Great Elder spoke.
He was right in front of the crowd.
As soon as he opened his mouth, he immediately attracted the attention of all Shushan disciples in all directions.
Thousands of disciples of the Shu Mountain Wu Clan all looked at the Great Elder in unison.
They looked at the eyes of the Great Elder, unable to conceal the deep admiration, worship and other emotional colors.
not difficult to see.
In their minds, the Great Elder is the most authoritative belief in Shushan!
As long as it was what the Great Elder said, they would naturally be deeply convinced and recognized.
“Did the Great Elder successfully negotiate with the people of the empire?”
“What price do we have to pay?”
“If it weren’t for our incompetence, how could the Great Elder bow to the empire on behalf of us in Shushan?”
A disciple of the Wu Clan in Shushan clenched his fists tightly. Their eyes sometimes looked at the elder, and sometimes they fixed on Ying Changge’s young face.
Recalling the various scenes they experienced just now, their feelings for Ying ChanggeThe fear grew stronger and stronger.
That is a terrifying existence that can confront the Great Elder head-on without losing the slightest bit!
“Before announcing this matter, please don’t blame the old man for making claims.”
The great elder sighed.
After a pause, he continued: “The old man has already started a cooperation with the seventh son of the empire on behalf of our Wu clan in Shushan.”
“The content of the cooperation is…”
“We in Shushan temporarily borrowed the holy object Fusang Shenmu for a period of five years!”
“Within five years, the empire has the right to control the Fusang Sacred Tree. Of course, it does not have the power to damage the Fusang Sacred Tree.”
“This is the main core of cooperation!”
“The old man would like to ask, what do you think?”
The voice resounded loudly and spread far away.
The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became silent!
There was no sound!
Thousands of disciples of the Wu Clan in Shushan stared at the Great Elder dumbfounded.
The Great Elder seemed to have expected it.
Before the atmosphere completely fell into chaos, he explained again: “In the next five years, the old man will represent Shushan and personally guard the Fusang Shenmu.”
“Although it is temporarily lent to the empire, the old man still has the power to guard the Fusang sacred tree, and has the power to prevent anyone from destroying the sacred objects of our clan.”
“In this way, it can be ensured that within the five years, the Fusang Shenmu will not be damaged or destroyed by those who want to.”
“Five years later, the Fusang Shenmu will return to its original owner and return to our family again.”
“In this way, this is the main step in our cooperation between Shushan and the empire.”
“Everyone can rest assured…”
“For the past five years, with the old man’s guard, there will never be any mistakes in the Fusang Shenmu. If there is any violation, the old man voluntarily asks the heavens to send punishment.”
The Great Elder had a serious face, and seriously announced to all parties.
Loud voice spread.
Resounds everywhere.
Thousands of Shushan disciples were present, and all of them heard the grand elder’s solemn announcement.
The moment they heard the first half of the Great Elder’s words, only anger remained in their hearts.
But with the second half of the elder’s explanation, the anger in their hearts was slightly cooled and relieved.
have to admit.
The Great Elder personally guarded the Fusang Shenmu, so that many disciples of the Shushan Wu Clan present could no longer express any dissatisfaction and anger.
they know.
The result of this negotiation is already the result of the Great Elder’s best efforts.
If not.
The empire’s 100,000 cavalry are not vegetarians either!
They will surely end up in the fate of Shushan being destroyed today.
Now we can preserve the Wu Clan in Shushan, and we can take back the Fusang Shenmu five years later…
This result is already considered very good.
Many Shushan witch disciples chose to remain silent.
But in their hearts, they also agreed with the words of the Great Elder.
There are also a small number of Shushan Wu tribe disciples clenched their fists, aggrieved and angry, but they also dare not express any dissatisfaction.
Of course they understand.
If Shushan really breaks out of war with the empire.
Then there is only one possibility.
That is……
Their Shu Mountain will be completely destroyed!
The Shushan Wu Clan will also disappear from this river and lake and become a dust of history.
The result of the current negotiations is that the empire temporarily borrowed the Fusang Shenmu for a period of five years. Five years later, the Fusang Shenmu will still be returned to Shushan.
For this result, they could not find any reason or excuse to refute it.
As the saying goes.
Forced by the situation.
They had to give in!
Had to choose to cooperate with the empire!
Otherwise, their end will be countless times worse.

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