Their attitude towards Ying Changge did not dare to be as casual as before.
Although they still feel deeply angry in their hearts, they will not completely lose their ability to think calmly, at least they can maintain a rational analysis of the status quo.
Ying Changge’s strength was completely beyond their imagination.
Ying Changge, who looks weak on the outside, actually subverts their cognition in strength.
for a while.
The noisy environment has become weird.
Pairs of eyes focused on Ying Changge’s body, full of shock and fear.
The original scene of shouting, beating, and killing suddenly became extremely strange and silent.
“What a strong boy!”
“Don’t underestimate the other party…”
“Otherwise, we are very likely to encounter unexpected events.”
Many first-class warriors thought to themselves.
There are also a few innate realms among the Shushan disciples, all staring at Ying Changge with solemn faces, with a heavy sense of depression all over their faces.
Even the Shushan disciples in the innate realm, without exception, felt an unprecedented sense of oppression from Ying Changge.
They decided.
That palpitation feeling is not just an illusion!
Although they can’t accept it, they still have to admit it.
From Ying Changge, they felt a huge threat!
“Have you seen clearly?”
A congenital strong man asked.
“Can’t see clearly!”
“But I realized that the power that erupted from this kid at that moment even made me feel very palpitating and frightened.”
“It makes me feel like…”
“The Great Elder with full firepower!”
Another Shushan disciple answered truthfully with shock in his heart.
“You’re not kidding, are you?”
“Is this kid comparable to the Great Elder?”
“how could it be possible?”
The rest of the innate powerhouses vetoed this possibility one after another.
What are you kidding?
What level of powerhouse is the Great Elder?
How could this kid be comparable to the Great Elder?
The Great Elder is an invincible existence in this world!
Doesn’t that mean.
That kid is already in the ranks of invincible?
is it possible?
One can tell from one look at this kid that he must still be in the weak crown, under the age of twenty.
At such a young age, how could it be possible to have the strength comparable to that of the Great Elder?
That’s ridiculous!
A group of Shushan disciples who were cultivated in the innate realm smiled in their hearts and couldn’t help shaking their heads.
Comparable to the Great Elder?
No matter how strong this kid is, there is absolutely no possibility of being compared with the Great Elder.
“So strong…”
Even Yu Ziqi was once again shocked by Ying Changge’s strength.
He was still there just now, constantly persuading and stopping the impulsive and angry Shushan disciples…
The effect of his persuasion and prevention is far inferior to Ying Changge’s sudden burst of strength.
In a split second, several Shushan disciples!
At this moment, everyone in Shushan can finally calm down.
“The strength of the seventh son…”
“Sure enough, it’s outrageously strong!”
“Powerful beyond imagination!”
“What kind of martial art was that move just now?”
“A terrifying shock wave erupted in an instant, bouncing all the enemies away, and even the ground under your feet was shattered and broken…”
The more Yu Ziqi thought about it, the more frightened he became.
Is this a monster?
Do not!
This is a monster!
“I’ve said it before.”
“I advise you not to act rashly…”
“Why do you have to provoke this kind of monster? If you insist on not listening, what can I do?”
“it’s good now.”
“You have finally seen it.”
“How terrifying is the strength of this monster, Seventh Young Master, after it erupts!”
“In this way, you may be able to calm down a little bit.”
Yu Ziqi sighed helplessly in his heart.
I have already advised you not to be impulsive…
You don’t listen!
You must provoke that monster!
Are you okay now?
Was killed in seconds!
Who can blame this?
Second-rate warriors dare to act rashly?
Even Yun Zhongjun, one of the five elders of the Yinyang family, was instantly killed by a face-to-face!
That’s an innate powerhouse!
Even the innately strong were instantly killed!
Why are you bothering to find abuse?
I can’t figure it out!
Do you know how terrifying this Seventh Young Master is? .
Chapter 196 One against a Thousand! Sweep across the entire Shu Mountain! 【Please customize】
“Don’t you think…”
“I persuaded you to stop you from attacking the seventh son because I was afraid that you would kill the seventh son, right? No way?”
“I’m just afraid that you will be beaten to death!”
“If you are not afraid of being beaten to death, you can be as impulsive as you like.”
“My persuasion is still meaningless after all.”
Yu Ziqi was silent in his heart.
His original purpose of persuading everyone in Shushan was to prevent Shushan disciples from being instantly killed by the seventh son Ying Changge!
can now.
The last thing he wanted to see still happened.
In the end, there were those who were short-sighted, and suffered the fate of being instantly killed by the Seventh Young Master.
But it’s just a few second-rate warriors.

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