The scene brought about by this confrontation will undoubtedly become a memory that they will never forget in this life.
“The strength of the Great Elder is so terrifying, it is completely understandable.”
“Who can explain.”
“The boy who collided with the Great Elder, how could he be so powerful?!”
“This is completely unreasonable!”
“This power is too terrifying!”
“Is this the fight between the invincible powerhouses in the world? It’s terrifying!”
“That kid’s strength is a bit outrageous.”
Dust was flying all over the sky and falling down.
Pairs of eyes full of shock, horror, and disbelief were fixed on the battlefield in front of them, and they could no longer move their eyes from them.
All Shushan disciples were stunned.
They were frightened silly on the spot.
what is happening?
That brat is actually so powerful?
Die holding all the shocks, seeing the dust and sand flying all over the sky, gradually scattered from the sky.
In less than a moment.
All the dust that obscured his vision dissipated into the air.
And the whole picture of the battlefield was finally presented in everyone’s eyes as they wished.
clear and distinct.
The entire battlefield was riddled with holes.
Simply shocking!
A series of hideous and terrifying cracks spread all over the audience.
It seems that the battlefield may completely collapse at any time.
In addition to these ferocious cracks, the central area where the battle broke out left a bottomless dark pit, which made one’s scalp tingle.
The huge deep pit is several meters deep, and its diameter is about five or six meters.
Take a closer look.
It’s like an abandoned ruin.
a mess!
Immediately afterwards.
The ground shook again, and countless pieces of sand and gravel wreckage fell, all of which fell to the bottom of the deep pit.
The bursting soil took advantage of the trend to shatter and form more dense cracks.
This scene was presented incomparably clearly in everyone’s eyes.
Even Meng Ying and Shao Si Ming were shocked.
“too horrible!”
Meng Ying opened her mouth, her eyes were lost for a while, she was dumbstruck 0  …
Rao is because he has some awareness of the power of his son.
But it was the first time he saw it.
The huge impact and destruction caused by such a terrifying force abruptly turned a place into a ruin, which seemed to be riddled with holes.
“Is this the true strength of the Seventh Young Master?”
“So strong!”
“Even if it is compared to Your Excellency Donghuang, it will definitely not be inferior!”
“Relying on the cultivation realm of the innate late stage, the young master did it abruptly, and he is as strong as a martial arts master who is at the perfect level.Invincible strong. ”
“This is the true peerless arrogance!”
“An out-and-out monster!”
Shao Siming’s beautiful eyes were dull, and the beautiful face hidden under the veil was deeply moved, and waves rippled on his calm face.
Consummation of the martial arts master with the innate late stage!
In the year of the weak crown…
Shake the invincible world!
What is a genius?
This is true genius!
this moment.
Shao Siming looked at Ying Changge’s eyes, and there was another subtle change.
Maybe even Shao Si Ming himself couldn’t notice it.
Ying Changge has left an indelible impression in her heart!
The strength and terror of Ying Changge made her remember even more deeply.
at the same time.
The dilapidated terrain and features left at the scene were also presented to the eyes of thousands of Shushan disciples.
They were dumbfounded.
All of them were stunned on the battlefield that was broken like ruins.
Even the second strongest man in Shushan fell into a state of shock.
“Good, what a terrifying destructive power!”
“Is this caused by martial arts?”
“It has been able to seriously affect the natural environment and landforms!”
“Is this still martial arts?”
“What kind of martial arts is so terrifying?”
“Among them, the scariest one is that young man!”
“He is the most evil monster!”
“Only relying on the cultivation base of the innate late stage, he was forced to compete with the perfect strength of the great elder martial arts master, and he is not inferior at all.”
“Oh my God!”
“What kind of monster is this?”
Uncle Yu was in a frenzy.
Yu Ziqi and Shi Lan, who were beside him, were also completely shocked.
The two siblings stared wide-eyed.
What kind of power is this?
Can cause such a terrible destructive power?
The earth was forcibly shattered and broken!
The entire Shu Mountain was shaken abruptly!
All this has overturned the worldview of the two brothers and sisters.
“Seventh Young Master, you are so strong!”
“The Great Elder is also scary!”
“Seventh Young Master is at the age of 4.9, but he can still confront the Great Elder head-on. This is the scariest thing.”
“Is this the real monster? I’ve learned a lot!”
The two siblings thought in shock.
at the same time.
Thousands of Shushan disciples were dizzy.
“This, this horse riding is called martial arts?”
“and also……”

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