It was inevitable that Yu Ziqi would feel a strong sense of awe and admiration in his heart.
What is a genius?
This is true genius!
The unparalleled proud son of heaven!
In the battlefield.
Facing Uncle Yu who lost his composure, Ying Changge didn’t change much in expression, and slowly raised his right hand, with his palm facing Uncle Yu’s direction.
“You don’t know anything about real power!”
“Since you want to see my power so much…”
“At this moment, I will let you get your wish!”
Ying Changge thought about it.
The surging innate zhenqi began to flow from the dantian of the abdomen, and then transformed into gravity, quickly condensed and condensed between the palms of the right hand.
According to Ying Changge’s thoughts, this terrifying gravitational force exploded rapidly.
Aim at Uncle Yu in front of you.
Gravity turned into gravity!
The incomparable terrifying gravitational force directly enveloped Uncle Yu’s body.
This gravity is too strong!
“Gravity·Vientiane Tianyin!”
Ying Changge’s mouth moved slightly.
The surging gravity turned into a gravitational force, moving from the palm towards Uncle Yu’s body.
In just a split second, Uncle Yu could feel it.
The body seems to be gradually losing control!
It’s not that you can’t control your limbs, it’s just that…
The body soared into the air uncontrollably, and kept approaching the direction where Ying Changge was.
It was like being attracted by an extremely terrifying magnet.
“This, what kind of trick is this?!”
Uncle Yu’s pupils shrank and his face changed dramatically.
His eyes widened.
Feeling his body being manipulated into the air and floating into the distance, he panicked a lot.
what happened?
The body was actually pulled by the air?
Flying uncontrollably?
Everything subverted Uncle Yu’s cognition.
“Damn it!”
Uncle Yu was so anxious that he trampled down with both feet.
Accompanied by a loud bang.
His legs seemed to be stuck in a quagmire, penetrating hard into the ground, so as to prevent his body from flying in the air again, dancing uncontrollably.
“What kind of martial art is this?!”
Uncle Yu looked at Ying Changge with horror on his face, and couldn’t help blurting out.
In his life, this was the first time he had seen such weird martial arts moves.
It can actually absorb and pull the human body through the air!
And it’s still more than ten meters away!
No matter how powerful and terrifying the internal force is, it’s impossible to do this, right?
“Martial arts?”
“Ha ha……”
Ying Changge smiled.
The gravity between the palms of his right hand became even more terrifying again.
The incomparable gravity turned into gravity, covering Uncle Yu’s body in an all-round way.
Immediately afterwards.
The ground under Uncle Yu’s feet shattered and cracked, and his body flew into the air uncontrollably again, getting closer and closer to Ying Changge!
“not good!”
Uncle Yu’s expression changed slightly.
He quickly circulated the surging innate qi in his body, wrapped his body completely, and gathered internal strength with his fists, ready to attack Ying Changge.
He intends to turn passive into active.
Since you want to draw his body closer, you must be prepared to bear his thunderous counterattack!
“Teng Nuo Fighting Technique!”
shouted loudly.
Uncle Yu circulated his innate qi with both fists, the violent and powerful innate qi gathered and concentrated, and his fists gradually shone with a light blue halo.
for a while.
The sense of oppression emanating from his body became even more terrifying!
He is getting closer and closer to Ying Changge!
Just as Uncle Yu was about to launch an attack.
When he was about to approach the area two meters in front of Ying Changge.
Ying Changge’s mouth moved slightly.
“Gravity·Shenluo Tianzheng!”
An incomparably terrifying gravitational force turned into a repulsive force and hit Uncle Yu’s body abruptly.
This moment.
hisAs if the body had been swiftly and violently impacted by a mountain, the body uncontrollably flew backwards tens of meters away, tumbling and flying backwards crazily in the air.
The terrifying force crushed the soil and ground around Ying Changge, shattered and collapsed the ground abruptly, and dented a hideous deep pit of nearly half a meter.
The ground crumbles.
Cracked cracks spread far and wide.
A little dust on the ground rolled with this terrifying repulsive force, curled up and danced wantonly in the air.
Uncle Yu, who was flying upside down, vomited blood from his mouth, and felt that all internal organs in his body were shifted by the impact. Qi and blood surged in his throat, and he spit out blood uncontrollably.
Uncle Yu’s body fell to the ground fiercely, rubbing on the ground for nearly a dozen times, rubbing the animal skin clothes on his body to create hideous and broken marks, and his figure was able to stop.
Take a closer look.
Uncle Yu looked particularly embarrassed.
Rubbing against the ground left a series of hideous and glaring bloody scars on the surface of his skin, and the blood spilled out, contaminating his torn animal skin clothes.
A faint smell of blood floated in the air.
Uncle Yu propped his hands on the ground, coughing violently, the corners of his mouth were bloodshot, and his face became a little pale.
Although it wouldn’t be like the few innates before, who would be instantly killed and seriously injured when they met each other.
But this move did make Uncle Yu feel a fatal threat.
He kept adjusting his chaotic breathing.

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