Even so, the aura emanating from him does not appear to be weak at all, but rather terrifying, far surpassing the mighty aura of ordinary martial arts masters!
“The Great Elder said it well!”
“There is only one war!”
“Even if it is death, the conspiracy of these guys from the empire must not be allowed to succeed!”
“Protecting sacred objects has been our mission and responsibility in Shushan for thousands of years.”
“Our Shu Mountain will live and die with Fusang Shenmu…”
A disciple of the Shushan Wu Clan blushed, shouting and roaring excitedly.
Seeing such a violent response from the disciples of the Shushan Wu Clan, the First Elder showed a gratified smile, and his cloudy eyes flashed a little helplessly.
The only thing that makes him feel lucky is that…
The blood of the Shushan Wu clan will not be cut off!
Even if Shushan is completely destroyed by the empire’s 100,000 cavalry today, Shushan will never perish.
Long before the crisis and disaster broke out, he had already let Yu Ziqi and Shi Lan leave.
That’s how it’s guaranteed.
The Wu Clan in Shushan can still leave blood to continue in the world.
And this is the last trivial thing that the Great Elder can do.
“Xiaoyu, can Shushan continue in the future…”
“It’s up to you!”
“Today, Mount Shu will be destroyed!”
“But with your presence, the lineage of the Shushan Wu Clan will never be cut off.”
“Especially you, Xiaoyu, as a saint, you have the most orthodox blood of the Shushan Wu clan flowing through your body. With your existence, the blood of the Shushan Wu clan will definitely continue better. ”
The Great Elder thought to himself.
In his opinion.
The two brothers and sisters Yu Ziqi and Shi Lan have obviously failed.
Otherwise, there would not be no news for three days.
“fair enough……”
“It’s okay to fail.”
“Leave Shu Mountain! Stay away from Shu Kingdom!”
“Look for a place where you can survive! Don’t get involved with the empire anymore, and you must avoid the empire’s detection.”
“You are the last blood of Shushan.”
The Great Elder was deeply moved by the thought of mortal death.
He had no hope of surviving.
Because he understands.
This is not realistic.
Shushan wants to survive under the siege of 100,000 cavalry?
This is as difficult as heaven!
This point, the Great Elder is naturally well aware.
Looking at the thousands of disciples of the Wu Clan in Shushan, the elder’s cloudy eyes couldn’t bear it.
If you can……
Of course he didn’t want to see the disciples of the Wu tribe in Shushan, even though he was an old bone fighting a hundred thousand cavalry.
But helpless.
This is the mission!
It is the mission of their Shushan Wu clan for generations!
This is Yu Yuan’s guard!
They are all Yu Yuan’s guards!
They are the guardians of the sacred hibiscus tree!
“Ready to fight!”
With a wave of his hand, the great elder no longer showed any weak posture, even if he was slightly hunched over, it did not affect the terrifying coercion emanating from him in the slightest.
The aura that belongs to the perfect state of a martial arts master emanates from all aspects.
This aura made many disciples of the Shushan Wu Clan around them feel a strong sense of security.
Let them have an illusion.
As long as the Great Elder is around, they will have nothing to fear!
“The Great Elder will definitely lead us in Shushan to overcome this difficulty.”
“That’s right!”
“I believe that the Great Elder will be able to do it.”
“In the past thousand years, our Shushan has not encountered such difficulties once or twice. However, our Shushan has forcibly supported us.”
“Today is no exception!”
“Must win!”
at the same time.
At the foot of Shushan Mountain.
Yu Ziqi and Shi Lan paused for a moment.
They look back.
Looking at the young figure in white at the back.
“Let’s go.”
Ying Changge’s face was calm, and his expression didn’t change much from the beginning to the end.
With his gray eyes, he stared at the Yu Ziqi brothers and sisters in front of him without any emotion.
Although he couldn’t see it with his eyes, the perfect domineering level of knowledge and arrogance could detect the emotional changes of the two brothers and sisters very accurately.
Of course he knows 4.9.
What are the two siblings worried about?
But, now.
He couldn’t give the two siblings any guarantees yet.
He can only try his best to negotiate with Shushan Wuzu!
If the negotiation fails, there is no other way.
We can only meet each other with swords!
“Young master, please!”
Yu Ziqi gritted his teeth.
Even though he had all kinds of reluctance in his heart, he could only choose to lead Ying Changge and others up the mountain.
He could only choose to believe it.
The Great Elder’s prophecy was correct!
Otherwise, Shushan will really be over this time!
This is by no means an exaggeration.
With an army of 100,000 imperial cavalry, it is not too easy to destroy a mere Shushan.
Shushan can’t stop them at all!
The volume of the two is not at the same level at all.
With many thoughts in mind.
Without hesitation, Yu Ziqi and his two brothers and sisters led Ying Changge and Meng Ying and Shao Siming behind him, and walked step by step on the road to the Shushan Mountain ahead.
The road leading to the Shushan residence is relatively rugged and winding, but due to the increase in the number of people walking in the past thousand years, this road has gradually formed.
so far.
Ying Changge was alone, and just led Mengying and Shao Siming, so to speak, they went into battle lightly, and broke into the Shu Mountain directly.
It can only be said.
Ying Chang’s singing skills are bold!
No one would dare to imitate Ying Changge’s behavior.
Even Meng Tian didn’t have the courage.
As for Xu Fu, one of the five elders of the Yin Yang family?
It is impossible for him to have such courage! .

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