He felt absolutely motivated at the moment.
“Let me see how powerful the witchcraft that you Shushan is proud of is.”
Ying Changge is looking forward to it.
at the same time.
Yu Ziqi became anxious again.
The situation was finally about to end, but Shushan disciples wanted to challenge the seventh son again.
This made Yu Ziqi hate that iron cannot be made into steel.
“Want to challenge the seventh son? You also have to look at your own strength!”
“Seventh Young Master, that is a terrifying existence that seems to have reached the level of a martial arts master!”
“Is this an existence that you can try to contend with?”
“It’s too simple for you to think.”
Yu Ziqi held the anxious thought in his heart.
He tried to persuade and stop him again: “Don’t be impulsive! Wait until the Great Elder arrives to make plans. You are not his opponents, so don’t cause unnecessary casualties anymore.”
This time the words just fell.
It immediately aroused the anger of many Shushan disciples.
“We are not his opponents? Are you kidding me!”
“I admit that this kid is quite capable, and he really needs to be prepared.”
“But you want to say that we are not his opponent? We cannot tolerate this.”
“We have thousands of people, he is only two or three people, why should we be afraid of him?”
“In a situation where there are so many people, he is alone and weak. Could it be that we can’t take down a mere brat? It’s a joke!”
“you do not say……”
Shushan disciples are boiling again.
For a moment, the will to fight blazed.
The monstrous fighting intent swept across, sweeping in all directions.
Thousands of Shushan disciples clenched their fists, stared angrily at Ying Changge, and once again responded with extremely strong killing intent and anger, without any intention of shrinking back.
“There is only one battle!”
A loud shout resounded through the sky.
As can be seen.
Shushan disciples still don’t think so.
With a force of thousands of people, how could they lose to a mere brat?
This is absolutely impossible!
“First-rate warriors go to battle!”
“Below first-class fighters, look for opportunities to use witchcraft to interfere!”
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・・・・・・・・
“The innate realm is the main attack!”
“I don’t believe it anymore, I can’t take this brat!”
A congenital strong man snorted coldly.
“It makes sense.”
Many people joined in.
From the thousands of Shushan disciples, about seven top experts in the innate realm and more than twenty first-class warriors slowly emerged.
But in the blink of an eye.
They have completely surrounded Ying Changge.
The rest of the thousands of disciples of the Wu Clan in Shushan still stared at Ying Changge, looking for an opportunity to make a move.
all in all.
There is a huge disparity in the number of the two sides!
Ying Changge was alone, surrounded by dozens of people.
Even in the face of this situation, his expression still seemed calm, as if everything was under control, without any major emotional fluctuations at all.
“Do you still think you have a chance to win?”
“This kid is really arrogant!”
“Then let him have a good experience of the power of our Shushan Wu Clan!”
There was a burst of angry shouting.
The battle broke out in vain!
A total of seven innate realms shot at the same time.
Twenty or so first-rate warriors began to interfere with witchcraft.
a split second.
Ying Changge faced the attack of dozens of siege groups!
all of these……
They were all under Ying Changge’s perfect level of knowledge and investigation, and there was no way to hide!
It was clearly seen by him.
… .. 0
Every move of Shushan disciples, even the most subtle movements, still cannot escape Ying Changge’s knowledgeable and domineering detection.
Ying Changge had been prepared for the sudden attack by the disciples of the Shushan Wu Clan, and lightly activated the innate qi in the dantian of his abdomen again.
Wisps of light blue halo wrapped around Ying Changge’s body.
The coercion of the terrifying aura belonging to the innate late stage swept rapidly and spread in all directions.
The terrifying momentum seemed to turn into a wave of air, and even the dust on the ground was blown away.
“Late stage?!”
“This kid…”
“It’s actually a strong person at the late stage?”
“At such a young age, you already have such a terrifying realm of cultivation?”
“No matter what state it is in, in short, anyone who tries to seize our Shu Mountain’s sacred objects will not be able to keep him!”
The seven innate powerhouses exploded their internal strength at the same time.
Surging innate qi entangled their bodies one after another, making his figure extraordinarily eye-catching, and the imposing coercion he exuded was also very terrifying.
Seven congenitals, three congenital late stages, two congenital middle stages, and two congenital early stages.
A total of seven people attacked and killed Ying Changge without hesitation.
for a while.
Ying Changge’s innate aura in the late stage seems to be defeated by the aura of these seven innate powerhouses.
In full view.
Ying Changge raised his right hand again, with his palm facing the direction from which the seven attackers came.
In one thought.
The surging innate zhenqi in the body began to gather between the palms of his right arm like an overwhelming river, condensing into an extremely terrifying gravitational aura.
moment.The corners of Ying Changge’s mouth moved slightly, and a terrifying gravitational force erupted again.
“Gravity·Shenluo Tianzheng!”
The incomparable terrifying repulsive force, with Ying Changge’s body as the center, rushed to the four directions mercilessly, covering a radius of more than ten meters.
All objects are affected by this terrifying repulsive force.
next second.

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