real or fake?
The seventh son of the empire, is he really willing to save Shushan?
Shi Lan bit her pink lips lightly, clenched her fists tightly, revealing her anxiety and nervousness, her beautiful eyes were always fixed on Ying Changge’s face, unable to look away for a long time.
The complicated things caused Yu Ziqi’s two brothers and sisters to be completely confused.
They are obviously never predictable.
The savior of Shushan they have been looking for is actually the seventh son under the protection of the imperial cavalry!
If it wasn’t a coincidence, Yu Ziqi thought.
Maybe at the moment when Shushan was destroyed, they couldn’t find the savior predicted by the Great Elder!
“Is this God’s will?”
“If it wasn’t for our momentary recklessness, it would have been impossible for us to be defeated by the Qin army.”
“It’s even more impossible to meet the Seventh Young Master in front of me!”
“This is God’s will!”
Thinking of this, Yu Ziqi was deeply excited and could not contain his excitement at all.
He was ready for the destruction of Shushan.
But at this moment.
But let him see hope!
The exuberant hope is just around the corner!
The blind young man in front of him is their only savior in Shushan!
In addition, no one can save Shushan from the dire straits.
until now.
The shocked mood of the two brothers and sisters still could not be calmed down.
Everything has subverted their previous cognition.
I can’t imagine such a shocking event.
The savior they have been looking for is actually mixed with the culprit who is about to destroy their Shu Mountain!
If it wasn’t for today’s coincidence, Yu Ziqi and the others didn’t think that they would really be able to find each other.
too difficult!
By chance, it was only by chance that he came across this blind young man, who was the savior of Shushan in the prophecy of the Great Elder.
“Wait a moment!”
“Doesn’t that mean…”
“Seventh Young Master, is that terrifying existence who is suspected to be a martial arts master?!”
“My God!”
“This is too amazing!”
“Seventh Young Master at such a young age has reached the realm of a martial arts master? Am I not dreaming? Is this really possible? ”
Yu Ziqi’s world view was completely overturned again.
Also thinking of this point is his younger sister Shi Lan.
Shi Lan’s pink lips were slightly parted, her eyes were wide open, and her immature and beautiful face slid past the thick horror and shock, and she stared at Ying Changge dumbfounded.
The savior of Shushan = the seventh son?
And the seventh son = martial arts master?
So calculated.
It turned out that the one who could save them in Shushan was a supreme martial arts master? !
Still such a young martial arts master!
Based on Yu Ziqi’s knowledge and experience.
Naturally, it is not difficult to judge.
The seventh son Ying Changge they saw was at best about the same age as them, and he was still in the weaker years, definitely not yet twenty.
At such an age, the other party has already become an invincible powerhouse at the level of a martial arts master?
Are you crazy?
In this world, there is such a monster?
Do not!
This is a monster!
A down-to-earth monster!
quite a while.
The shocked mood of Yu Ziqi and Shi Lan still could not be completely calmed down.
But fortunately.
They forcibly suppressed the shock in their hearts, regained a little bit of thinking ability to think calmly, and looked at Ying Changge with eyes full of desire, enthusiasm, excitement, and prayer.
Seeing Ying Changge, they seemed to see the future of Shushan!
“We are saved!”
“Shushan is also saved!”
“As long as this Seventh Young Master agrees to help, the crisis and disaster in our Shu Mountain will definitely be resolved because of this…”
“Shushan Wu Clan will not be destroyed today…”
Yu Ziqi was filled with infinite excitement and longing.
Shi Lan thought more: “How on earth are we going to convince this Seventh Young Master? To save our Shushan? If we can’t convince the other party, our fate of Shushan will not change in any way.”
“This seventh son does have the ability and capital to save our Shushan.”
“But the biggest problem is…”
“Why should we convince him?”
“Why does he want to save our Shu Mountain?”
“After all.”
“The life and death of our Shu Mountain is only at the thought of the seventh son. Under such circumstances, what capital do we have to ask the seventh son to help him?”
Yu Ziqi naturally thought of this question.
The two siblings fell silent for a moment.
The atmosphere is dead silent!
Meng Tian frowned.
He sensed the strangeness of the atmosphere at the scene.
in particular……
The two Shushan Wu Clan disciples who had been making noise just now seemed to be in a state of bewilderment since the moment they saw the seventh son, and they have not spoken for a long time.
what’s going on?
Meng Tian was a little confused about the change in the situation on the scene.
There seems to be something wrong with these two disciples of the Shushan Wu Clan!
and also……
Why do they look at the seventh son with such weird eyes?
“This look…”
“Like watching with inner faith?”
“what’s the situation?”
“The seventh son is their belief?”
“I must be crazy?”
Meng Tian was frightened by his own thought.
Are these two disciples of the Shushan Wu Clan crazy?
It was obviously the first time for them to see the Seventh Young Master.
They looked at the seventh son with such Yucheng, admiration, fear, and admiration?
This is totally against common sense!
Can anyone explain.
What the hell is going on here?

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