A group of Shushan disciples were stunned, their faces full of shock.
Of course, they have a deep understanding of the witchcraft formation in Shushan.
It is precisely because of this that they are extremely shocked by the scene they see in front of them.
Uncle Yu, who is still stronger than the martial arts master, can’t beat that kid?
is it possible?
Could it be a dream?
A group of people were stunned.
All this overturned their previous views.
They thought so.
With Uncle Yu’s congenital and perfect cultivation level, plus the increased strength of the Shushan witchcraft formation, he can easily kill that arrogant kid.
They miscalculated the strength of their opponents!
He also overestimated Uncle Yu’s strength!
Unexpectedly, Uncle Yu was vaguely helpless towards that kid.
“My God!”
“That brat, how strong is he?”
“Isn’t he only in the late innate cultivation realm? How can he be so strong? This is completely unreasonable!”
“In the late stage of congenital, can you be comparable to a martial arts master?”
There was a lot of talk.
(afej) Thousands of Shushan disciples, all of them showed the horror and loss of composure in their hearts at the same moment.
Uncle Yu, the second strongest person in Shu Mountain, even with the strength increase of the witchcraft formation, he still couldn’t defeat that mysterious young man.
All this made them unacceptable.
“I guessed it a long time ago.”
Seeing the movement on the battlefield, Yu Ziqi thought to himself.
He had already guessed.
That mysterious and terrifying seventh son could never be defeated so easily!
as predicted!
The fact is really as expected.
“Uncle Yu’s strength can be ranked second in Shushan!”
“The congenital perfect cultivation realm, coupled with the increase of the witchcraft formation, can allow Uncle Yu to directly defeat ordinary martial arts masters.”
“Such a powerful strength, but after all, it can’t do anything to the Seventh Young Master!”
“That is to say.”
“The Seventh Young Master, who is still at the age of a weak crown, possesses a terrifying strength that is not weaker than a martial arts master! Even if he only has the innate late stage cultivation base!”
Yu Ziqi’s throat was dry.
Thinking of this, he was even more shocked.
A young man who is not yet twenty years old actually has the strength not weaker than that of a martial arts master?
What is this concept?
If this news gets out, the whole Jianghu will be completely detonated!
What’s even more frightening is…
The Seventh Young Master is still at the realm of late innate cultivation, forcibly contending against the combat power of the martial arts master level!
This is even more incredible!
It simply subverts cognition!
“too strong!”
“This is the real monster of the world!”
Yu Ziqi stared at Ying Changge’s figure in awe.
He could only pray silently in his heart.
I hope that the Great Elder can arrive at the scene as soon as possible to resolve this fight.
There are thousands of people in Shushan, and they may all be reduced to ants that the Seventh Young Master will destroy in the blink of an eye!
Even Uncle Yu couldn’t stop the Seventh Young Master under the boost of the witchcraft formation.
One can imagine.
How can the rest of Shushan’s disciples be compared with the Seventh Young Master?
The fighting still goes on.
Uncle Yu’s attack became more and more violent and domineering.
On the other hand, Ying Changge.
From the beginning to the end, he was never hit by Uncle Yu’s attack.
Even the other party couldn’t even touch the corner of his clothes.
“Do you just hide?!”
Uncle Yu was upset and shouted angrily.
All attacks are completely resolvedThe taste made him feel naturally aggrieved, and the anger was burning fiercely, and there was nowhere to vent this anger.
“Only hiding?”
“It seems that you can’t wait to lose.”
“I originally wanted to continue to experience the subtlety of your Shushan witchcraft formation.”
“But since you’re already impatient.”
“Then I have to let you see and see.”
“for what……”
“True power!”
Ying Changge paused for a moment.
He slowly opened his eyes, a pair of gray-white pupils stared at Uncle Yu quietly, without any color or emotion, as if they had lost their vitality.
Uncle Yu was taken aback.
blind? !
The young man who has been entangled with him for so long is still blind? !
What’s the situation?
Are today’s young people so fierce?
Even if you give up your eyes, can you still have such a terrifying insight?
What kind of monster is this?
What an astonishing sense of hearing can possess such an astonishing insight?
Even though Uncle Yu had seen a lot over the years, he couldn’t help but be overwhelmed by Ying Changge.
“Could it be…”
“This kid has the legendary martial arts mind?!”
This astonishing guess shocked Uncle Yu once again.
Out of a million people, only one person will have the martial arts mind, and it will appear in a young man who is weak?
real or fake?
This kid is too evil!
In this world, is there really such a terrifying monster?
Uncle Yu was in a frenzy.
His offensive movements could not help but abruptly stop, and his eyes looking at Ying Changge became more and more serious and fearful, and even felt a little fear in his heart.
Martial arts mind? !
Is it really such a rare and terrifying ability?
Uncle Yu analyzed it carefully.

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