Ying Changge made a decision in his heart.
If he continued to use ordinary tactics to deal with this invincible Great Elder, it was obviously impossible to achieve any effective effect.
The original offensive strategy must be changed.
“In that case…”
“It’s time for me to get serious!”
“I have never used that trick these days!”
“Now, it’s time.”
The corners of Ying Changge’s mouth turned up slightly, and a smile full of expectation appeared on his face.
turn around.
He said to Meng Ying behind him: “Bring the sword!”
“Yes, my son.”
Meng Ying was taken aback for a moment, then quickly nodded.
He quickly handed a famous sword, Yuan Yuan, which he carried with him for safekeeping, to Ying Changge.
��Yuan Sword, the Fengbeard sword manual ranks fourth!
After returning to Xianyang City from Tooth Eating Prison, Ying Changge asked Mengying to carry this sword with him for his emergency needs.
This time, it can come in handy.
As soon as he took over the famous Jian Yuan, Ying Changge could feel the coldness of the sword hilt in his palm.
“Good sword!”
Ying Changge held the abyss in his hand and faced the direction of the great elder, with a meaningful expression on his face.
I have to take it seriously!
at the same time.
Seeing Ying Changge holding a sword blade, the Great Elder frowned slightly, his expression slightly surprised.
This seventh son is still a swordsman with superb swordsmanship?
The Great Elder’s eyes became serious, and he didn’t dare to be careless and relax at all.
“Elder, I have to be serious.”
“I hope you can cheer up next time!”
“Otherwise, you might really die.”
Ying Changge slowly opened his mouth to remind.
“The old man has always been serious!”
“Seventh Young Master, let me show you your true strength.”
The Great Elder looked serious.
“as you wish.”
Ying Changge smiled.
When the smile on his face restrained a little, his mind was focused on the Abyss sword in his hand.
In a moment…
A surge of power flowed from his body, and quickly spread to his right arm, and then converged to the Yanyuan sword tightly held in the palm of his right hand.
a split second.
A layer of black ink-like mysterious substance quickly flowed from Ying Changge’s palm, and in a blink of an eye, this black substance wrapped around the sharp blade of the Abyss Sword.
It’s as dark as ink!
Exudes a cold and terrifying breath coercion.
“This is……”
The Great Elder’s pupils shrank slightly, and he was startled.
From Ying Chang’s Singer’s Abyss Sword, he actually felt a looming sense of potential crisis.
“What kind of martial art is this?”
The Great Elder’s expression was full of confusion, and his eyes were fixed on the sharp sword in Ying Chang’s singer.
under the gaze.
As the black matter completely wrapped around the blade of the Abyss Sword, within a moment, the liquid matter turned into a solid, and the black matter formed a layer of black armor.
The black armor completely covered the Abyss sword, turning the original silver-colored Abyss into a strange and famous sword as black as ink.
A cold and gloomy aura emanated from the blade of the Abyss Sword.
The whole sword seems to be completely wrapped by armor, giving people a sense of indestructibility, and the appearance texture like black jade is particularly sharp.
Perfect-level armed domineering, full-scale explosion!
Now, with Ying Changge’s innate late stage cultivation, he can naturally use the perfect level of armed domineering to cover the appearance of the weapon in his hand.
Use Armor Colors for weapon wraps!
In the mid-innate stage, Ying Changge’s perfect-level armed color can only cover two fists at best.
And now.
With the breakthrough in cultivation base and realm, and with the increase of the mighty innate qi, Ying Changge can easily cover the weapons in his hands with the color of his weapons.
Cover your weapons with an indestructible armor!
Let the weapon become the most powerful weapon in the worldHard material!
No one can destroy it!
Clutching the famous sword Abyss wrapped around the armor-colored armor in his hand, Ying Changge exuded a more terrifying aura of oppression all over his body.
The black jade-like armour, tightly wrapped around the appearance of the blade in his hand, caused the temperature of the surrounding air to plummet as if affected.
It’s creepy!
“This, what is this…”
The elder was stunned.
He stared wide-eyed, staring blankly at the famous Jian Yuan in Ying Chang’s singer.
what’s going on?
Well done, why did a famous sword change its appearance?
What’s even more frightening is…
At this moment, as an invincible powerhouse in the world, he unexpectedly felt an unprecedented threat from this weapon.
It’s unbelievable!
He is a powerful martial arts master at the perfect level!
“Terrifying breath of power!”
“What kind of martial art is this? It’s so terrifying!”
“It makes me feel like…”
“It can cut everything in the world!”
“Destroy all living beings!”
The Great Elder felt a nervous tension.
This was the first time since he fought Ying Changge that he felt such a strong sense of crisis.
From the sword in Ying Changsinger, he even smelled the threat of death.
From a young man whose cultivation base is only late innate, he feels a huge threat to his life!
As Ying Changge held the famous sword Abyss covered with armed armor, everyone around him was affected by the aura emanating from him.
“Master, you must be serious!”
Meng Ying clenched her fists tightly, with a look of excitement and excitement.
“This is the power that Young Master has always been proud of!”
Shao Si Ming’s beautiful eyes shone brightly, thinking in his heart.
Of course, she knew more or less about this power.
Some time ago, the powerful existence of the powerful Zuo Dharma Guardian Star Soul of the Yin Yang family, who had reached the half-step master level, was killed and severely injured by this force on the spot!

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